Dinner continued

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Christine's POV
I nodded at Nadir he winked at me then Katrina began eating. I looked at Erik he was looking at me softly. I knew I was a bit harsh on him when Katrina came through the door but I wasn't going to allow her the possible chance of taking my husband away. Katrina began telling the Phantom story I could tell Erik was a bit uncomfortable with it but no one really noticed. Slowly under the table I took his hand squeezing it a bit he looked my way a bit then to Katrina. She continued her story "... So then turns out the phantom and her got away and got married and haven't been seen ever since." Erik nodded "hmm that's quite interesting." He sipped his wine looking at me.

I saw everyone was finished so I got up taking all the plates. I smiled taking them to the kitchen Erik and Nadir began chatting. Katrina came in smiling "hey. Can I help you?" She asked me. "Oh no I'm fine." She nodded and sat at the bar sipping her wine "so how long have you and Erik been married?" I smiled "a year now." She smiled "oh thats so sweet!" I giggled nodding "how about you and Nadir how long have you been together?" She smiled "6 months."

I watched her smiling "that's great!" She nodded happily "so how was the first year?" I bit my lip a bit before saying "it was good. Everyone says the honeymoon phase would wear off but honestly it's not bad. I mean Erik treats me better than any other man on this entire earth. We've known each other a while. The key to a serious relationship is being open and honest with your partner. Erik and I don't share a lot of things but when we do it's natural to talk to him." She nodded watching me. I looked up at her then said "it will never be about the physical it's all about the emotional. If you're intimate that's fine but do be careful. Because if the love isn't there and you end up pregnant the world will look at this and say illegitimate child. The child is a bastard. That's the last thing anyone wants." She nodded agreeing with me. "You're so mature for your age, Christine. How is that when you barely look 18?" I chuckled darkly to myself "it's a mystery to me too. Let's just say life happened to me to make me older." She nodded again.

Before she could ask anything I beat her to it "can you get the pie?" I asked pointing to the delicious cherry pie. She nodded immediately and walked over grabbing it walking into the other room. I walked in on the boys arguing "Coney Island is for sale Nadir! This is why I moved down here. To take that shitter hole and turn it into the most beautiful and creative thing of all time! Nadir the Girys are moving here soon." Nadir shook his head "Erik as your advisor don't do this. It's a complete and utter waste of time and money! Christine do you think it would be wise to-to buy an old abandoned amusement park?" They all looked at me. I sighed "No-" Nadir cut me off "see even your wife thinks it's a bad idea." I crossed my arms over my chest and said a little louder "-but, whatever Erik wants to do I will back him up on it. We obviously moved here for a reason Nadir. You know damn well that when my husband puts his mind to it, it will be something big, and going down in history possibly. So let him do this. The worst we can do is get no profit out of this." I stated honestly.

I saw Erik give Nadir an innocent and sweet smile. Basically saying Nadir just got shot down. I smiled and walked over as he scooted back a little for me to sit in his lap. I smiled at Erik walking over and sitting in his lap. Nadir sighed heavily giving in "fine. Fine waste your money. You two won't have any time together." I laughed gently before retorting "oh yes we will. If it means I walk up to him over there then so be it." Nadir shook his head "Erik...-" Erik cut him off "Nadir I am doing it. It's my money. I get to do whatever the hell I want with it." He snapped. Nadir ran a hand through his hair. Katrina walked over kissing him gently. "Nadir it's their choice. Besides you told me Erik is a wonderful architect. Let him do it." Nadir sighed looking at Erik "fine. But I give it a year and if it's not built and bringing in money I suggest you sell it!" Erik rolled his eyes "I again get to decide that, but I will let you know on the progress." Nadir bit his lip then nodded. "Now, that that's settled anyone up for dessert?" I felt Erik's lips on my ear as he whispered "mmhmm.. Do I finally get to have my way with you upstairs?" I giggled pushing his face away gently. He chuckled huskily. Nadir shook his head "no we are okay. Thank you for that lovely dinner Christine. I hope to see you two soon." I got up helping Erik up as well. Erik went shaking Nadir's hand then kissing Katrina's. "it was nice meeting you Miss Lovett." Katrina smiled and replied "likewise." He pulled away I hugged Nadir I heard a low growl from Erik when Nadir's hand accidentally ran across my breast. Nadir looked away. I chuckled gently "goodbye Nadir. It was so nice to see you again." Then I moved to Katrina smiling "it was lovely meeting you Miss Lovett. Perhaps we can see each other again." Katrina nodded smiling "that would be nice." Nadir wrapped his arm around her waist as they began to walk out saying bye. When I closed the door I sighed. "Well that was a nice reunion." Erik nodded in agreement. "Yes, it was." He smiled then pulled me into a gentle kiss. "Well I'm off to take a shower." I could see his ears perk up at the words. I giggled then bit my lip running my fingers underneath his jaw down his neck to his collarbone "would you like to join?" His breath hitched before he replied "most certainly." I giggled then said softly as I leaned up to his ear nibbling it "then you'll have to catch me."

I then darted away from him running to the bedroom with him hot on my heel. Just as I got to the bedroom door he caught my wrist pulling me into him. "Caught you my little minx." I smirked "and so you did." He smirked and pulled one leg up. "As beautiful as your legs are in these devilish things I want them off." He took off my heel then did the same to the other. Then we went into the bedroom him unzipping my dress kissing my neck. I gasped smiling as I felt his sinful lips. I am so lucky to be married to this man.

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