Chapter 43

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Zayn watched Luca from the kitchen, watching him dig around the shed and forcibly yank two hula-hoop's out and toss them onto the grass before he maneuvered his way back out and picked them both up.

Luca came to the screen door, leaning them on the house and tapped on the screen. "Papa, I got you a hula hoop."

"What for?" He questioned as he opened the screen, squatting down to his level.

Luca shrugged, giving him a blank stare because he couldn't even remember why he originally got them out. He just knew he had one for papa and one for himself.

"You're a nut, you know that." Zayn laughed, picking him up and carrying him inside the house.

"Can we see animals today?" Luca questioned once Zayn had set him down at the table with a juice box and some crisps.

He sat beside him, stealing a crisp or two and smiled when Luca scrunched his face up at his actions. "I think maybe this weekend we will, daddy hasn't been feeling too good and I bet he'd be sad if he missed out on the zoo."

"Is daddy sad now?" Luca further pressed, knowing something was wrong between his parents because lately Zayn's been taking care of him whereas Harry's been upstairs or out on his own.

Zayn briefly distracted him with a crisps battle, acting as though they were swords but he knew Luca would continue to ask the same question if he didn't answer.

"Daddies just having a hard time dealing with - um, he's - daddies confused about his feelings but as long as we give him lots of love, he'll be okay. Does that make sense?"

Luca nodded, "I love daddy a lot, do you papa. Do you love daddy lots?"

"Yes, and do you know why I love him so much?" He shook his head, "Because without daddy, you wouldn't be here and you're one of the most important people in my life."

Luca's face heated up at his words, giggling when Zayn leaned over and blew as raspberry on his rounded cheek. "Can we give daddy kisses and hugs, make him happy."

"I think that's a great idea, go pick out some movies and I'll meet you upstairs." He murmured his words like they were a secret, getting Luca all hyped up.

Zayn waited until Luca climbed down from the chair before he picked up his snack mess, and headed upstairs. Knowing it was going to take Luca at least five minutes to decide on a movie, so he had time to let Harry know Luca was coming to see him.

"You awake?" He questioned softly as he quietly knocked on the door, pushing it open and poked his head inside.

Harry flipped the blankets off himself, "Sorry, yeah. I meant to come down and make Luca some lunch." He quickly moved to get up.

"No, no." He stopped him before he'd gotten completely up. "Lunch was three hours ago, I made him a snack. I came up here to let you know that Luca going to be up with a movie."

Harry sighed, deflating some. "I don't want him to see me like this, I'm a mess."

Zayn smiled at him, leaning down and kissing his puffy lips. "You look good, and he's not even going to care. You're his dad."

"Thank you," he halfheartedly smiled, pushing a hand through his tangled loose curls and attempted to sort them out but gave up.

Zayn slipped into bed beside him, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist as he laid beside him and kissed his arm. "I love you."

"Love you too," he murmured back, perking up with a smile when he saw Luca in the doorway. "Hi baby, c'mere and cuddle with papa and I."

As soon as Luca was on the bed he gave Harry a massive kiss, hugging him tightly and pulled back with a smile. "I love you lots, daddy. A lot, a lot, a lot." He smiled, holding up his movie. "You like this, right? I can pick another one."

Harry laughed, pulling Luca down into his lap and hugged him. "I love the Frozen movie, good choice." He agreed, knowing it was one of Luca's favourites but he was completely in the mood to listen to Luca sing along to the songs and it made the toddler happy - which definitely makes Harry happy.

Halfway through the movie Harry silently mouthed a thank you to Zayn, realizing what he'd done because he honestly needed this extra love and attention from them both. It made him feel extremely loved and needed, which was something he'd been unknowingly craving.


Harry had tucked Luca into bed, having been the first time since they arrived back home that he's had the energy to put Luca to bed.

He came back into the bedroom and was greeted with a partially naked Zayn, his lower half being the only part covered with the blankets.

"Since when do you sleep naked?" Harry questioned with a smile as he climbed under the blankets, taking a small peek in the process.

Zayn entangled his legs with Harry's the moment he was settled beside him, "Since when do you question when your boyfriend is laying naked beside you?"

His cheeks heated up the moment he felt Zayn's appendage nudging his thigh, "If we're really going to do this, I don't want to use a condom." Harry bluntly blurted.

"I know," Zayn murmured, attaching his lips to Harry's overly sensitive neck.

"And you're okay with -"

Zayn moved his lips from Harry's neck to his mouth, silencing him with a deep kiss and pulled back with a smile. "I know the consequences and I'm okay with the possibility of having another baby, stop thinking so much and enjoy yourself."

He wordlessly nodded, quietly yelping into Zayn's mouth when their positions suddenly shifted and Zayn was on top and in control.


(authors note: everyone spent some family time together, and then Zayn and Harry spent some extra special family time together. And of course Luca was an adorable goofball.

Do you think Zayn and Harry are doing the right thing, as in trying for another baby?

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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