Tricked and Found

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Christine's POV
I wake up the next morning to find Raoul actually in bed. I'm shocked. He's usually gone by now. I get up and gets dressed then watches him stir in his sleep I sigh and comes over "Raoul honey." I gently push him and he wakes up I smile seeing the kind Raoul I once saw "morning darling." He murmurs "morning." I smile "do you have work today?" I ask softly he shakes his head "no I don't. But about last night. I'm sorry about it. I should trust you so I'll let you go I've called a carriage to take you. When you get done come on home." I smile and kisses his cheek and he smiles I see a hint of sadness in his eyes but goes and gets ready my hair up and make up on. I then hear Raoul singing to something.

"She don't love you, she's just lonely
She wasn't once upon a time
She used to dance when the band played
She used to be the trustin' kind

She's no stranger to the leaving
She's heard all the best goodbyes
Fallin' has a different meaning
To her, you're just another guy

She don't love you, she's just lonely
She don't know another way
To break free from what's been broken
Too many cowboys roll away
So, forgive her if she's distant
She can't tell her heart to lie, no
You'll never be her one and only
She don't love you, she's just lonely

You can hold her in the moonlight
You can give her all the stars
You can promise her forever
But you'll never have her heart

She don't love you, she's just lonely
She don't know another way
To break free from what's been broken
Too many cowboys roll away
So, forgive her if she's distant
She can't tell her heart to lie, no
You'll never be her one and only
She don't love you, she's just lonely

She don't love you
She don't love you, she's just lonely
She wasn't once upon a time
I remember her in the sunlight
I remember her when she was mine

I sigh and can't help but think "it's true." I then get done and comes down and the carriage comes and picks me up. It takes forever to get there. We pass town after town. Finally we get to a small, hidden in the brush house. I step out and breathes in deeply. I go over to the house and knocks on the door. It takes a while before the door opens. My mouth dropped and my eyes flooded with tears and I saw the back of Erik being hung. I fall to my knees crying "no!!" I go up to it crying hard. I back away from it and sits in the living room continuing to cry. "Erik..." I sob harder it feels that my heart is ripped to shreds. I start to find anything I can to hurt myself. I find a blade as soon as I start I hear something very familiar. Erik's voice. That can't be though. He's dead! I go up to the body and then realizes it's fake. I look around and tells "Erik!" All is silent until I hear him yell "CHRISTINE IN THE FREEZER!!" I look around and says "pound on the door!" I stop and listens the pound comes from in the back of the pantry. I go in and sees nothing but walk "again!" This tone I watch the wall vibrate and starts to push on the wall and then it opens revealing a large metal door "Erik?" "Christine get me out!" I nod and stats to try to open the door but it's locked "it's locked Erik." "Try looking for keys somewhere." I do as told I look for an hour but nothing then I see the light hit something under the floor I pull the floor up and sees keys I grab them and runs to the freezer thing and opens it and there stands Erik. My eyes water I hug him like my life depended on it as I cry into his chest "Erik.." I cry as I hold on to him he wraps his arms around me and I felt safe again. "Angel, my beautiful angel." He whispers then I look up and kisses him passionately caressing his face grabbing the mask and tossing it over my shoulder "I've missed you so much Erik." I whisper "as have I my love." I smile and holds him tighter. I finally found Erik.

My love. My angel of music. My husband.

Song was by Eric Paslay "She don't love you" and there's a video of him singing it.

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