Chapter 21

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**a/n: some of you were getting annoyed with Luca's "baby talk", so I altered the way he talks.**

"Daddy, do we live here now? Me and you or I live with auntie Gem here?" Luca questioned, trailing behind Harry as they walked around the empty three bedroom house.

Harry had went with the three bedroom over the two bedroom so Zayn could have a room whenever he came back from tour, otherwise Harry intended on converting the spare bedroom into an art room for Luca. But wanted to have both options available so for now it's going to be a spare bedroom with Luca's art displayed on the walls.

"Yeah babe, I'm going to stay with you and this is our new home. Daddies going to move all of our things here and sell our old flat because we don't need it anymore." He smiled, scooping up the toddler and gave him obnoxiously loud kiss on his cheek.

Luca giggled, giving Harry numerous kisses in return but suddenly stopped and gave him a very concerned look. "How papa find us, daddy? He far away, he don't know and he will think we ran away. You tell him daddy, call him now. Tell him we live here now."

Harry kissed the toddlers worry line between his brows, smiling at his silly assumptions. "Papa already knows, he bought this house so you and I can live together again. I missed you too much so I needed to come live here sooner than what we all planned."

"Will papa live here?" He questioned, letting Harry set him down again and looked up at him. Wanting an answer.

Harry genuinely hadn't thought of what happens when Zayn comes back, which is mainly why he's been so indecisive with the spare bedroom. "Maybe but it's whatever papa wants to do, that choice is up to him. He might not though since he bought that new place in London before he left."

"You want papa to live here too?" He pressed, wanting a more in-depth answer than just a possible a maybe. "I do, I love papa."

Harry paused a moment, thinking about what Luca had said. "I really don't know, babe. Let's just go back out to the car and we can go shopping for some new furniture, most of our old stuff is ratty and ugly. Papa said we can buy all new stuff for the house, won't that be fun? You can pick out a new bed and everything."

"You ratty and ugly, and you need your hairs cut." Luca mumbled as he followed him towards the front door, upset he wasn't getting proper answers from daddy.

"Luca, do you want to go back and stay with Gemma whilst daddy goes and picks out furniture because if you're going to be grumpy pants, you can stay home." He warned, hearing Luca's sassy tone.

He pouted, pushing out his bottom lip and shook his head. "I go with, I want a new bed."

"Good choice," Harry picked up the sour looking toddler and headed out to the vehicle, closing and locking the door of their new home behind them.

A part of Harry felt extremely proud they were moving into their first place but he was slightly upset he wasn't buying it with his own money. Nonetheless he was going to make the best of things, stay positive and get back into being with Luca more often.

Harry did decide to take a leave of absence at work until further notice, choosing to focus on Luca and his schooling. But the dental clinic he was supposed to start working for next month told him that anytime he wants to jump back into working, they'll always have a space for him open and ready.

"Daddy?" Luca spoke up, breaking Harry from his thoughts and glanced back at the toddler in his rearview mirror.

"Yes, Luca." He smiled.

"Can we go see papa at work? Auntie Gem and me asked on the phone, he said I can but papa say'd daddy has to say yes too." He explained, slightly stammering over his words because he was excited and wanted to get his words out before he forgets to ask.

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