Chapter 36

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Zayn and Harry hadn't talked a whole lot since they arrived back home from London four days ago with Luca, Luca was of course pouty that his best friend Neil couldn't come home with them but nonetheless he was giddy about seeing him again in a couple weeks once Zayn officially goes back to work.

It's become routine for Harry to wake up vomiting, Zayn would get up shortly after to bring him a glass of water before he went to get Luca up and take him to pre-school. Once Zayn was back home, Harry would once again be asleep and wake up around ten o'clock and repeat the vomiting process.

Zayn tried to be as helpful as possible but he wasn't exactly sure on what he was meant to do so he would keep his distance, choosing to stay downstairs until Harry came down on his own to eat something for breakfast. Which may or may not come back up within an hour.

"Do you want to come to the doctors with me?" Harry croaked in a scratchy voice, having just finished vomiting for the third time this morning.

He stood up quickly, "Um, yeah. I'll drive."

Harry was going to elaborate on why he was going to the doctors but Zayn had already rushed out of the room, grabbing the keys and went out the door to start the vehicle. He took a few breaths before he collected his things and followed Zayn's path outside, climbing into the passenger seat.


"Good morning Mr Styles," the doctor greeted as he walked into the private examination room, "I understand you're here because you're considering termination, am I correct?"

He nodded, feeling Zayn's eyes burning holes into the side of his face but refused to look towards him. Because if Zayn had of let him finish speaking this morning, he would've known that this doctors appointment wasn't necessarily a positive one.

"And that's perfectly alright, we'd just like to remind you that there's an alternative." He sat down, pulling a couple pamphlets from the organized wall hanging. "There's always adaption, you can have that be closed or open and of course keeping the fetus is always an option."

Harry shakily took the adoption pamphlets, scanning through some of the paragraphs.

He looked towards Zayn, "And are you the father?"

"Yes but I -" Zayn was at a complete loss for words, not realizing Harry was even wanting to terminate the pregnancy. "I - um, could you give us a minute to talk some?"

"Sure, I'm going to do my rounds then I'll come back to check on you both." He handed them two more pamphlets, this time they were about surrogacy.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Zayn raised his voice the moment the door clicked shut, "An abortion, really?!"

Harry kept his eyes on the pamphlets, "Yes because I can't do this on my own again, I love Luca but I just can't."

"Nobody said you were doing this on your own, what the hell are you thinking. You can't make this decision on your own and I'm not letting you kill our child." He snatched the pamphlets out of his hands, absentmindedly throwing them.

Harry looked up at him, more than slightly teary eyed. "Stop yelling at me, I'm trying to be practical. You're leaving to Australia, you've got rehearsals starting soon and it's doubtful you'd even be around much the first year."

"We can work around that, I can work around my schedule." He was beyond desperate at this point, "Just don't do this, don't kill my baby."

Harry sniffled, wiping his eyes. "You better not miss one fucking appointment, if we're going to do this we're doing this the right way. You won't treat this baby like you treated Luca."

"I didn't know about -" Harry gave him eyes, stopping him mid-sentence. "Okay, okay. I - um, yeah. I understand, I won't miss anything."

"And you'll be there for delivery." He added.

Zayn paused a moment, thinking over his schedule. "I - ah, yes. I'll make it."

"Then we're having a baby," Harry wiped his eyes again, clearing the last of his tears before Zayn leaned down and kissed him.


"Luca, Luca, Luca." Zayn chased after the four year old, trying to catch him before he made it upstairs. "You're staying down here with me, daddies taking a nap. We've had a long day."

Luca paused on the staircase, furrowing his brow. "Have not, papa. Daddy does not go to pre-school, I had busy day. I paint, colour, sing and I help with snacks today."

"Well babe," he reached for him and picked him up. "Daddy, um - daddies just sleepy, yeah so let's just stay downstairs until he's awake."

He pouted, "M'kay, can we paint on walls?"

Zayn looked around, trying to decide on how pissed Harry would be with the outcome. "Or you know we could try to make cookies and you can decorate them with frosting."

"Chocolate ones?" He smiled.

"I was thinking more like sugar cookies but I suppose if you want chocolate cookies, we could do that instead." He laughed as he carried Luca into the kitchen, praying they didn't set the whole place on fire.


(authors note: sooo Harry sort of had a meltdown and/or moment of weakness but Zayn talked him out of things, which was major since Harry seemed pretty set on his plans. And Luca seems to get sassier by the chapter, please quit saying he's Louis' child.

Are you surprised Harry was even thinking of getting an abortion, and do you think Zayn will stick to his word on sticking around for this baby and the appointments?

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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