My Fallen Angel

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Christine's POV
    It's been about a week maybe five days since I've been home. Home where the love of my life is along with our beautiful Gustave Nicholas Destler. It feels so nice to be home Erik and I have kept in touch with Doctor Pontmercy. The more we talk to him the more Erik bonds with him, and Nadir has been here to see the baby. Erik was a little open with him. I see how Erik and Nadir interact. They are two different people yet they are friends. Nadir is a goofy, compassionate, fun sort of guy. Turns out he lost his wife to a fire in Persia to get away from the memories he left. He has been back recently but not too much. Erik is serious and passionate rather than compassionate and he is very mysterious guy. He lost his dignity, ability to love, and all feelings of emotion except for hatred, well that is until he met me. He's become a bit more of the opposite. I like it honestly. I got up from Erik's body slowly and went into the piano room. I had written a song long ago about Erik. I slowly began to play the piano and began to sing

"Late at night I could hear the crying
I hear it all, trying to fall asleep
When all the love around you is dying

How do you stay so strong?
How did you hide it all for so long?
How can I take the pain away?
How can I save

A fallen angel, in the dark
Never thought you'd fall so far
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won't let you fall tonight
Fallen angel

You do it all for my own protection
You make me feel like I'll be okay
Still I have so many questions

How do you stay so strong?
How did you hide it all for so long?
How can I take the pain away?
How can I save

A fallen angel, in the dark
Never thought you'd fall so far
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won't let you fall tonight
Fallen angel, just let go
You don't have to be alone
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won't let you fall tonight

I was right beside you
When you went to hell and back again
I was right beside you
When you went to hell and back again
And I, I can save, a fallen angel

A fallen angel, in the dark
Never thought you'd fall so far
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won't let you fall tonight
Fallen angel, just let go
You don't have to be alone
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won't let you fall tonight
Fallen angel"

    Once I was done I breathed heavily I hadn't sang in so long it felt so good to sing once more. Soon I felt arms around my stomach and soft tears on my shoulder. "I love you mon ange..." Erik's soft velvety voice whispered I gasped softly smiling at him I looked at him "I love you my fallen angel." He smiled softly I then whispered "how did you know or think it was about you?" He chuckled "who else would you sing that about?" I giggled soft looking at him "it could be about me." He rolled his eyes chuckling "sure. There's only one wrong thing about that. You are nothing compared a fallen angel mon amour. You are an angel not a fallen one. You're too pure and innocent and sweet to be a fallen angel." I smiled at him "I love you Erik." He smiled kissing me slowly "I love you too." I pulled away slowly "Nadir is coming to dinner." Erik whispered I nodded "okay." I then heard a small cry I got up smiling as I went to Gustave's room. I went in and picked him up smiling as I go into the living room with him. Gustave smiles and makes a giggle "what do you want?" I say in a cute baby voice as Gustave giggles more Erik came up behind me making faces at the adorable child. He gently kisses each of our heads. I smiled at Erik. "I'll be in my music room if you need me." I nodded just as he left Gustave began wailing. I try hushing him to the best of my abilities. Erik comes back in and kneels by me. Gustave stops crying I smiled at Erik "I think he wants you." Erik looks hesitant I gently place our child in his arms. He holds Gustave in an improper way and Gustave begins crying. Erik tries to give him back to me. I shake my head "he doesn't want me Christine." I rolled my eyes at my dramatic husband. "Just cradle him." He does that but Gustave still cries "not too close to your chest darling. Like this." I help him position his arms. Gustave hushes and closes his eyes "here." I get up "sit down its easier and more comfortable to maintain the position."

    I watch as Gustave looks at his father and smiles. I slowly walk to the kitchen to begin cooking. I made eggs and toast and bacon with some fruit on the side. I made Erik a specific breakfast. Believe it or not he's very healthy I think when we first were "together" he made and did what I wanted. Now he is exercising, beginning to eat healthier, that insists excluding gluten, processed and canned foods. He refuses to buy any fruit in cans with concentrated juice. He's gotten a bit of a 6 pack. I heard Gustave fuss a bit nothing too bad I heard Erik "Christine he doesn't..." I ignore him "darling come in here!" Erik calls nervously I walked to the counter watching him as Gustave begins to squirm. "He's alright my love he is just squirming a bit." He nodded I went back to cooking Erik's breakfast. I cook egg whites bacon and sausage links gluten free waffles and some fruit. When I finished I called him to the kitchen he walked in whispering "mon ange look." I looked over and giggled at him seeing our child asleep. I gently whispered "mon beau petit garçon et son beau père. Que ferais-je sans toi mes petits anges?" ( my beautiful little boy and his handsome father. What would I do without you my little angels?) Erik looked at me smiling I haven't talked in French for a while. "Je l'aime quand vous parlez chérie Français" (I love it when you talk French darling) Erik says to me smiling at me I giggled and said in French again "votre petit déjeuner est prêt mon amour" (your breakfast is ready my love) he smirked and came up whispering in my ear a hint of lust in his voice "Oh oui, il est" (oh yes it is) I purr at him winking before taking our son and giving him his breakfast. He smirked and kissed me deeply but ended it too soon just to tease me. "Pourquoi devez-vous toujours taquiner?" (Why must you always tease?) He chuckled and began eating.

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