Telling Erik

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Christine's POV
The doctor nods smiling "I expect to see you every 3 months." I smile weakly "thank you." He nods I grab my things and rushes to the taxi getting in I tell him to take the long way home. I'm a little scared of his reaction even though he wants one too. After a good 45 minutes we arrive at the Destler Manor. I get out and pays the man, off he goes. When I get to the door I breathe in deeply then I open the door slowly going in. I hear Erik's beautiful melodies it gets louder as I draw closer to the music room. I finally draw up enough confidence and walks in he is playing beautifully without looking up and turning around he says "hi darling. You've been gone a while. What have you been up to?" I bite my lip and lies "well I was going to the market before I got distracted at all the things there. Sorry darling." He nods and gets up and kisses me a long passionate kiss "no need for apologies. Just in need of kisses." I smile and kisses him again this one a loving kiss he smiles into the kiss. When we pull away I sit down by him smiling as I listen to him then gets up "I'll be in the kitchen my love." He nods and I go out to the kitchen. I feel bad for lying to him but I panicked I didn't know what to say. I go to the kitchen beginning to pull things out I can't help but feel guilty for what I said. I sit down on a chair putting my head in my hand as my other rubs my stomach.

Erik's POV
Christine acted a little weird just a moment ago. I sigh hoping she isn't regretting marrying me. I get up and goes after her slowly I don't call her though. I stop when I see her head in one hand and the other stomach. Slowly I walk up to her snaking my arm around her waist she gasps in shock "Christine, my love, what's wrong?" She shakes her head "nothing darling." She replies her eyes not meeting mine I slowly tilt her chin up to me making her green eyes look into my icy blue ones "don't lie to me." I warn kindly "I know something is wrong. Please tell me what it is." She bites her lip starting to rub her stomach again. She is silent for a while then she squeaks out "I'm-I'm-I'm..." I look at her trying to figure it out "you're hungry? Scared? Tired?" She shakes her head I kneel by her and asks "then what is it?" She looks at me softly "Erik... I-I'm pregnant." My body froze my mind tried to process the words she just said. Did she say that correctly? I did hear that right? We stay in silence as I ponder a bit until she interrupts my thoughts by squeaking out "say something, anything." I lick my lips because all of a sudden it's like the air flew out of my body. Finally I repeat "you're pregnant. You're with child. My child. Our child!" I smile as she looks at me, I get up while picking her up smiling and laughing as I spin her around in circles. When we stop I kiss her with as much passion and love that it's impossible to describe "that's wonderful darling." I whisper against her lips "really?" She asks I nod "really." She smiles "oh Erik! We're going to be parents!!" I smile wider and kisses her again we break apart after a few minutes and sits by each other in silence, not a bad silence a happy, content, and comfortable silence. I can only imagine what Christine will be like as a mother. I sigh and kisses her forehead then my what ifs come in. "What if they have my face?" She sighs and kisses my cheek "it'll be fine my love. They'll be even more special to me." She whispers I smile and kisses her "you're going to be a great father Erik. I know our child will love you." I chuckled "not as much as they'll love you." I tap her nose and she giggles "I love you so much Erik." She says softly "I love you more mon ange."

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