And Now

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The video is the original Candle on the Water it's my favorite song yes I know it's talking about a man lost at sea but I tweaked it lol so hope you like it!

Erik's POV

It's been a year since I've been kidnapped on the night of my wedding night. I've been living in a house somewhere I don't even know existed. No doubt does Vicomte have my Christine now, I miss Christine so much. I look at my wedding ring replaying the day of our wedding. I think of Christine everyday and every night, wondering what vicomte is doing to her. I cry every timeout think of how I should've handled it better.

Vicomte comes in every now and then mostly to tell me how Christine has moved on and has begun to love him. Also to 'treat me how I deserve to be treated' which means beating me. Every night I dream of Christine in my bed or in my arms. I just wish I could die! I'd rather kill myself than hear how Christine is getting over me. I think not too long ago did she love me and I pray that she's faking their love even though it's probably true. Our love was false. At least I'm given a house to stay at and be alone until vicomte comes back with a girl all wrapped in his arms.

I hear the door open then hears the devil himself come in I can feel his stare one "vicomte, you're early." I look up to the snake and he's still staring "yes I am. Christine is picking out colors for our wedding" I laugh softly as I look up again. "Oh really? What colors?" I ask sarcastically "whatever she wants at OUR wedding. I think I've repaired her from your coldness and deformity and she's starting to love me" he smiles triumphantly at me I growl softly "You'll never capture her heart like I have! She'll never love you like she loves me. You can try to force her to get over me but I know our love is true! So you keep dreaming De Chagny I mean especially when she finds out a girl comes here every weekend or time you are in an 'over night meeting'" I spit at him he kicks me hard in the stomach I groan in pure pain as he crouches down.

"She loves me damn it! You're a monster! I can give her much more than an insane deformed mutant. It's pathetic you think she loves you like she loves me. And the women she won't ever find out she will never think I'm cheating on her." He gets up and kicks me hard again then steps on my hand he walks over to a table "here's your money for the week" he sets it on the table and leaves with a container I'm sure full of alcohol.

As soon as he leaves I get up going to the bedroom pulling out the drawer from the nightstand I pull out my wedding ring remembering what Christine said about it representing our eternal love I hold it close to my heart letting tears slowly fall from my eyes.

"I love you Christine! When I get out I'll find you! You're still my wife and I'm not giving you up so easily!" I slowly slide down on the bed taking out a picture I drew of her tracing her perfect lips I put my ring on smiling as I imagine those perfect night when she was mine.

Christine's POV

It's been a miserable year I've been forced into another marriage with none other than my kidnapper Raoul. I sigh as I pick out colors for the wedding my maids don't know why I wish I could leave and never come back when Raoul brings me fine jewelries but it doesn't mend my heart. I've begged Raoul to tell me where he's taken him and he says "he's alone thats how it should be Christine he doesn't love you!"

I cry knowing thats not true. That Erik loved me and made me feel like I was the only one he had an eye for. I never stopped trying to weasel it out of Raoul ever since I was taken. I wish I could run away! But Raoul says "if you run I'll tell the cops where he is and we'll get front row seats to watch his hanging." So I stay crying when he's not here. I mentally groan when I hear the bedroom door open revealing Raoul "hello." I softly greet he looks at me and says "hi." I stand up "is he ok?"

Our Love is Forever (You are Forever Mine Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now