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Erik's POV

I squirm around in the car and hears muffled voices "no boss said to go here." The other voice I know immediately Carlotta "uh! Why can't we just kill him?! He has done many things to me! Why shouldn't he suffer!" Another voice is a deep dark voice it's familiar but I can't think of who has that voice "no! He will make him suffer just wait." I squirm and muffles "you'll all pay for this especially you Carlotta?!" I hiss then is hit hard and is knocked out.

I wake up in a chair tied up looking around at Carlotta, and the manager before Firmin and Andre the one I never bothered to find out his name( A/N mostly cause I don't know it.)

They all stare at me with discuss "god I wish I could just kill him!" Carlotta screeches I growl until I hear the chilling voice of Vicomte "settle down! I know what I'm doing! I know my plans you are finished I no longer need you get out and don't tell a soul I'll claim you crazy! Got it!" They nod I spit at him he looks at me then punches me hard "here's what I'm going to do. You are going to work for me creating songs plays and so on so. In return you get to keep your life meaning I won't turn you in to get hung for your crimes. At least until I think it's time or if you screw up." He hisses then I look up only one thing on my mind. Christine.

"What did you do with my wife?" I bark he punches me harder making my nose bleed "she'll soon be my wife so you can call her Christine I forgive her for being such an unfaithful slut to me only because I know she missed me and wanted me to rescue her."

I growl loudly "bullshit! She loves me damn it she may have put a show on for you but to me I know and can tell what's real and what's fake! So you just believe what you want to believe!" He growls and says "you're lucky I kept you alive asshole! I could kill you so fast!" I look up at him "then do it! Kill me! I'd rather die than be your slave and hear how you think Christine loves you! I promise, deep down she hates your--"

He punches my jaw and I hear cracks and feels pain but sees him shaking his hand "guts!" I hiss as I taste blood he laughs "we'll see when I I get married to her and she forgets all about you. Soon that ring you gave her will be nothing but a piece of metal torturing her making her remember your excuse of a face! You deserve to be in the gutter I don't know what you did to her but soon she'll snap out of it and fall in love with me all over again." I laugh "so you know she hates you." He growls but says "I'm done you guys can torture him but I want him alive!"

They nod and the last I remember of that day is bloody water and hearing their sneers and laughs as they dunk me continuously barley letting me breathe in between punches and dunks. Soon my Christine will be mine once again. I vow to get out of here and save my angel from the hell he's making her live!

Christine's POV

My eyes are uncovered and I see Raoul smirking at me I try to slap him and hit him but nothing worked "you sick bastard?! I thought you moved on?! Why are you doing this Raoul?" I ask my voice shaky "because Christine it was my plan the whole time to get you. I know that monster confused you into falling in love with him but I know you still love me."

He smiles I look at him and spits in his face "you tried to rape me, you tried to kill him, you hurt me, and you--" before I can finish he slaps me hard in the face "Christine do you remember how we met? Your family was going in poverty and us De Chagnys helped you on one condition. You were to marry me and give me a child, am heir to the De Chagny throne. Not to go around and screw a man older than you who turns out to be a phsyco path, a insane monster with a hideous deformity!"

He growls and I slap him hard "he may have a deformity but that changes nothing! I'm no ones property Raoul. I'm my own person I get to choose who I love and want to make love to and have a family with. That once used to be you but you changed Raoul, we both have and I've always hidden my feelings for him but I love him!" For saying that I earned a painful slap to the face and nails dug into my shoulders causing scratches that have bled on my dress thankfully I changed out of my wedding dress.

He shakes his head "you belong to me!!! You will have my child?! Do you understand you little whore who likes keeping insane mental murderous monsters alive because you love him men! You're such a slut! You're father would be so disappointed in you Christine! Falling in love with a man who can't give you anything but a simple voice! Well you will never sing again since he's the one who got you into it!" I cry and whispers "it wasn't Erik that did that! It was my father you asshole?!"

I scream at him he shakes his head laughing "oh the beast has a name?" I scream in frustration and slaps him harder earning a punch in the jaw. I sob hard all I hear is a bottle open I cringe away from him crying "stop your crying." I hear and thinks where's the sweet Raoul I once knew. Why is this beast in his place? Soon we arrive at the house and he pulls me to him and whispers "I'm sorry how the car ride went Christine." I nod "it's ok" I mutter looking away from him. He tilts my head towards him and pecks my lips "I'm sorry." He whispers I nod and he says "Jasmine. Can you get Christine some tea and ice." A pretty Indian girl in a maid uniform comes over and gives me a cup and an ice pack. "Thank you" I mutter and she nods giving me a small smile. I sigh and thinks I hope I find Erik soon. I don't want to live this life please save me from this Hell!


Erik and Christine have gotten married. While Christine went to 'bed' (to really get ready for their wedding night) Erik was taken and tried to warn Christine. While Christine tried to run from Vicomte she ran right into a man that helped pull off the kidnapping. And was forced to take off her ring from Erik and put another ring on from the vicomte and plan another wedding in Paris at the De Chagny Manor. While Erik was taken to a place Raoul bought long ago. Erik technically works for Raoul by making music since he owns the opera house now, and keeps his dirty little secrets only because he has no one to help him get out there's no phone to use.

He doesn't know where he is and he's being beaten by Raoul in both a drunk and sober state while watching as Raoul brings a woman every night from the bar. Every night he wishes he could shoot Raoul but then Raoul would be noticed missing and his little buddies will call the cops and get him hung. Slowly both Christine's and Erik's life fade away and are controlled by none other than Vicomte Raoul De Chagny under threats of Erik being turned in and hung. So Erik does the music for vicomte to make him rich.

While Christine pretends to be in love in the public while he gets her richer performing 'his' songs in the opera house. Erik continues to sulk but keeps fighting to keep his sanity and not give into Raoul's taunts that Christine has moved on.

While Raoul continues to threaten Christine to marry him or else Erik dies because of her. Deep down Christine knows she will see Erik again and Erik knows he will see her again and continue the life they planned at Phantasma before the vicomte so rudely put their plans to halt.


I know I said a chapter but I wanted to give you guys some info on what happened lol!

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