Beginning of the Honeymoon

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Erik's POV
Christine is packing a few bags for our honeymoon. I can't wait to get there and have a relaxing time. Christine comes down with a bag or two I grab them from her taking my own smiling then I said "ready my love?" She nods excitedly we go out putting our bags in the taxi's trunk then we get in she kisses me "I can't wait to see what you've planned for our honeymoon angel." She whispers against my lips I smile proudly "you're going to love it!" She giggles then I tell the driver instructions to a boat dock. Christine looks at me confused but I give her a reassuring smile. The driver drives off immediately to the dock I hand money to him and hands tickets to the boat attendant.

We grab our things going into the boat we go to our room immediately. Once we are in Christine lays on the bed "ahh! Comfy!" I laugh and joins her on the bed smirking devilishly I begin to kiss her neck she begins to moan softly her hands finding their way to my hair pulling me closer she throws off my mask almost instantly. Then I stop she looks at me her big puppy eyes telling me she wants more. "Not yet angel."

She pouts but nods "how long are we going to be on here "only a day or two." Christine nods smiling then she pulls me to her kissing my deformed side "I love you Erik." She whispers I caress her cheek "I love you mon ange." She smiles then asks "where are we going?" I chuckle darkly "can't tell you." She pouts "why not?" I chuckle "it's a surprise." She huffs then mutters "fine. Well I'm tired." I smile then kisses her "get some rest." She nods and curls up into the blankets.

We finally get to another dock Christine and I get our things then goes down "is this where we are staying, love?" She looks around the shabby place "no darling. Another boat should be coming soon." She groans playfully "another?" I nod after 15-20 minutes a boat comes Christine looks at me I nod she grabs her things smiling as we load. I pay the man some money then he drives the boat Christine looks around at the water.

The sun has started to go down which is perfect! After a good 10 minutes I put a blindfold on her so she can't see the rest "darling what are you doing this for?" I smile at her cute voice "trust me." I sing softly smirking soon I tell the driver "straight ahead that dock." He nods soon we dock I grab our things then comes over getting my love. "Now I'm right here darling. Follow my voice." She staggers around then I go over helping her walk once we get in front of the spot I unblindfold her. She gasps her eyes wide.

Mature content!! Warning! Mature content!!

Christine's POV
I mentally sigh thinking why is he doing this. When he unblindfolds me I gasp. I see a huge bed with a canopy at the top candles scattered about near the bed a thing of wine with wine glasses in the middle of the bed. I go over seeing rose petals on the bed and a small gift package I look at him he nods for me to open it. I slowly pull the ribbon and unwraps the small box. I gasp looking at it. Inside was a small set of diamond earrings "Erik these are beautiful but you're spoiling me with jewelries." He comes behind me kissing my neck "no you deserve it... So what if I'm spoiling you..." he bites down on my neck softly "you're my wife." I moan he pulled me closer to him whispering "I think we've waited long enough to begin our honeymoon..." I moan more nodding "too long my dear." He begins to suck on my neck roughly grunting "Erik!" I moan loudly pulling him even closer soon he pulls me skillfully to the bed he begins nipping at my ear then I whispered "would you like to go for a swim?" He looks at me softly whispering "we don't have swimming clothes..." I pout playfully then begins to unbutton his shirt whispering "then how about no clothes... Or undergarments only?" He chuckles seductively "your wish is my command." I smile as he envelops me in his arms our lips moving in sync. I push his shirt off letting it fall to the ground as he begins unlacing my dress. He breaks the kiss to kiss down my neck my breathing becoming heavier pulling him closer tilting my head for his access. Once I feel the dress fall I pull away smirking as I go down to his trousers he watches my moves intensively. I slowly begin to unbuckle his belt then I undo his trousers letting them fall. He moans then pulls me up murmuring huskily "I suggest we go take that swim before I take you right here and right NOW!" I pout then I take his hand smiling he leads me to the shore of the water I take his mask off and whispers "you don't need this." I set it on the shore he smirks then pulls me into the cool water. We go until the water is up to my chest then stops he gently begins to kiss me. We continue the only lights are the candles and the full moon. He wraps his strong arms around my waist pulling me to him as I wrap mine around his neck. Our kiss becomes more passionate but I pull away slowly then watches him lustily before I slowly sink down into the water my hand pulling his underwear down he watches me lustily I hold my breath as I go down. After a minute or two I come up just in time to hear him scream my name in desire. When he looks at me he crashes his lips to mine I can taste the salt from the salty water but I don't care as we continue to kiss he picks me up taking me up to the shore he sets me down on a huge fluffy towel still kissing me. He pulls away to rip off my slip I moan as he kisses every inch of my body. "Erik darling please.." He looks up his eyes black with lust "please what?" He growls lustily before attacking my neck "take me..." I pant. He has no problem and takes me as hard as he can. After a good hour we climax he pulls out slowly kissing me but I still want more even though we are nearly, no we are out of breath. I climb into his lap he immediately responds by picking me up taking me to the bed. Our candles have died down. There on the bed we make love again and again until we are worn out. I rest on his chest "that was incredible angel..." He kisses my head "yes it was and so our you. We still have one whole week of passion ahead of us." I smile then whispers "happy late anniversary darling." We kiss a loving kiss "happy anniversary angel." He whispers we both fall asleep in each other's arms without a care in the world. As if last year and Raoul thing had never happened.

So do you guys think that was too graphic? Or anything? That is if you read it. Let me know. Yes I did have some ideas from some other stories but hey nothing wrong with a little inspiration right?

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