Chapter 32

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The following morning Luca got up before both his parents, sneaking into their bedroom and made sure they were both fully asleep before he slipped back out and scurried downstairs. He slid across the wood floors in his jammie's, tugging open the refrigerator on the fourth attempt and flung it wide open.

Luca went to the cupboard beside the dishwasher and dug around until he found some tupperware bowls, although in his four year old mind they were typical everyday bowls. He pulled the bag of grapes out of the fridge drawer, squatting down on the ground and began plucking them off the vine and divided them up between the three bowls.

He grabbed the bag of bagels off the counter, having pushed the chair across the room and climbed up to grab them - grabbing a spoon on his way down. Luca grabbed what he thought was cream cheese but ended up grabbing butter, smearing it all over the open bagels and put one in each bowl.

He decided to grab some strawberries as well, throwing them into the bowls and then went around closing all the open drawers, cupboards and shoved the heavy fridge door closed. Luca stacked up the bowls, walking slowly as he balanced them in his arms and cautiously made his way back upstairs.

Luca toed his way across the chilled floors, placing the bowls on daddies nightstand and mustered all his strength to pull himself up onto the bed. He sat on Harry's legs, looking at the both of them for a couple seconds before he screeched loudly, "Hi daddy, hi papa." He greeted once they simultaneously jolted awake.

Zayn groaned, laying back down and Harry sat up with a yawn, remembering neither of them were wearing anything so he needed to keep them both covered with the blankets.

"Bug, why did you do that?" He spoke groggily, pushing a hand through his tangled hair as his eyes adjusted to the daylight. "Papa and I were sleeping, you could've just cuddled with us like a nice boy."

Luca smiled, scooting forward and pecked his lips. "I make breakfast, daddy. Yummy, yummy." He pointed towards the stacked bowls.

Harry cooed, grabbing the bowls and looked them over. "I'm very proud of you Luca, I know it must've been hard. We're you careful, you didn't use anything sharp or pointy did you?"

He shook his head, "Spoon."

"Good boy," he laughed, giving him a couple kisses once he plopped down in his lap.

"Eat," Luca held up the bagel.

Harry knew it wasn't cream cheese but he smiled enthusiastically and hesitantly took a bite, inwardly cringing the moment he chewed the uncooked, butter saturated bread. "Mmm, yummy."

Luca smiled proudly, "Eat more, daddy." He pushed the bagel at him again.

"My belly is getting full already, why don't I just eat the strawberries and grapes. Wouldn't want them to go bad." He tried, avoiding the bagel all together and placed it back in the tupperware container.

Luca nodded and clumsily crawled towards Zayn on the bed, laying down by his head and began kissing his face to wake him up again. Zayn turned away, not realizing it was Luca kissing him because he just wanted to sleep. The toddler leaned back and frowned, smacking Zayn square in the face and huffed a breath.

"Papa, you wake up." He scowled, "I make breakfast and you eat it now."

"Luca!" Harry hissed at him, picking him up and setting him in his lap before Zayn could react. "You don't hit people, no."

He sniffled, "Papa not wakin' up, daddy. He not eatin' breakfast."

Zayn sat up, rubbing the side of his face. "I'm awake now."

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