Followers and Helpers

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Jasmine's POV

The next day I get up and does my usual rounds of the house then I see Vicomte leaving so I watch him for a while then I go get dressed in attire that makes me look like a regular person and when he's down a little ways I get a horse and rides it to where he goes. I follow him for a while until he stops at some house thats a few towns out of Paris. When we arrive I hide in the bushes and watches then I hear yelling between the people. After a while he comes out angry.

He is grumbling something and I see a shadow at the window watching him leave then shuts when he spots me. I start to slowly creep up but stops when I hear vicomte's horse coming close my way so I duck down low where no one can really see me and he looks my way but doesn't see me and goes on his way. I want to continue to see who the man was but thinks 'should I? Maybe it's not Erik.' I sigh then slowly makes my way over to hear a mourning voice I slowly go to the door looking behind me making sure vicomte isn't coming and knocks.

Erik's POV

I watch as Vicomte comes over and he seems angry and before I can say a word he punches me "what did you do to her you rat!?" I look at him confused at first then smirks and says "she asked about me didn't she vicomte? She knows I'm alive? Wow I'm surprised you told her." He starts to bring his fist at me again but I hold up my hand and pushes him back saying "I told you vicomte, this whole in love with you thing is a fake. You are just clinging to a thread of hope! Hoping she cares enough to let be go huh!"

I throw him on the table "I know my beloved Christine. So you continue to think what you want! But when I get out of here you worm I'll make sure you suffer. I know just how too. How does her moaning my name instead of yours sound?" He gets up and swings at me as I laugh "how about you watch as we kiss slowly at first then faster more passionately as her hands roam up and down my body instead of yours? Maybe how about you watch as she tears my shirt apart to shreds."

I chuckle as he tries coming at me "thats all lies!" He yells "is that all you got Vicomte? A few punches? God what a pathetic twit!" I then say "get going before I say other things. You're not even good enough to watch Christine be happy with the one she loves." I turn around and goes to the kitchen grabbing a cup and I can sense he's coming closer with an object "put it down vicomte before I dislocate your pelvis along with your dick. when I was young I learned many martial arts. Karate, and Tae Kwon Do, I could break your arm so easily I was black belt in Karate, brown stripe in Tae Kwon Do."

I turn around to see him fear struck "you don't know shit about me vicomte. All you know is that I'm taking your precious fiancé even though you don't even care for her. All you care for is the popularity she gives off. So thats alright you play popularity I'll play love. Let's see who wins her heart when we she finds me. There's a lesson you should learn don't mess with me."

I say getting closer then grabs his face forcing him to look at me "and if I ever get out of this hell you'll be lucky I let you see Christine again but for now I have to trust a scumbag like you to love and care for her. If I find out you hurt my angel I'm telling you now every part of your body will be dislocated. You will be tortured, and begging christine to make me stop. Maybe just maybe she will make me stop but not because of you because she will want to love on me while you sit chained to a pole!" I hiss then shoves him to the door "get out vicomte."

I watch as he goes angrily I smirk and mutters "good day you worthless son of a bitch that walked on this earth." I then see another figure and sighs "must you always have people watching me vicomte?" I watch as he prances off then. I start to go to finish my piece I've been working on when I hear a knock I go over and sees a woman and says harshly "if you're looking for your man whore Vicomte you just missed him. No you may not stay so be on your way i suppose I'm going to see you again am tonight good day." I shut the door and starts walking off again before I hear another knock "yes?"

She inhales "look I'm not Vicomte's friend. I'm Christine's I just followed Vicomte here Christine has been talking about her husband Erik a lot she misses him terribly. I followed because I was hoping... because she's always begging him to tell her where this Erik is that you were him." I smile as I hear all this then I ask "how is my little angel?" She closes her eyes "she's getting through it but she misses you so much. She's cried herself to sleep then some nights she wakes up screaming for someone to hold her I'm guessing a nightmare."

I sigh then grabs a note I had written and says "well give her this for me. Oh and this!" I grab the jewelry set and gives it to her "tell her this is from me. And give her this other card." I grab a decorative card and gives it to her and she opens it and gasps "this must have costed a fortune."

I shake my head "no that was the most expensive thing I could buy I wanted to give her sone more extravagant but this'll have to do for now. Wgats your name?" She smiles "Jasmine." I nod "well Jasmine I'm glad you came and thank you. Will you come back?" She nods "excellent. Maybe one of these days I can get out." She looks at me confused "well can't you just go?" I shake my head "no or he'll tell Paris I'm alive and then Christine and I will be out in prison and eventually I'll die. So it's best to not do so. But you must be on your way. Thank you again."

She smiles and kisses my cheek "she's lucky to have a man like you in her life Erik." I chuckle "no it is I who is the lucky one. You don't know our--" she giggles "oh yes I do monsieur phantom Christine has told me about her young days with her angel." I smile "she always does." She nods then gets up tucking the items in her coat and leaves I smile as I think of what my angel will do when she gets the gift I hope she likes it.

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