Chapter 7

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"Perrie can you get off me, I'm tried and not in the mood right now." Zayn grumbled as he slipped out from underneath her body and flipped onto his back.

She frowned, laying down on her side now that Zayn had stopped laying on his stomach and letting her lay across his back. "What's wrong, are you too warm? I could open the window some."

He briefly covered his face with his hands, huffing out a breath. "No I'm fine, it's just uncomfortable for me to lay like that for longer than a few minutes."

Perrie moved towards him in the bed, entangling her legs with his and put a hand on his exposed abdomen. "You seem stressed, maybe I could.." She murmured, letting her voice trail off towards the end as she playfully bit her bottom lip.

"I really just want to sleep, I've had an extremely long day." He sighed, turning onto his side and faced away from Perrie's body.

She scoffed, "Well fine you prick. It's not like this is my last night home with you before I leave with the girls again and what could you of possibly done today that was so exhausting, you're on a tour break right now and we both know you rarely go out anywhere unless it's forced which makes me feel like a shitty fiancé because I have to be the bad guy and drag you out."

Zayn laid with his back to her, fainting listening to her ramble and complain about how he never takes her anywhere or wants to do anything with her. But Zayn's mind was somewhere else, thinking about Luca and how he's been able to spend the last three days with the toddler - the best three days of his fucking life.

He's been seeing Luca regularly but lately Harry's found more trust in Zayn and allowed Luca to stay the night - of course only the nights that Perrie was gone, but it was something and it meant the world to Zayn. Having a relationship with Luca, his son, meant the world to Zayn and nobody was going to jeopardize that - especially not Perrie.

"You know what, fuck off Perrie." Zayn sat up and switched on the lamp, pushing a hand through his disheveled hair and looked at her. "All you do is bitch and moan about what I'm not doing for you or how I need to change things in my life when there's nothing wrong with my life, I do have a problem in my life and it's you. You're a controlling bitch who's only concerned about the next tabloid you'll be in, but you don't deserve any of that. You deserve nothing so get the fuck out and you can keep the bloody ring, it's not worth much anyways."

She glared at him, absolutely fuming. "You can't break up with me, we're engaged."

He laughed as he got up, amused by how daft she could be at times. "Not anymore."

Perrie didn't know what else to say so she watched Zayn get dressed in sweatpants, a hoodie and trainers before he threw on a beanie. "Where are you going?"

"I'm not obligated to tell you anything Perrie, that's the thing with you - you're so fucking controlling you can't even handle not knowing what someone else is doing. I bet you'll call Management once I leave so here," he grabbed her phone off the dresser and tossed it on the bed by her. "Call them, I don't care anymore. I'm done with all this."

She watched him walk out, speechless and fuming with anger but once she heard the door open and close, she let out a loud screeching sound like a child throwing a fit and quickly grabbed her phone.


Harry had Luca wrapped in a towel, carrying him down the hall to his bedroom and sat the toddler down on the bed so he could grab him some clothes - he usually lays them out beforehand but it slipped his mind.

"You've got two choices tonight bug, your snuggly onesie or you can go naked with just underwear since you've gone accident-free for almost a month. Which do you want?" Harry held up the options, smiling when Luca tapped his finger on his bottom lip like he was having an intense debate over the matter.

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