Chapter 45

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Zayn was set to go back on tour within a week and a half, meaning Harry had to squeeze in a couple doctors appointments for Luca to make sure he was up to date on his shots and get a couple vaccines because they'd once again be traveling to foreign places and they didn't want Luca to contract anything.

Luca was getting a simple routine check up today, Zayn had a meeting with the boys and Sony, wanting to discuss their fifth album so Harry took Luca on his own. Getting there a couple minutes early in hopes Luca would get back sooner but of course they had to wait fifteen minutes past the time of their scheduled appointment.

Which wasn't too bothersome because there was a play area and Luca was rather talkative with the other children his age.

The smells of the doctors office were getting to Harry, which again wasn't too abnormal because the sterile smell has always bothered him. Only it was a lot more bothersome the longer he was there, by the time Luca was called back Harry was ready to throw up breakfast.

But he held back and carried Luca down the hallway, following behind the nurse and went into a private room.

"This might be a weird question," Harry spoke up as Luca was occupied with some rubber gloves. "But do you administer pregnancy tests here, for - um, males?"

The nurse grinned, keeping her voice low because clearly Harry was trying to avoid Luca overhearing. "We do, do you need one?"

He silently nodded, "Should I schedule a separate appointment when I make Luca's next one?"

"Oh no, I can go grab everything now." She laughed, already getting up.

"Daddy, where is she going?" Luca questioned once he noticed the nurse was already leaving.

Harry sat down in one of the chairs, "I need to get some blood drawn, she'll be right back. Keep playing with your gloves." He handed him a tongue depressor, wanting to keep him busy and completely occupied.

He wasn't entirely sure what results he wanted from the blood test but regardless he was going to find out.


Luca was a ball of energy once they got home, he had somehow managed to get two lollipops from the reception ladies at the doctors when Harry wasn't paying attention and ate them both on the drive home.

Harry brought him to the back garden and let him run around, going inside the house and found Zayn in the kitchen making grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch.

"Hey, how was the doctors?" Zayn questioned with a smile.

Harry hugged him from behind, resting his cheek on Zayn's back. "Good, they said Luca is still smaller than usual but it's okay because mentally, dietary wise and everything else he's on track. He's just going to be smaller for now."

Zayn nodded along to his words, flipping the grilled cheese over and browning the opposite side.

"Oh and impregnant," Harry added quickly, mushing his words together.

"What?" He looked back over his shoulder, unsure if he heard Harry correctly.

He let go, stepping back and leaned against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest. "The doctors office was making me want to throw up, more than usual and I asked for a pregnancy test. They drew some blood and on my way home, I got the call saying I'm pregnant. I need to schedule an appointment to find out more."

Zayn smiled, kissing his lips and pulling back when Harry wasn't reciprocating as much. "Why aren't you happy? You wanted this, remember? I mean we haven't used a condom in almost three months."

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