Chapter 25

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Zayn had been back on tour for nearly a month, nearing the end of tour but still had a couple shows left and Luca was becoming more and more anxious. Suddenly he was an overly energized bunny, constantly running around the house and wanting to stay up all hours of the night so of course tonight was no different.

After they finished video chatting with Zayn, Luca took off running and tried hiding inside the washing bin to avoid going straight to bed. Which worked for twenty minutes but Harry eventually found him, picked him up and carried him upstairs to his bedroom.

"I'm not sleepy, daddy." He protested, kicking his blankets off for the second time and sat upright in his twin sized bed.

Harry was sat on the end of the toddlers bed, "Well it's bedtime so you need to lay down anyways." He grabbed his ankles, puling him down on his back and re-tucked him into the bed with his blankets. "Papa wouldn't be happy to know that you aren't listening like a good boy should, maybe I should tell him how you behave when he leaves?"

He shook his head frantically, "Papa not bring me home toys, don't tell."

Harry was slightly miffed that Luca has associated gifts with Zayn but he'd worry about addressing that issue when Zayn was actually in the same country. "Then close your eyes and sleep. I don't want to hear you playing, drawing or walking around the house."

He huffed out a breath, "Okay, I stay here."

"Good boy, I love you." He smiled and leaned down to give him multiple kisses.

Luca grabbed at his arm before he got up, stopping him completely. "Can you sleep with me daddy? I miss papa."

"Bug you need to sleep on your own, yeah." He murmured, handing him his stuffed animal and tucked them both into the blankets. "You've slept with me the last four nights and that's enough, you need to be a big boy and sleep in your big boy bed. And I know you miss papa, you can leave him a good morning message tomorrow."

Luca hasn't liked sleeping alone the past week so he's been sneaking out of bed around midnight then waking up the next morning in Harry's bed, tangled in a mess of his own limbs and the sheets he managed to swipe completely away from Harry's body.

"I can sleep with you one more, daddy." He tried, shyly holding up one finger and partially hid his face behind the stuffed animal. "I sleep here tomorrow."

Harry huffed out a breath, knowing Luca's current facial expression could get him to hand over his entire life savings in a blink of an eye. "Alright, one more night with me and then you're on your own."

Luca jumped up, latching himself to Harry's side and giddily bounced around once Harry stood up with him, carrying him down the hallway to the bedroom. "Love you, daddy. I'll be big boy tomorrow."

Harry laughed to himself, knowing he was practicing bad parenting but he could care less at the moment and set Luca down on his bed. "You get snuggled in and I'll be right back, yeah. I'll switch the telly on while I'm gone."

Luca crawled under the blankets, crossing his legs and put an arm behind his head as he laid back against the pillows so that he could see the screen mounted on the wall without laying awkwardly. Harry gave him another kiss, knowing Luca would potentially be asleep by the time he came back into the room and went downstairs with his laptop.

He opened Skype and gave Zayn a ring, not having to wait long before a semi scruffy and drowsy Zayn appeared on the screen. Only unlike before he was shirtless, the light was nearly nonexistent other than the laptop screen and he was laying in bed and the telly was turned down low in the background.

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