Chapter 40

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During the night Harry woke up with an intense pain, assuming it was the baby moving around because at twenty-two weeks, their baby boy was kicking nonstop. Which is why he didn't panic, eventually falling back asleep and didn't wake up until seven o'clock went Luca was demanding someone wake up and make him breakfast.

Zayn got up, carrying Luca out of the bedroom. Harry moved around, feeling a wetness between his legs and assumed Luca pee'd during the night but when he got up, he noticed it had came from between his own legs.

He didn't want to shout and get Luca alarmed so he quickly peeled the sheets off the bed, thankful it didn't leak onto the mattress and went into the bathroom to clean himself up.

"Shit," he murmured when he stepped into the shower and noticed there was even more liquid flowing out.

Harry made a makeshift pad with some a washcloth, quickly getting dressed and tried to keep his breathing even as he walked out of the bedroom.

"Daddy!" Luca squealed from the kitchen, "Papa is makin' pancakes, want some?"

He forced a smile, subtly cringing through the pain in his stomach. "No thank you, bug. Um, Zayn - could you come here a second? I need to talk to you."

Zayn looked up from the bowl of mixture, handing Luca the whisk and told him to carefully keep mixing. "You alright, you look really pale."

He bit his bottom lip, shaking his head and held back tears. "I think I'm in labour, my water broke a half hour ago."

"You can't - you're only twenty-two weeks, that's not - fuck." Zayn started stammering, unsure of what he was meant to do in this situation. "I've - We have to get you to the hospital."

He wordlessly nodded, whimpering at the pain. "Zayn, I'm scared."

"Everything's going to be okay," he reassured with a smile, briefly kissing his lips. "It's probably just a fluke or something, nothing's wrong okay. We can leave Luca with Niall and Liam, and we'll go to the hospital. Everything's going to be fine, breathe."

He nodded, taking deep breathes and desperately wanted to believe Zayn's words because they were much better than the reality of the situation.


Harry wordlessly stared up at the ceiling, having not said a word since he came out of surgery. Zayn was sat beside him in a chair, silently holding his hand and would occasionally lean down to kiss across his knuckles.

"I'm sorry, Harry." Zayn broke their silence, looking at him with reddened eyes.

He looked towards him, still crying and shook his head. "I guess we just aren't meant to have another child right now."

"I don't know what to say honestly, it feels like -" he lost his words, shaking his head. "I can't even explain it, I mean yesterday we were sitting on the couch watching him kick and now - I almost feel sick."

Harry hiccuped, sucking in a breath of air. "Will you lay with me or hold me, something."

He stood up as Harry slowly moved over on the reclined hospital bed, wrapping his arms securely around him and kissed his heated temple. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I just went through having a stillbirth," he mumbled against Zayn's neck.

"I meant mentally, the doctor said we should consider some grief therapy for couples who go through stillbirths." Zayn reminded, wanting to ensure Harry was going to be stable.

He shook his head, "I just want to forget and move on, I don't want a therapist constantly reminding me that my body malfunctioned and wasn't capable of keeping my baby alive."

"Are you sure because I think I might -"

"Zayn please," Harry pleaded with him. "Can we wait a couple days to discuss this, I just want to lay here with you. Okay, can we do that?"

"Yeah." Zayn kissed his head, letting his lips linger a couple seconds before his closed his eyes and continued to hold him securely.


(authors note: I'm sorry this is so short and you're all going to hate me so much, but please don't yell at me. Just keep in mind that this is ONLY a story, it's not real.

Are you surprised Harry ended up having a miscarriage, and how do you think this is going to affect their relationship as a couple? Meaning as a couple who still have another child to care for, a child who didn't know about the pregnancy.

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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