Giving Gifts and Quizzes

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It's been a while since I saw Jasmine and Raoul of course is gone. I hear a horse and sighs thinking its Raoul I hear the door open revealing Jasmine I look at her and smiles "where were you this morning?" She smiles and says "I met a friend today. Here he said to give you this." I look at her as she gives me a card and a box I open the box and gasps at the beautiful jewelry. I look up then puts it down and opens the card.
My Dear wife Christine,
I am so sorry how things happened on our wedding night but it is our one year anniversary so happy anniversary darling. I miss you and think of you everyday and night. Ugh the vicomte is such a terrible person but today isn't about him. He says you've apparently moved on but in my heart I know thats a lie. I hope to see you again and I give you all of my love and know I will see you again soon. For now my angel, good day.
Love your husband Erik Destler
I look up between tears and whispers "how did you find him?" She smiles "I followed the vicomte." I get up and hugs her and whispers "thank you so much! Can you do it again so you can give him my gift?" She nods "of course but I can't do it too many times. Vicomte could catch me and who knows what he will do." I nod and says "of course." I run and get my gift for Erik then says "so.. how is he?" She sighs loudly.
Jasmine's POV
I don't want to tell her he looked beaten like he hasn't eaten well so I decide to lie "he's ok." She nods and hugs me "thank you again." I nod then I slowly go and do my job around the house. I watch as Christine puts the jewelry on I smile and says "he has good taste in these things." She giggles "he always knew what I liked. He knows everything about me you could quiz him if you wanted."
I smirk and says "favorite color?" She smiles "he has 3 black, red, and a deep purple." I nod "favorite food?" She sighs "all kinds truthfully." I nod "style in clothes?" "Fancy and casual." "Meal time?" "breakfast." "Music?" She laughs "classic, seductive if thats what you call it and romantic." I smile "what about holiday?"
"Halloween he loves to prank people. One time when I came into his lair for practice he had laid a wax body down with a knife through the eye and blood gushing out I screamed bloody murder as I heard like those ghost voices until I heard him burst into laughter and I knew as soon as he laughed he planned the whole thing."
I giggle "thats good but silly. What is his most prized possession besides you?" She thinks for a moment then says "I think... oh his ring. He's never told me why but he never takes it off and he cleans it extremely carefully." We giggle then I say "alright well do you want me to take the gift to Erik now?" She nods and starts packing some food "here give this to him." She hands me a picnic basket and I smile "alrighty."
I go off on the horse again taking the same way I came it takes a little longer since I get a little lost in the dark but eventually I find it and the vicomte isn't here. I slowly make my way to the door and knocks Erik opens and smiles "Jasmine what are you doing here? It's awfully late and vicomte I'm sure will be here soon." I sigh "Christine wanted me to give you this." I hand him the gift and he stares at it "well. Open it!" I laugh he smiles and walks me in as he opens it then gasps seeing the violin I sit down slowly as I watch him.
Erik's POV
I look at the violin slowly running my hands over the fine wood. Then I see a card and smiles.
Dear my one and only love,
I miss you. Today I wanted to wake up next to you and have a semi lazy day. I wish I could hold and kiss you. But happy anniversary darling. I love you with all my heart. And I am never giving up on our love. Because I am forever yours. No one can or will change that. Love you my angel of music.
Love your one and only Angel
I smile at the card then I look up at Jasmine "thank you." She smiles and nods then asks "so she tells me you know everything about her." I smirk "I do." She smiles "then you wouldn't mind a small test would you?" I shake my head "nope." She smiles "favorite flower?"
I smile "a thornless rose but thats what I have her but her real favorite is water lilies." "Food?" "I would say French mixed with Italian." "Scent?" "Lavender with a hint of vanilla or brown sugar." "Fashion?" "Simple but elegant but for some reason she thinks she must at certain events not all but certain ones she dressed extravagantly. And it's the most beautiful sight I could ever look upon. Besides behind closed doors, if you know what I mean." I wink softly smiling at her she giggles "she told me you had a dirty mind and she was correct."
I laugh "she knows me so well. Thats one of my many things I love about her." She smiles "music?" I smirk "any kind really. Especially mine." I look at her softly then she smiles "ok last one because I need to hurry and get home. But in your honest opinion I know you obviously haven't given up on Christine. But do you think that she will honestly come to love vicomte?"
I sigh and gets up "no. I think vicomte is lying through his perfect teeth. It might sound weird but I know what Christine and I have and just because she's not here to embrace me or I'm not there to protect her doesn't mean I've given her up. Vicomte is excuse my language but an ass. I hope he rots in hell. My Christine that I know wouldn't give up on our love. But if you think she is giving up on me tell her that I love her so much and that I will save her soon. I know you can't give her a kiss for me but give her a tight hug and take care of her for me. I can't stand to lose her."
Jasmine smiles and nods when she gets to the door she turns around "Erik Christine hasn't given up hope on you. Her faith and love for you is still very alive. I just wanted to see how true you are for her." I smile and nods watching her leave I then go back into my room and starts to tune my violin and slowly plays it smiling as I imagine Christine singing to it.
Christine's POV
Jasmine gets back and I look at her and she smiles "he loved it he said to do this for him since he can't kiss you." She gives me a tight hug and whispers in my ear "he loves you so much and he will save you from this hell soon." I smile as I cry softly on her shoulder "thank you." She nods "you're welcome anytime Christine." Later that night I go to sleep dreaming of Erik and together again I smile as I let the dream carry on. I giggle softly in the dream when I see him standing on a marble step with arms wide open I run to them and he picks me up spinning me around and whispers "I love you. I'll see you soon my love. I promise."

I let a tear slide down my face he tilts my head up and kisses me the kiss is so passionate and loving it feels so real when I caress his face as he pulls me closer then we break away "I love you too angel. Ill see you to that promise." He laughs as he kisses my hand then slowly goes saying his goodbye I watch as he goes and says "come and save me soon my love." He nods and soon the dream ends and I wake up smiling and whispers "I'll see you soon my love."

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