Chapter 34

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"What are you doing?" Harry questioned the moment he felt someone on top of him, having already crawled into bed and was nearly asleep on his stomach until Zayn decided to come into the bedroom.

He kissed the back of his neck, moving down his spine with his lips. "I'm apologizing for yelling at you like an asshole, you were worried and only trying to help. I shouldn't of gotten upset, I should be happy you even care enough to want this fixed."

Harry pushed him off, turning over onto his stomach and recovered himself with the sheets. "Well I'm sorry too, I should just let your lawyers and you handle this." He shrugged as he looked up at the ceiling, "Drove all that way and she refused to see me, threatened to call the police and everything."

"Perrie is psycho." Zayn sighed. "I bet she'll turn to media and flip the whole story, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she made herself have bruises. You know, with makeup and say that you did that to her or something obnoxious to get headlines."

He looked at him with slightly wide eyes, "But I didn't Zayn, I would never - why would she do that? Why does she hate me so much? I've never done anything to her."

As if on cue Luca hopped into the bedroom, he wasn't wearing his comfy bunny costume anymore but the toddler was obviously still in bunny mode regardless.

"Luca aren't you meant to be in bed, I could've swore papa tucked you in." Harry questioned, helping him up onto the bed.

Luca hopped around the bed some, plopping down between them and crawled under the covers. "I sleepin' here."

Zayn raised an eyebrow, "Oh really, says who?"

"Me," he pointed to himself.

Harry laughed, tickling his belly. "You're a little stinker, you know that don't you? Put your cold toes on papa and you can stay."

"Oi," Zayn yelped the second Luca touched him with his exposed toes.

He giggled, chasing Zayn with his toes. "Make them warm, papa. Warm."

Zayn got out of bed, escaping Luca icicle feet in the process. "I'm going to go shower, while I'm gone daddy can warm you up."

"Papa, where the fishy?" Luca fussed, standing up on the bed with his lips puckered.

He hadn't ever been around to know what Luca meant but judging by the toddlers stance and Harry mouthing for him to kiss him, Zayn got the idea. Giving him a kiss on the lips and smiled when Luca plopped back down on the bed, cuddling up to Harry's side.


The following morning Zayn woke up to a call from his lawyer, telling him he needed to be in London by noon so that they could meet with Perrie and her lawyer to discuss the matter at hand.

Zayn hadn't originally planned on telling Harry but decided against keeping secrets, asking if he wanted to come with so he would be in the loop with things. Thankfully Niall was in London early and was more than happy to spend the afternoon with Luca, which made the drive to London extremely tiresome because Luca was beyond ecstatic about getting to hangout with his favourite irishmen.

"Should I of given Niall money for Luca?" Harry questioned as they took the lift upstairs, "You know, in case Luca gets hungry or sees anything he wants when they're out?"

Zayn laughed, placing an arm around Harry's waist and pulled him towards himself. "I'm sure if he's hungry or really, really wants something, Niall will buy it for him. I'll pay him back afterwards, it's not something you should worry yourself over."

"Are you sure because I could -"

"Harry, it's okay. Luca is okay." He laughed, assuring him for the billionth time that Luca was in capable hands. "Niall has an almost two year old nephew, he knows how to take care of kids and Luca is oddly obsessed with Niall so there's nothing to worry about."

Harry huffed out a breath, "I really hope this gets easier one day, because I know I'm smothering him but I can't help myself."

"It will," he briefly kissed his lips before the doors opened.

Zayn took Harry's hand and led him towards the meeting room, letting go when he spotted his lawyer and shook hands with him, introducing Harry as well.

They all walked into the expansive meeting room, seeing that Perrie and her lawyer were already seated. Zayn sat to the left of his lawyer with Harry beside him, the displeased look Perrie gave Harry once they sat down didn't go unnoticed by Zayn either.

"Afternoon Mr Malik," Perrie lawyer greeted once they were situated. "I thought we could jump right in and get to the point here, my client is willing to agree to the termination of the previously said contract." She pulled out a copy, "In exchange that you won't move forward with any charges on forgery."

Zayn looked towards his lawyer, having a silent conversation and then nodded. "I can agree to that but I am going to get an order of protection for myself, my boyfriend and my son. I don't want her in my life and I don't want her harassing my family, they have absolutely nothing to do with this."

She leaned over and murmured hushed words to her lawyer, clearly not liking what Zayn had said judging by the expression on her face.

"Your boyfriend is the one harassing me, he was just at my flat yesterday." Perrie blurted in defense.

Zayn looked towards Harry, knowing that would eventually come back to bite them in the ass but who knew it'd be so soon.

"I wasn't harassing you, I wanted to -" Harry snapped back, shutting his mouth the moment Zayn put his hand on his thigh.

Perrie smirked, "You were harassing me."

"Whatever the matter may of been, that's nothing compared to what my client has against you Ms Edwards. I suggest you take this deal that were offering." The lawyer explained, stopping any arguments between the two.

Perrie huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine, whatever. This is so bloody stupid anyways."

"These are serious offenses, Ms Edwards." He reminded with a raised eyebrow, whereas Harry tried to contain his laughter because Perrie was acting childish about the issue.

Which in Harry's mind, was more than enough pleasure because for once Perrie was being put in her place and actually suffering some sort of punishment for her selfish actions.


(authors note: Luca is literally a ball of cuteness and he finally got to hangout with Niall, maybe in the future their could he a half Niall and Luca chapter? Maybe.

Do you think this will be the last of Perrie or will she cause more drama later on?

p.s. There's only 1-2 days left (ends 01/12/15) in the '2014 Holiday Bromance Awards' for voting and this story is still in the running, proper voting links are posted on my message board so please go vote if you haven't already!

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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