Chapter 10

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Gemma ended up coming a day early, arriving around dinner and decided she would take Luca out for some food to give Harry and their mum some time to talk because she could tell by her brothers demeanor that something was wrong - not to mention Luca wasn't a ball of happiness.

"Thanks again Gemma, you really don't have to take him anywhere too expensive. He eats like a bird half the time and lately he's not much for eating anyways." Harry was helping Luca with his shoes, kissing his forehead before he stood up and handed Gemma loose money from his pocket.

She laughed, pushing the money back into his hands. "Relax, we're most likely getting burgers or pizza. I'm sure I can afford that on my own. Even though you've got a kid, you're still my little brother I don't need you to give me spending money."

"Yeah, yeah." He smiled, nearly mirroring her own smile. "Have fun and no fizzy drinks for Luca, hurts his belly afterwards."

Gemma picked up the toddler, placing him securely on her hip. "Your daddy is a fun-sucker, maybe if he's lucky we'll bring him back our picked over leftovers." She teased, tickling Luca's side but didn't get much of a response.

"Right, well -" Harry paused, nervously looking at Luca and tried to figure out whether or not sending Luca with Gemma was even a good idea.

"It'll be fine, he'll be fine." Gemma reassured once Harry didn't continue, giving his arm a small squeeze as she carried Luca past him and headed towards the door.

Harry watched Gemma buckle Luca into his seat, feeling his heart sink even deeper when Luca just sat there with his head back against the seat and mindlessly stared out the window once Gemma had closed the door; watching them pull away and saw Luca's sad expression.

"Harry, do you want to talk now?" Anne appeared by his side, rubbing his back some and tried to comfort him as much as she could - because she could see the hurt in his eyes.

He slumped his shoulders as he exhaled a deep breath, pushing a hand through his hair and followed his mum into the living room. Anne sat down first and Harry immediately laid down on the couch, dangling his legs off the armrest and put his head on his mums lap; letting her comfortingly card her thin fingers through his hair like she did when Harry was about Luca's age.

"So what's the matter sweetheart, what happened between you and Zayn? I thought you two were okay."

"Up until a couple days ago Luca had been wearing this purple outfit that had Zayn's face and name on it, yeah it's for little girls but Luca wanted it and it's honestly not a big deal. But Zayn came over and saw him in it, flipped out, started yelling at me and said he didn't want Luca to be a p*ssy like me then he denied Luca ever being his because he thinks I was a wh*ring around when we were together." Harry said everything at once, taking a big breath towards the end and let everything sink in.

"Are you sure that's what he said, because I don't remember him being that - um, that - I just don't think Zayn would say something like that. You both were absolutely head over heels for each other." Anne just couldn't understand how and why Zayn would say something like that, he was such a sweet boy from what she remembers.

"Mum I'm telling you word for word." He stressed, "Zayn is complete scum and I should've known better than to let him back in, clearly him leaving me behind was how it should've ended. I'm an idiot for trying because now my son won't speak and he never smiles."

"It's not like Luca saw the fight, right?" Anne tried, combing her fingers through Harry's hair and fiddled with the split-ends.

"I'm not sure how much he saw or heard, but enough that he screamed at me saying Zayn didn't love him and then called me a lair." He sighed, "Afterwards he threw himself on the ground and literally bawled his eyes out for two hours."

"Harry, why didn't you move into another room or take it outside. That poor child, no wonder he's suddenly a mute." Anne nearly gasped.

"I didn't know he was behind us and it was all in the moment, Zayn came over to talk and have dinner - not fight." He defended, slightly irritated that his own mum would assume he purposely fought with Zayn in front of Luca.

"Well sweetheart," she sighed as she stilled her fingers in Harry's hair and lightly scratched his scalp. "Maybe you should let the pieces fall where they may and then go from there, Luca will be okay over time and you both can go back to your lives. Zayn obviously isn't the same person anymore and maybe it's for the better that you two don't reconnect right now, I've seen the news about his engagement so I think this is good for the both of you. It may not be the best type of closure but it's something."

Harry sat up at the mention of Zayn's engagement, "Wait, what? What about his engagement?"

"They're getting married next month, didn't you know?" He shook his head, "I assumed you knew, it's all over the internet and those celebrity magazines in the stands. Zayn didn't tell you?"

Harry was stunned because Zayn had told him the complete opposite last week, "No he never said anything like that." He looked at her, "Mum he told me he left her and that he wanted Luca and I, I cannot believe him - he's such a prick. How could he?"

"Calm down and take a breath, I'm sure there's a reason behind this." She tried to reassure, knowing Harry wasn't buying it.

"No I've been calm the last four years, I'm going to out the bastard to everyone. I don't even care, he's putting Luca through hell right now and he's just going to go galavanting off to the chapel - no. I won't let this happen." He was already pulling his phone out of his pocket before he even finished speaking.

Anne nervously watched her son for a few seconds, knowing once his mind was made up you can't necessarily change it. "What are you doing?"

"I'm finding the contact information for Heat magazine and I'm going to tell them everything, right down to all the times Zayn snuck me into his house when we were kids." Harry was beyond furious because Zayn has lied to him time and time again, most of their relationship was biased of lies and this was the last straw.

Harry was going to expose Zayn's entire life, not caring about potential backlash because at least now Zayn wouldn't have anything to hide behind. Even if that meant getting a DNA test done on Luca and then publicized the results, Harry was going to go to absolute extremes to back Zayn into the corner. He's taken the brunt of Zayn's lies - if not all and it ends now.

He knows this will affect Luca, but doing this now at Luca's young age makes things slightly easier because Harry doesn't have to worry about outsiders telling Luca hurtful things or kids at school teasing him. Harry can shield Luca from everything and hope it doesn't blow up too much, because it's inevitable to become big news considered all the lies Zayn has spun but Harry's counting on it's not being a negative outcome once this gets out.

"Harry I've always supported you and your decisions, but this might be taking things a little too far. It's not fair to out another person when they're clearly in denial and not ready to face reality." Anne spoke hesitantly, not wanting to seem like she was against him but Harry's plans were a bit drastic.

"No, what's not fair is Luca not having a father when Zayn's very much capable of being there for him. He's shown that he can be his father, I know he can and I won't let that be taken away because Zayn is a coward." As the seconds ticked by, Harry become more and more upset; fueling his plans.

She watched him storm out of the room, no doubt heading upstairs to his childhood bedroom and huffed out a breath. "Well then," Anne murmured to herself as she got up and went to make herself some tea, silently preparing herself for the impending backlash to her sons irrational decision.


(authors note: so are you with Anne on thinking Harry's being irrational or do you think he's doing the right thing?

p.s. I'd like to start seeing more comments because I see you lil'shit's voting but a majority are commenting (: and comments that tell me to update when I've literally updated 24hours ago don't count and I'm never opposed to long rants.

Comment, comment, comment!!)

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