The Vows

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Erik's POV
I woke up lying next to my angel and smiled softly stroking her hair. She turns over facing looking hazily at me she gently kissed my chest. We kept a loving gaze for a while then I whispered "good morning mon ange." She giggles "good morning." I gently wipe away the hair smiling then whispered "so do you remember our wedding day?" She nods "every single second."

I smiled at her softly then caresses her cheek and whispers "we never got to say our vows..." She looked at me and said "we didn't did we?" Her hand entwined with mine I shake my head "nope." She looked up at me and whispered "Erik from the moment we first met I felt something for you, I didn't know what it was I just knew there was something drawing me to you. As you taught me to sing all those years my feelings progressed and it was like every second I wanted to be with you. I wanted, I needed to feel your presence. I never thought I could end up with someone so smart, trusting, loyal, honest, beautiful, kind, loving, caring the list could go on and on and on. You saved me from a life I wouldn't have wanted. You have always been there for me when I've needed you the most."

She strokes my arm and continues "my life is nothing without you Erik. I can't believe it took me this long to realize that my protector, my angel, the nod I want to spend my life with was right there all along. I give my body, my soul, my heart, and everything I am to you Erik. I love you." She finished and tears were streaming down my face "oh ange that was beautiful."

We share a passionate kiss then breaks away to catch a breath. Then I start she traces my chest as I start "from the moment I heard you sing I knew you were the one. I know people might think I was just being silly and saying oh I love her even though I hadn't met you. When I began to teach you my attractions, and feelings toward you got stronger. It was like a magnet pulling me to you it never let me go. Each time I saw you I needed you more and more." I caress her face softly as we keep eye contact a smile playing on my lips.

"You pulled out feeling from me that I never knew I could feel. You truly saw the beauty underneath and for that I am thankful for such a woman like you. We have our ups and downs but nothing will keep me upset at you. I love you more than I can truly describe Christine." I stopped and she was crying and pulled me down to a passionate kiss "oh Erik... I love you so much.." We continue to kiss for a while before pulling away breathless smiling at each other as we stay cuddled together.

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