Chapter 33

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Earlier in the day Zayn had spoken with his lawyer about Perrie and how they were going to handle things, thankfully his lawyer was proactive and already had a meeting scheduled with Perrie's lawyers to come to some sort of agreement.

Otherwise they were going to the police and potentially charging Perrie with identity theft and forgery, causing more issues for an already problematic situation.

Zayn pulled himself from his thoughts when Luca hopped into the living room, literally bouncing like a bunny and hopped up onto Zayn's lap. Harry had went out to the grocery store twenty minutes ago, even though he said he'd been gone a half hour, Zayn knew that meant two hours because Harry tends to get sidetracked when he's shopping on his own.

"Papa?" He questioned as he got comfy on Zayn's lap, straightening out the overly fluffy bunny outfit he'd picked out for himself this morning - despite Harry's efforts to get him into regular clothes, not a year old Halloween costume.

Zayn set his phone down on the cushion beside them, "Yeah, babe."

Luca munched on whatever mystery food he'd managed to sneak, licking his lips. "Daddy comin' home soon?"

"Mmm, probably a while longer. Why?" He wiped Luca's sticky mouth with his thumb, inwardly cringing at God knows what he was wiping off his sons mouth.

He smiled, looking up at him. "We go see Neil today?"

"No, not today babe. I know he's in Ireland with his family, he won't even be close to here for another two weeks. When I go back to work." Zayn sighed, realizing his holiday was quickly coming to an end but at least he'd be easing back into work with rehearsals.

Luca of course pouted at his negative words, "Why I not see Neil no more, papa. He my favourite friend."

"I'm not trying to keep you from seeing him, I know Niall is loads of fun because he gives you an obnoxious amount of sweets." He laughed at his own words, remembering the first time Luca met Niall and ten minutes later he was bouncing off the walls from the amount of sugar Niall had given him. "But he's with his family so we can't bother him, how would you like if someone pulled you away from daddy and I?"

He pushed out his bottom lip, looking sickeningly adorable in his bunny outfit. "I don't want to leave daddy and you."

"See," Zayn cooed with a smile.

Luca sighed, "I go draw, okay."

He nodded, helping him down and watched him bounce away towards the stairs to get his drawing supplies from his bedroom.


Harry came through the door only carrying two grocery bags, which was extremely surprising to Zayn considering he'd been gone nearly four hours.

"How's my little bunny, you hungry?" He smiled when Luca came hopping into the kitchen behind him, picking him up and smothering him in affection the moment he set down the bags.

Luca tried his best to wiggle his nose, but ended up scrunching his whole face up. "Can I eat carrots?"

"You're in luck," he smiled as he pulled out a fresh bag of carrot sticks, having a feeling Luca would request such a thing given his outfit today and brought some home.

Luca started hopping around the moment Harry set him down, grabbing two carrot sticks from Harry once he'd washed them off in the sink with cold water. Luca bounced away happily as Zayn came into the kitchen, laughing at their little bunny.

"How was the grocery store?" Zayn murmured as he briefly kissed Harry, leaning back against the counter as he watched him put away the groceries.

He shrugged, "Not too busy, yah know, regular Thursday night."

"Why'd it take you four hours then?" He pressed, knowing full well Harry wasn't telling the whole story.

He dug through the freezer, making room for things. "Ran into Gemma at the store, we talked awhile. Time got away from me."

Zayn raised an eyebrow and hummed in response, still not buying his blatant lies.

"What," he snapped at him. "Why are you looking at me like that, I haven't done anything."

"I didn't say you did," he shrugged this time, knowing Harry would crack on his own because he's an awful liar and folds under any type of pressure like this.

"Yes you did, I saw that face you made." Harry grumbled, throwing the lettuce head into the drawer of the fridge and shoved it closed.

Zayn moved to lean against the island counter, crossing his arms over his chest and kept silent.

"Goddammit Zayn, fine." He huffed, "I went and talked with Perrie because I wanted to make sure something could be worked out, and you hadn't talk to your lawyer even though it's been four days and -"

"Yes I have, Harry!" Zayn raised his voice, extremely upset that he went behind his back. "I said I was going to handle things and I am, I don't need to tell you everything when it comes to Perrie and whatever you want to call this, but it's being handled."

He closed his mouth, looking down as he leaned back against the closed refrigerator doors. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to suddenly loose you."

"Well you should've just listened to me and kept out of things," Zayn snapped back at him, huffing out a breath as he close his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fuck - I'm sorry, I shouldn't be yelling at you. This is what she wants."

He coughed, clearing his throat. "Can you finish putting these groceries away, I should get Luca into the bath."

"Harry I'm sorry, I -"

"I need to get him into the bath, it's late." Harry cut him off, walking out of the kitchen before he could even attempt to finish his words.


(authors note: so Luca apparently wants to be a bunny now, Zayn went from cute daddy to meany-butt in a matter of seconds and Harry only tried to help but ended up feeling like the bad guy.

What did you think of Luca in this chapter and do you think Zayn was right to get upset with Harry or should he of responded differently, if so how should he of responded?

p.s. There's only one day left (closes 01/04/15) to vote for this story the 2014 Holiday Bromance Awards then round two is over and the finals begin, so please go vote if you haven't already. Voting links are listed on my message board.

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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