Angels and Memories

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Erik's POV
I looked at her and she coughed softly I look at the doctor and he whispered "it's a miracle..." I smiled widely and gently caressed my angle's face my sweet sweet angle. She smiled weakly up at me then closed her doe eyes again I smiled widely tears streaming down my face "I knew you wouldn't quit." Marius whispered "if she doesn't wake up or something come and get me and we will inject more blood in her." I nodded watching her I gently stroke her cheek smiling softly as I kiss her nose she looked a little hazed. "I love you.." I whispered and she smiled softly then closed her beautiful eyes and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up looking at her softly she soon stirred awake "good morning angel." I whispered she giggled softly "good morning." The door clicked and the nurse came in with some food "here you go you need to try to eat as much as possible." She said in a kind voice Christine nodded a at her and slowly reached for her utensils I help her giving her the fork she smiled gratefully at me then stabbed into the eggs and put it to her lips opening them slowly before gliding the fork into her mouth and sliding it out eating the eggs "would you like some sir?" The nurse asked "umm... I... Sure." I say softly and she nodded and left us be I kissed Christine's head softly she smiled and gently pulled my face to hers. She had eggs all around her mouth then gently kisses me I chuckle kissing back. I pull away slowly wiping the egg off of each of our faces. I couldn't help but adore my angle. Even eating she was an angel. Soon the nurse came in giving me a plate it had eggs bacon toast and jelly. Christine looked to me and began eating more I nodded in thanks and took the utensils as well and began eating.

After each of us were full we pushed aside the rolling table with the plates. Christine scooted over patting the bed I shook my head "please?" She whispered making the cutest pouty face. Her cute little lip quivering and her doe eyes looking at me big. I looked away just as I thought I had done it I looked at her and her cute pouty face and sighed I took off my shoes and slowly climbed in with my now happy wife. She curled up to me and whispered "I love you." I smiled and kissed her head "I love you too mon ange." She stroked my arm and whispered "I met my mother." I look at her shocked "what do you mean?" She sighed "after I saw your face disappear I heard a voice then blacked out until a bright white light came through it looked like a tunnel. The light became brighter and brighter until I was surrounded by white light." Her hands stopped moving and she looked up at me to see if I had an insane look on my face but I didn't. "Go on my love." She looked back down "I heard an angelic soft kind voice. Calling me softly. I moved toward a yellow light and there she was. An almost exact replica of me. The only difference was the hair hers was more of a fiery red." I chuckled looking at hers "I don't know my love your hair is awfully red." She giggled and continued "she told me that she liked you. That she knew you would keep me safe and sound. Then I saw papa too. We all talked together. They really like you I would even say they love you." She looked up I had a small tear running down my face she gently wiped it away. "It felt like mere seconds we were together... Then I had to come back." She sighed heavily I gently kiss her head whispering "I'm glad you did... I don't think I could have make it without you." She nodded "I know angel... I just wish I could see them one more time." I nodded stroking her hand softly "you will in time."

She nuzzled into my neck "I know..." I smiled kissing her head again. She closed her eyes softly "how long was I out for?" She asked looking up "too long mon amour. Too long." She nodded slowly "I'm sorry angel." I nodded slowly watching her. I then pull her into a soft kiss holding her close. She gently held on to me. I then slowly slide her on top of me holding her closer smiling. She pulls away resting her head on my chest listening to my heartbeat I move over for her to lay down. We must have drifted off because the next thing I knew I heard a click of the door and woke up instantly and wrapped my arms around my sleeping beauty protectively. Soon a blonde nurse came in with what looked like a fillet meat looked weird. I asked the nurse "what is this?" She looked at me and said "Atlantic salmon. It's fish." I crinkled my nose a bit the nurse laughed "it's not bad sir. Have you ever had fish?"

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