Chapter 54

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"He left? What do you mean left the band?" Anne questioned into the phone, utterly confused on everything her son had just said.

Harry dangled a toy above Azad, getting him to reach for the object. "Mum it means exactly what I said, Zayn decided to leave One Direction. He wants to be here for the boys and I, he'll just make his own music on his own time."

"No more schedules?" She questioned.

"Right," he nodded, smiling when Azad grasped the toy and tried pulling it down towards himself.

"Well then that's brilliant, sweetheart." He could practically hear her smile in her words.

Harry sighed deeply, letting Azad have the toy. "Yeah.. Suppose so."

Anne paused a moment, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing.." He assured, "I — it's just, I think Zayn has an ulterior motive to all this. I don't know, something just feels off about this whole thing."

"I'm sure there's no funny business happening, Zayn loves you deeply. You know that."

"No I know, it's —" he paused, trying to gather the right words but ended up shaking his head. "Never mind, I'm just worrying over nothing. Overthinking."

"Harry there's no doubt in my mind that Zayn has nothing but pure intentions for leaving," Anne reassured again. "Now is the time for you to be supportive, because this is a huge change and transitional period in his career."

He exhaled a deep breath, "I know, I know."

"Now, go spend the afternoon with your family instead of being a worry wart. You'll give yourself and ulcer if you keep this up." She halfheartedly laughed.

Harry looked around the fairly quiet living room, knowing Luca was at schooling for another two hours and Zayn had gone out for the afternoon. Again.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later then."

Anne made kiss-kiss noises into the phone, "Bye sweetheart, give the babies a kiss and a hug for me and tell Zayn I said hello."

"I will, bye mum."

He hung up, looking down at his phone and switched over to his text messages. Pulling up a new conversation.

'Will you be home for dinner?'

Harry stared at his phone a couple seconds after he'd hit send, expecting the usual text back within a minute but nothing. So he tucked it back into his pocket and picked Azad up, standing up with him.

As he was placing the infant into his bouncer, his phone vibrated.

'Sry babe, don't wait up.'

He groaned, tucking his phone away again.

"I think papa's lying to me," Harry spoke absentmindedly to Azad, knowing he can't understand his words yet.

"He's missed dinner three times this week," he continued as he watched Azad sway back and forth in the seat. "Huh, do you think it's time we had a talk with papa then?"

Azad made his usual little noises, watching Harry's movements.

"Yeah, me too." He mumbled before he got up off his knees and went to sit down on the couch.


"Where are you going when you leave?" Harry blurted the following morning at breakfast, Luca had already been sent off to school so it was just Azad present.

Zayn kept his eyes on Azad in his lap, playing with his tiny fingers as he ate his own breakfast. "Work, you know that."

He shook his head, "No Zayn, you aren't working from noon until well past midnight. Where are you going?"

"Harry, I'm going to work. I swear." He promised.

He got up from the table, dumping his half eaten plate of food into the sink and kept his back turned. "I want to see what you've been working on then, I want to see what you've been putting before your family. Because you swore you leaving was for us but so far you've been home, maybe a week total since you've left. Which was nearly three weeks ago."

"You and Azad can come to the studio with me before Luca needs to be picked up," Zayn shrugged nonchalantly.

Slightly upsetting Harry with his casualness about the situation because he himself was worked up but at least he would get to see what Zayn's been supposedly working on. So it was a start.

"Well here, let me take him upstairs to get changed and everything." He turned around and put his arms out towards Azad, expecting Zayn to hand him over.

Zayn stood up with Azad, "I'll get him changed."

"I can do it, I have to go upstairs any ways." Harry insisted.

"Relax babe, I know what I'm doing." He laughed as he headed out of the kitchen, going towards the staircase down the hallway.

Harry exhaled a deep breath as he pushed a hand through his hair, not wanting to make a mountain out of a mole hill with the situation. And started cleaning up their breakfast mess.

Over the last few weeks he's felt like everything he's worked so hard to rebuild and build with Zayn was slipping away, only he didn't know how to address or stop anything that was happening. He's continually felt as though he needed to be on edge about things incase everything decided to truly fall apart.

Things just seemed much more difficult now and he hadn't the slightest clue why. But something was definitely off between them.



Short chapter I know (I'm sorry), I just didn't know what else to include and I've had it just sitting like this for weeks on end. Hopefully you'll accept it for what it's worth.

Harry and Zayn seem to be falling apart, more so Harry seems to be falling apart. Do you think Zayn is doing what he says he's doing, if not what is he up to?

Any and all feedback is GREATLY appreciated!

p.s. I'm sorry for the lack of Luca cuteness in this! He'll be back soon enough!

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