Chapter 18

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Today was supposed to be the day that Zayn flys to Canada with the rest of One Direction to start touring again but he was having a hard time leaving Luca, he had already called his Management and arranged a later fight so that he wouldn't have to leave during the day and could fly out during the night and still land without throwing off everyone's schedules.

"You leavin' papa?" Luca questioned, already knowing the answer because he's been trying to convince Zayn to stay awhile longer. "Can I go too? I be good boy, daddy tell papa I good boy."

Harry smiled softly, "Luca we know you're a good boy but you can't leave with papa, he's got to go back to work and you start preschool on Monday. You'll still see papa, just not in person."

He knitted his brows together, not fully understanding the tricky wording. "Where see then?"

"I'll FaceTime you whenever I can," Zayn pulled out his phone and pointed to the tiny front facing camera on the device. "Or you can call me whenever you want to talk."

Luca pushed out his bottom lip, looking between both the adults and frowned. "No papa, you stay or I can go with you. I no need preschool."

"Sorry babe but that's how it works," Zayn apologized, feeling terrible for having to leave but going back on tour is unavoidable.

"I no see you ever papa." He fussed, leaning on Zayn's knees and gave him a pitiful expression.

Zayn brushed his fingers through Luca's dark hair and smiled, "I love you more than anything in the world, I'll make time to see you. There's already two hours of Luca time put into my work schedule, which means I have two whole hours to talk to you and nobody can interrupt or cut our time short."

"Everyday?" He mumbled, grabbing into Zayn's trousers and letting himself balance in the air as he pulled his feet up off the ground.

Zayn laughed, pulling Luca up onto his lap and wrapped his arms around him. "Every single day until I'm home again."

"Okay, I love you papa. You go work now, I call you." He instructed, giggling hysterically when Zayn started attacking the side of his neck with sloppy kisses.

"Alright, please no screeching. We're getting complaints from neighbors." Harry warned lightly, because two days ago a neighbor next door came over and threatened to call the building owner if the toddler in the flat didn't stop laughing too loudly.

Which Harry thought was absolutely ridiculous because Luca wasn't doing anything wrong or hurting anyone, he's a toddler who enjoys laughing but he likes their flat so he had to quiet Luca down before they got in trouble.

"What do you mean complaints, he's only laughing?" Zayn commented, this being the first time he's heard of the situation.

"The neighbors don't like hearing it, they're older and Luca's the only child in the building so I guess his voice travels." He shrugged, not wanting to make a big deal out of nothing.

"Why don't you just move?" Zayn stated like it was the most obvious solution in the world.

He halfheartedly rolled his eyes, pushing a hand through his hair and huffed out a breath. "I can't do anything right now, I just paid Luca's tuition and half of his materials and uniform fees. But I did find a couple places that could possibly work until I could find something better because the dental office I'm work for now said they can refer me to an office in Brighton and they'll hopefully take me on sometime next month if everything goes as planned."

Zayn kissed Luca's temple, whispering hushed words into his ear and then set the toddler down. Luca collected his drawing book and a couple coloured pencils, taking his things into a different room and plopped down. "Harry I can help you pay for things."

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