Going to the Markets

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Erik's POV
I smiled at Christine then said "darling I need to go to town for a little bit perhaps you would like to go with me?" She smiles her pearly white teeth showing "I would love to go with you anywhere Angel." I smiled wider as I kissed her nose rising from the piano bench to go get my hat and cape. She goes to our bedroom getting dressed when I walk in I see her putting make up on. I shake my head coming up behind her whispering in her ear "you don't need make up to cover your beautiful, angelic face darling." She shivers slowly putting the make up down I kiss her cheek "thank you darling. Now we must get going love." She smiles getting up walking toward me we go out and I see our taxi pulling up. We get in I instruct the driver where we needed to go. Soon we arrive to a outside store market we get out I see several little shops with house decorations, clothing, jewelries, furniture then when we get to the end there's a huge building with groceries. Christine and I look at all the little shops she goes to the jewelry section I look a bit then she gasps and motions me over I look at it and sees a beautiful necklace she gasps and I look at it "look it matches my wedding ring."

She showed me the ring I smiled and nodded the jeweler looked at us and suggested "try it on." He pulls the necklace out I take it softly and clasps it on her neck the jeweler hands her a mirror Christine gasps again "oh it's stunning..." I compliment in her ear "you look beautiful..." I pull away smirking the jeweler declares the price "€1600." Her eyes widen and her jaw drops "I beg your pardon..." The jeweler repeats "€1600." She begins to take it off "I'm sorry I can't afford that..." The man nods taking the piece back. I began pulling my wallet out and she puts her hand on mine shaking her head but I pull the money out and says "we'll take it." She looks at me sternly "Erik..."

The jeweler looks at us but I look at him "we'll take it." Nothing is too much for my angel. Anything she wants she'll get. The man nods and takes the money she whispers "Erik that's too much darling... Please..." She begs but I whisper in her ear lustily "I'm going to buy this for you and I want to see you in the necklace and my wedding ring." Then I pull her closer whispering with even more lust "and that's all." The jeweler turns around and I take the bag smiling. The jeweler hands me the black velvet box smiling. I give it to her then whispers "I'm going to go to the market." She nods kissing her softly whispering "don't be gone too long my love."

I nod when we part some people are looking at us in distaste I just shake it off and goes on into the market store. Looking around I see several delicious pastries I pick a few for breakfast. When I walk by I see a man handing out some samples of little pieces of rice things. It has rice and a blackish green piece deprecating it from it looks like cream cheese, a sliver of jalapeño, avocado, cucumbers, and a piece of shrimp, on top is like a yellow sauce drizzled on top little packets of something written in English I read the words 'soy sauce' on a red packet then a little green stuff in the sample box.

Taking the sample I put it in my mouth. It taste delicious! I ask the man in English "what is this dish?" The teenage boy replies "it's called sushi." I look at him repeating "su-shi?" He nods "you aren't from here are you?" I shake my head "I've lived here but I hadn't ever been to a actual market." The boy smiles "ahh well have a good day." I smiled then left going to get bread and canned foods. I see a bottle of whipped cream and frosting. Smirking I grab the bottles thinking of what naughty things my angel and I could do with them. After a while I go to the line of check out stations.

Christine's POV
When Erik leaves I look at several dresses smiling I pick a pretty red seductive one the neckline is very low coming to mid thigh it's slim fit, then along with a baby blue dress. When I go and try on the red dress when I look in the mirror I smile pulling my hair up a bit. When I look down I hear Erik whisper "mm darling is this for our anniversary?" I smile and purrs "maybe darling... But maybe I want to just surprise you."

He bit his lip "angel you're so irresistible I want to devour you right now." I pull away then says "well I'm going to change and we can go." He nods smiling I quickly pay then we begin to leave. Until I hear a small grandmother like voice "Christine? Mr. Destler?" I recognize that voice immediately I turn and sees the old little grandmother looking lady. We walk over to Natalie smiling she hugs us both then says "When I came back you two were gone still. Where were you two? Still on your honeymoon?" Erik sighed sadly "no... We got kidnapped." She gasps "that's horrible! Was it that... Viscount?" I nod sadly she pulls me into a hug "I'm so sorry dearie!" I sniffle a bit then whispers "well we are back now." Erik stepped over wrapping his arm around my waist "and we are never getting separated again." I smile and kisses him lovingly Natalie clears her throat "well I must be getting along. It was good seeing the two of you." We nod then hugs again before going back and calling a taxi. When we get in Erik kisses me lightly smiling.

I love Erik so much. I look down at my wedding ring and he holds my hand up kissing the ring smiling.

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