Chapter 42

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"Papa where are we?" Luca questioned, crawling into Zayn's lap and cuddled against his chest.

"On a plane," he murmured, rubbing Luca's back as he reached for the toddlers discarded blanket and draped it over him. "Headed home for a bit."

Luca sighed deeply, "Where's daddy?"

Zayn looked up, spotting Harry knocked out cold in one of the chairs with a blanket covering most of his body. "Sleeping, anymore questions?"

"Where's Neil and Li?" He yawned as he nodded, cuddling impossibly closer to Zayn's chest and got comfortable.

"Hmm," Zayn hummed. "Not sure, probably in the toilet or something. Are you sleepy?"

"No," Luca yawned again, blinking slowly as he peered up at him with a smile smile.

He leaned down and kissed his forehead, "I think you are, why don't you close your eyes and sleep. I'll wake you up whenever we land, promise."

Luca shook his head, "I want to be awake with you, papa. I don't see you lots now."

"I'm sorry, babe. I'll try to make some time to spend time with you and daddy more," he sighed, already knowing he needed to spend more time with his family but hearing it from his son made the reality harsher. "But hey, we're going home for a couple days. We can do whatever you and daddy want."

Luca smiled, "I want to see animals."

He furrows his brow, unsure of how to fulfill his sons exotic request until an idea popped into his head. "Do you want to go to the zoo?"

"Yeah, the zoo." Luca nodded quickly, having not been to the zoo since they went to see nana and auntie Gemma a couple months back.

Zayn kissed his forehead, "The zoo it is."

After some more murmured talking between the duo, Luca reluctantly snuggled down and fell asleep against Zayn's chest.

Which gave Zayn time to think about what he was going to do for Harry because he knows Harry's been upset about the loss of their child, despite the fact that he doesn't want to walk about it. Or acknowledge that he's even upset.


Zayn carried their countless luggage bags inside, having to take four separate trips between the house and he vehicle to get everything inside. Luca was passed out in his bedroom and Harry was making a late dinner because their internal clock was screwy so jet lag was kicking in for everyone except Luca.

"You okay?" Zayn questioned as he came up behind Harry, placing his hands on either side of his waist and rested his chin on his shoulder.

Harry stepped out of his grasp, "I'd be a whole lot better if you'd stop asking me that. I was fine an hour ago and the hour before that and the hour before that."

"Okay, sorry," he laughed, putting his hands up in surrender. "I'm worried about you, you're still off and it's been awhile."

Harry shrugged, setting two plates on the table and dished out portions of the meal he'd made. "When I was happy, you said I was off too so maybe it's not me. Maybe you're off."

"Damn Harry, I'm concerned. That's it." Zayn snapped at him, frustrated with Harry's constant cynical attitude. "Why are you making things into something they aren't? I want to help you and all you're doing is criticizing and being a dïckhead."

Harry went over to the sink, dumping the dish of food he'd just made and turned on the water spout as he switched the disposal on.

"Harry, c'mon." Zayn groaned, "You're overacting. You didn't have to go and do that."

"Am I?" He looked over his shoulder at him, "Or am I just being a dïckhead?"

Harry loudly tossed the dish down, switching off the disposal and turned the spout off before he stormed out of the kitchen. Thankfully Luca was a heavy sleeper and it was extremely unlikely he'd wake up from the noise.

Zayn went after him, grabbing him by the wrist and stopped his movements as he pinned him between his body and the wall. "Don't walk away from me like that, I know you're upset and I want to help but -"

"I'm a horrible person," he choked out in a sob. "I'm being punished for wanting an abortion, I know it." Harry continued, having been holding in his thoughts and true feelings - just like Zayn had suspected.

Zayn started wiping away his tears, showering his face in gentle kisses. "No you aren't Harry, miscarriages happen all the time. The doctor even said so himself."

"Zayn, I know in my heart that this was punishment." He stubbornly shook his head, "I should've asked you, instead I assumed and I - I almost purposely killed our baby because I was being selfish. But I was scared, scared you'd run again and I love Luca - I just - I couldn't do it alone again. I barely made it the first time, and I couldn't - I couldn't do it." Harry stammered, sucking in sharp breaths of air between his words.

Zayn wrapped his arm around Harry, holding him close and shook his head. "I'm so fucking sorry I did this to you, you shouldn't have to ever worry I'm going to leave you when you're pregnant. I fucked up and I'm never going to do it again, I'm - fuck. I'm sorry."

"It was my fault, I pushed -"

"No," he stopped him immediately and pulled back to look at him. "Nothing was your fault, not then not now. Okay?"

Harry continued to cry, squeezing his eyes close and buried his face against Zayn's shoulder as he hugged him tightly.


(authors note: I don't know if that qualifies as a cliffhanger or not but don't be too upset about it, to answer some questions I'm not ending this story anytime soon and updates are coming but they're just slow right now.

Anyways, Zayn and Luca had a moment or two and I think Zayn and Harry had a breakthrough of some sorts with Harry's pent up emotions. So are you glad Harry finally cracked about his emotions?

p.s. A month ago I started a Ziall version of this story, (it's very different relationship wise) it's called "Star67" and I recommend you check it out! If not for Ziall, do it for the adorable child present in the story!

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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