Dead or Alive?

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Christine's POV
I was engulfed in white bright lights everything was white. Then I saw a yellow glow from the distance. "Where am I? Am I dead?" My mom's voice came out of nowhere it was soft and kind just as I imagined "on earth you are considered dead because you are not breathing. Just breathe my dear." I took in a deep breath and it felt like I was sucking in an entire fall with all the wind. "Good." My mother whispered I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was my mom. She looked like me. The fire flame red hair the pale skin and full pink lips she was gorgeous. Mom smiled and hugged me "your father and I made a beautiful child." I sniffled "why did you have to die?" Mother sighed "it wasn't my choice.." I looked at her softly as she tossed back my "but that doesn't mean I didn't watch you grow up and take pride in all you did. Remember when you used to talk to me. After your dance lessons, and that night you met what's that man's name?" I frown "Raoul?" She shook her head "your angle of music." I smiled "oh Erik." She nodded "he loves you I've been watching him." I blushed she giggled and soon I heard my father's voice "hello Lotte." "Papa!" I giggle and runs to him he smiled and spun me like he did when I was younger. This was the best moment of my life.

    We talked for what felt like hours then my mom cut in "I hate to break this up darling but, you have a home to get back to." I look at her sadly "but I want to stay here with you." She smiled a kind smile but with a hint of sadness "that man you married is begging you to wake up. It is your choice but before you blurt out this I want you to see a glimpse of what you're leaving." I lick my lips and my mother cleared the clouds and there Erik and a doctor were fighting.  Erik pulling my bed back to him screaming something tears streaming down his face. My poor angle. "He's fighting hoping you'll go back to him.. You're his world... Don't give that up and leave him." I look back they both nodded for me to go back. We all hugged "we will see you in time my Lotte." Papa says in my ear "we love you." The sight of them fading it felt like a rush of electricity ran throughout my body. I felt my body again. My heart began to beat.

Erik's POV
    I cried all night hoping she'd wake up the next thing I knew I woke up to the doctor coming in and beginning to pull her bed and monitors away. "What are you doing?" I asked "we had a deal she is not awake. She is dead." I shook my head pulling her bed back tears rolling down. My cheeks "please! She's alive I know it!" Doctor Pontmercy shook his head and yelled "you just think that! She is DEAD!!" I cried even harder "she can't be!!" The doctor pulled the bed back and I pulled it toward me "She is dead! Let her rest in peace! I know this hard for you to believe but you must move on!!" "NO!" He was about to speak before I heard a beeping. We both did and we looked at the monitor and it showed heartbeats the doctor's mouth dropped open "h-how?" He asked and pushed the bed back and watched it. It got faster and soon I heard the. Let relieving thing from my angle a small dry cough. "E-Erik.." She whispered. I smiled happily and she opened her eyes.

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