Chapter 8

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Luca was sprawled out on the living room floor with his drawing supplies as usual, they'd gotten home an hour ago and Harry was in the kitchen making dinner while Luca worked on drawing his latest master piece.

The toddler happened to look up and spotted something wedged between the arm of the couch and the cushion so being the curious explorer that Luca is, he went over and dug it out. After some examination he realized who exactly it belonged to and put it on his head how he'd seen the person wearing it, then went back to his drawing.

Twenty minutes later Harry came to get Luca for dinner and saw him wearing the exact same beanie Zayn had on a couple nights ago when he stayed over and slept on the couch. But he didn't want the toddler to think he was in trouble or snatch it off his head and throw it away like he wanted to do, so Harry planned to approach the matter with ease.

"Luca where did you get that from?" He asked softly, squatting down beside him and acted like he was more interested in the drawing than what was on the toddlers head.

Luca looked up and smiled proudly, "It papas, I know so. He leave it for me."

"Okay, well do you want to take it off so we can eat some dinner?" He tried, knowing that as soon as it was off Luca's head and out of his eyesight he was going to throw it away.

Luca shook his head, slowly letting a frown develop on his face. "No it from papa. He leave it for me, daddy." He desperately explained, wanting him to understand that it was special.

"Alright, just tonight you can keep it on." Harry settled, knowing he would never forcibly take something from Luca and letting him wear the beanie during dinner couldn't possibly hurt anything.

But two hours later when it was bedtime, Luca still refused to take the beanie off - he'd even gotten away with taking a bath with it still on his head.

"Pretty please can you take the hat off so you can sleep, it'll hurt your head by morning." Harry suggested, wanting to out smart the toddler.

Luca shook his head, laying down in bed and tossed around some. "See, no hurt me daddy. It okay."

He smiled, trying to hold back his laughter because Luca was clearly smarter than he leads on. "When you wake up with a headache, you're on your own bug."

"Okay." Luca wasn't phased at all, he snuggled down in his blankets and smiled. "Where the fishy?"

Harry couldn't help himself but laugh, leaning down and pecking the toddlers lips. "Night bug, see you in the morning."

Luca nodded as he yawned, turning over onto his stomach and pushed the beanie up some so it wasn't in his eyes.

Harry thought about plucking the hat off the toddler in his sleep, but he knew at this point Luca would most definitely have a meltdown and that's not the way Harry likes to start their mornings - especially since Luca rarely throws fits over anything.


Harry had just left work a half hour ago and was currently climbing out of his vehicle to go get Luca from daycare when notice a few people were standing around with large professional cameras.

He didn't think anything of it, because sometimes the daycare centre will hire photographers and have them take photos of the children when they're playing or doing group crafts so their parents have natural photos of them.

Only when Harry walked past them on his way out with Luca, they came a little closer and started taking their photo as Harry carried Luca to the vehicle. Since they didn't get too close, Harry didn't bother addressing them and just shifted Luca to his other side and kept him shielded from the lenses view.

"Who them, daddy?" Luca questioned once Harry was pulling away.

He glanced back at him in the rearview mirror, "Just some people bug, nothing to worry about."

Luca accepted the vague response, turning his attention to the window and watched as they passed countless buildings, shops and complexes. Until a half hour later they were home and Luca was bouncing up the two front steps like a rabbit, patiently waiting for Harry to unlock the door and then ran inside to start a drawing while Harry went to start something for dinner.

Once Harry knew Luca was occupied he pulled out his phone and poked around until he came to Zayn's number, then pressed the phone to his ear.

On the third, almost fourth ring he answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, I've got a question." Harry paused a moment, trying to decide whether or not he was actually going to bring this up to him. "So I just got home with Luca and when I was at his daycare, there were a couple guys with cameras and I was wondering if that had anything to do with you? Because as soon as I came out with Luca, they started talking pictures and sort of followed us to the car."

"Did they say anything?" He questioned, thrown off photographers were even able to find the two of them - but then again once you see Luca, you know he's a Malik.

Harry started pulling items from the cupboard and fridge, holding the phone between his cheek and shoulder so he could multitask. "No, they just ignored me when I walked in by myself and then followed us when I came out with Luca."

"Could I maybe come over and then we could talk about this? I mean it's easier to explain in person and I really want to see Luca too, I got him something." He tried, knowing he was treading on thin ice with Harry, especially after Harry admitted Zayn had broken his heart and Zayn didn't have much of a response.

Harry looked down at the food he was preparing, mulling things over in his head and then exhaled a breath. "I guess but can you stop somewhere and pick up apple juice? It's Luca's favourite and the carton is nearly empty."

"Yeah, I can - I can do that - um, do you need anything else or just that?" Zayn stumbled over his words, wanting to contain the feeling of happiness that Harry was actually asking him for something. Even if it was technically for Luca, Harry was still asking.

"No, just the juice. It was the only thing I forgot to buy yesterday when I did the shopping." Harry was only half paying attention to what Zayn was saying, more focused on the dinner he was preparing.

"I'll see you in a bit then, yeah and don't tell Luca I'm coming. I want to surprise him."

"I wasn't planning on it and you'll be in for a surprise of your own when you see what he's wearing - and keeps wearing no matter what I say."

"What does that mean?"

Harry laughed, " You'll find out when you see him." He hung up before Zayn could ask anymore questions, because no doubt when he sees Luca he'll be speechless.


(authors note: I made Harry a little nicer since you all thought he should at least give Zayn a chance, and I mean he invited him over for dinner - sort of.

What do you think Zayn is going to say and what do you think he got for Luca, not to mention what do you think Luca is wearing?

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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