Gustave Nicholas Destler's Birth

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Christine's POV
"Just a little longer Madame Daaé!" Doctor Pontmercy said this hurt so bad! It felt like a thousand knives were cutting into me they continued their work soon they smiled I felt so dizzy "it's a boy." I smiled weakly their words echoing in my ears. I watched as the doctor went out to get Erik. I watched the nurse go and clean the baby off then she walked over handing me the baby. He was crying until he got in my arms. He looked at me with big curious gold eyes. I smiled and whispered weakly "hello Gustave Nicholas Destler." He continued looking at me still with curious eyes. I giggled "I don't normally look like this my little one." He seemed to understand me. Soon I hear Erik talking "she's alright." Doctor Pontmercy said to Erika question. He walked in slowly he came over to me he looked over my shoulder Gustave looked up at him with his big blue eyes. I slowly reached up to Erik for him to hold Gustave. Erik held tears in his eyes smiling widely he caressed Gustave's little cheeks. When Erik gave Gustave back I felt extremely dizzy everything was spinning. "Erik..." I said weakly he looked at me and it was like his face was only thing I could see. "Christine..." It echoed loudly in my ears then I heard the nurses it was so faint "get the doctor..."

Erik's POV
Oh no! "Christine! Christine!!" I called then the doctor rushed in "we're losing her!" He yelled and soon I was rushed out in a frantic way while the nurses took Gustave "what's happening?!" I ask but am rushed out before he answers I go sit in the hallway. An hour later the doctor came out with a very sad look "what's wrong? How is she?" He looked up at me and said "we did all we could.." I shook my head "no! No you're wrong she's alive! Please!! She has to be alive!!!" I scream making people look at me I sank to my knees holding his bloody hands as if that would bring her back alive. He pulled away "I'm so sorry for your loss.." He sniffled softly I get up and he whispered "I'll leave you to say your goodbyes.." He went away I went in slowly seeing my angle paler than normal her chest was still I sank to my knees holding her hand again "C-Christine you... You promised me.. You wouldn't die.." I whimpered I sat there for a while sobbing "please wake up angle... I need you." I whispered hoping she would wake up but nothing. The next hour or two the doctor came in "are you ready sir?" I shake my head "no." He sighed "we can't keep a corpse sir." I shook my head stubbornly "she is alive!" He looked at me "she is not alive Erik! She is dead." I shook my head violently "no she's not give her a little more time!" He sighed "fine I will return in the morning if she is not at least in a coma she will be considered dead. You will accept it." I nodded I knew how silly this was but I had faith in Christine. 

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