Chapter 17

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Harry came through the door and immediately saw that the entire flat was trashed, Luca's toys were everywhere and his art supplies were scattered all over the living room floor. When he turned around to go find Zayn and Luca, he spotted the clearly worn out toddler passed out on his belly on the couch. His little face was smushed into the fabric of the couch as he slept peacefully.

He set down his things by the stairs and went into the kitchen to start something for dinner, inwardly sighing because who knows how long Luca's been asleep. It's way too late for him to be napping because now he won't want to go to bed and will be up half the night, then wake up tomorrow morning all grouchy, uncooperative and grumpy.

Harry about jumped out of his skin when he walked into the kitchen and saw Zayn silently sitting at the table poking around on his phone, "Fucking hell Zayn, why are you just sitting there like that. Turn the radio on or something, you scared the living shit out of me."

"Sorry, I didn't hear you come in." He apologized as he tried his best to refrain from laughing because Harry's face was absolutely priceless, he looked like a deer in headlights.

Harry huffed out a breath, going to the fridge and started digging around for possible meal options. "What happened to the living room and how long has Luca been sleeping?"

"An hour I guess, I don't know. We were playing one minute and the next he was asleep on the couch." He shrugged, genuinely clueless how Luca even fell asleep that quick but then again he can fall asleep just about anywhere as well. "And what do you mean, what happened to the living room?"

"There's toys and drawing stuff everywhere, no doubt marking up everything." He'd had an extremely long day at work and coming home to a messy flat, was not apart of the plan.

"I'll clean it up and if something's ruined, I'll replace it. You don't have to worry about it."

Harry stopped his movements, glancing up at him with an irritated expression. "Zayn money doesn't fix everything. Janie, the receptionist at the dental office, told me you offered her tickets just to get me on the phone today. Since when is that how you do things?"

He shrugged, not understanding why they were even discussing this. "It's not, I was just offering someone something. She was obviously a fan and I didn't want to be rude since I really didn't have time to talk. It's not a big deal."

Harry pressed his lips into a line as he chopped up some vegetables for the homemade soup he was going to make.

Zayn sat and watched him for a couple minutes before he spoke, "Luca wants to change daycares, the other kids are picking on him."

"He's fine where he is, I've never had a problem and the staff actually care about the kids. That's hard to find." He spoke with a slight anger to his tone, chopping the vegetables a bit more forcefully. "Besides if everything works out he'll be going to preschool four times a week and then staying with my sister so daycare won't even be an issue."

"What? Your sister lives in Brighton."

"Yes I know and that's where this preschool is and I think Luca might finally have a chance at getting in. I can't afford to just quit my job and move right now so my sister offered to take him until I figure something out. I'll still see him, just on weekends and through Skype but this will be good for him. It's for gifted toddlers and Luca deserves to get the best education, putting him in this preschool will open those doors. He passed all the required tests to get in, we just have an interview with the headmaster this weekend and we should know in about a week if he's accepted."

Zayn sat there with his mouth agape because he had no idea this was even happening, "Do I get a say in anything?"

"No, you can't just come out of nowhere and want to be apart of this. I've been working towards this for the last year and I'm not giving it up because you don't like the idea." Harry knew Zayn was going to be against this but this was what's best for Luca and his future. "Luca wants to start preschool and from the pictures, he likes this school. He'll be apart of the gifted arts program."

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