Chapter 50

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When Harry got to the hospital Zayn's mum and sister were there waiting, along with his own mum and sister. They came and got Luca, who was hysterical because he wasn't a fan of seeing his daddy hooked up to machines on the ambulance ride over - despite Harry's confident reassurance.

He just couldn't understand why daddy needed a breathing mask and why baby Azad was hurting daddy's insides so much. But as soon as he saw his nana's and aunties, he was slightly less hysterical.

They took Harry straight back, handing paperwork off to his mum Anne and set him up in a private room because paparazzi had already somehow discovered he was in labour. And Zayn wasn't anywhere to be found.

Not to mention two false doctors and three impersonation nurses had already snuck into his room, taking photos but ultimately would get caught and have their things confiscated. Along with a police escort off the premises.

"Does it hurt?" Gemma questioned, cringing as she watched Harry moan and groan through yet another contraction.

His water may of broken and Azad was in position, but Harry's body wasn't physically ready to deliver and there wasn't a room available for surgery so they had to wait out the contractions.

Which Harry was originally more than happy to do, giving Zayn more time but six hours into labour with absolutely no pain medication and he was ready to be done.

Harry glared at her, "No Gemma, it's like a massage." He snapped, "What the bloody hell do you think it feels like, there's a human inside me and he wants out."

He started moaning and groaning, which sounded a lot nicer than when he was just flat out yelling. But after a couple hours he discovered the vibrations of his moans soothed some of the pain and made things momentarily bearable.

"I'm only asking," she huffed with her arms crossed over her chest. "I'll go and let someone else come in and watch you moan about."

In order to keep the room secure they'd all collectively decided they'd take turns staying with Harry, ultimately Harry wanted Zayn but that wasn't possible so family members were the next best thing. Only Luca wasn't allowed because he would continuously cry when a contraction would start and Harry would make noises.

"Brilliant, bye." He snapped carelessly, becoming annoyed with people coming and going. But that was strictly hormones speaking.

A couple minutes later the door opened again, "Hi love, you doing alright?"

Harry looked up, smiling a breath of relief when he saw Tricia. She was the most calming to have in the room and she'd breathe through contractions with him.

"Have you heard anything from Zayn?" He groaned, mentally counting his breaths to focus on their conversation rather the contractions.

She stood beside him, taking the hair band from her wrist and tied Harry's hair back out of his face. He was on his hands and knees on the bed, finding that position more comfortable than laying down or standing.

"No, nothing yet but I'm sure he's almost here." Tricia checked her thin wrist watch, "You've been in labour nearly eight hours."

He halfheartedly laughed with a head shake, "It was never like this with Luca. I went into labour, went to the hospital and two hours later I was holding him."

She smiled, "I'm proud of you Harry, and I'm glad you gave Zayn a second chance. You and Luca make him so happy."

Harry glanced down at the engagement band on his finger, "I love Zayn, I always have." He started to tear up, not only from the new wave of contractions. "I -"

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