Chapter 37

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Harry cautiously wrapped his arms around Zayn's neck, resting his forehead on Zayn's shoulder because he was still slightly queasy from vomiting no less than twenty minutes ago. He groaned when Zayn attempted to move him, kissing his clammy cheek repeatedly.

"I'm going to see you in six days, won't be forever." Zayn murmured softly, rubbing his hands along Harry's back as he hugged him.

"I feel like such shit," he grumbled. "It was never this awful with Luca, I barely even had morning sickens. Lasted a week and then it was over but it's been what, almost four and it's only getting worse."

Zayn inwardly frowned, "Baby if you're honestly not feeling well I can bring you and Luca with me, we'll just stay in London and we'll go from there afterwards."

As much as Harry would love to spend more time with Zayn and see him in his work environment, they couldn't just leave Brighton because Luca's still attending preschool and he actually likes going.

"No, I'm okay." He halfheartedly smiled as he pulled back, "It's only six days and you'll be back for the doctors appointment on Wednesday, and we can always FaceTime."

Zayn paused a moment, mulling things over. "Come with me, you and Luca. We can run pick Luca up early, pack a couple bags and get driving before Management even notices I'm behind schedule some."

"We shouldn't, Luca has school and my appointments are all step up here. It's just not a good idea right now." He wanted to say yes but the logical parent side of his brain was overpowering his wants at the moment.

Zayn started kissing him, pressing him back against he vehicle and kept a hand on his hip. "I can get Luca a private teacher if you want, he'll be doing the same things only we'll be in London - as a family."

"What about his friends?" He pressed, muffling a whimper as he bit down on his lower lip when Zayn moved his mouth towards his jawline.

"You both lived in London, he can go back to daycare. Spend a couple hours with a teacher and he'll spend the rest with kids his own age until you and I come back from the studio." Zayn stopped his assault, remembering they were standing outside their home.

Even though it was private property, paparazzi don't always stop themselves from intruding and snapping countless invasive family photos that tabloids and internet blogs love to trash and create stories with.

Thankfully Harry's pregnancy news hasn't leaked, which makes sense considering Zayn is paying the doctors office a hefty fee to keep quite and they haven't told family or friends. Not even Luca knew and Harry was already twelve weeks.

"I could even find us a flat to rent instead of a hotel, more privacy and Sony has countless ones available for us. It could work," Zayn explained, "Say yes and it'll be arranged before we even get to Luca's school."

Harry looked around, hoping to miraculously find his answer. "What about my doctors appointments?"

"Lou Teasdale. The boys and I's hairstylist, I can ask her to make the appointments so Management doesn't find out. She won't say a word to anyone, I promise." The idea of Harry and Luca coming with him was fairly stuck in Zayn's brain at this point, making it easier for him to agree to just about anything Harry would want so that he'd say yes.

He groaned as he briefly pinched the bridge of his nose, "I need ten minutes to pack things and another ten so I can shower, I probably smell like vomit and I don't want to look disgusting."

"I'll call and get everything set up," Zayn pecked his lips before Harry quickly headed into the house and he pulled out his phone.


"Papa!" Luca squealed excitedly the moment Zayn walked into his classroom, which immediately set all the other kids off because Zayn Malik from One Direction just walked into the classroom.

He went and explained to the teacher, making his way towards Luca after he stopped and talked to almost every kid in his path. "Hey babe. You, daddy and I are going on a mini holiday to London for awhile."

"I stayin' at aunties?" Luca questioned with a furrowed brow.

"No, you're coming with and we're going to have loads of fun." He smiled as he picked him up, kissing his cheek as he carried the toddler towards the cubby room to grab his things.

Luca gave him a nervous and slightly worried expression, "I not go to preschool no more?"

"You'll go, only it'll be just you and a teacher." He explained, helping Luca into his jacket.

"I stayin' with auntie, daddy and you go. I like preschool." Luca wanted to make clear that he didn't want to leave school, he has friends here and they do loads of projects he likes.

Zayn smiled, kissing Luca's forehead. "You'll get to see Niall just about anytime you want when we're in London."

A massive grin spread across Luca's face, "Okay, I comin' to London too papa."

"Mhm, that's what I thought." He laughed as he picked him up, carrying Luca's small school bag in his hand and made their way towards the doors because Harry was waiting outside for them in the vehicle.

"I goin' to see Neil!" Luca cheered to his classmates as they walked past them, making the other kids gasp and squeal because a lot of the girls knew who the members of One Direction were and pronounced Niall's name the same way Luca does.

Zayn laughed, carrying Luca out of the buzzing classroom. "I don't think that was very nice, stinker. Those little girls are going to be jealous of you."

"Why?" He furrowed his brow, not understanding why anyone would be upset about him getting to see his best friend.

Because to Luca, Niall was a regular person and nothing more than one of papa's friends. The four year old didn't understand that Niall and Liam were internationally famous, nor did he comprehend that his own papa was internationally famous.

In Luca's mind Niall was simply his best friend, Liam would sing to him and brought his hyper puppy around, and Zayn was his papa - nothing more, nothing less.

"Never mind babe, let's not keep daddy waiting too long." He smiled, repeatedly kissing Luca's cheek as they walked out of the school building.

Luca wrapped his arms around Zayn's neck, resting his head on his shoulder. "I'm hungry."

"Good, because daddies hungry too so I think we're going to stop through McDonald's." He murmured as he pulled open the backseat door, placing Luca into his seat and tossed his bag in beside him so he could buckle him.

"Hi daddy, I'm hungry but papa say'd we eat McDonald's okay?" Luca informed as he looked around Zayn to see Harry smiling at him from the passenger seat.

He laughed, "Okay, thank you for telling me. How was school today?"

"Good." Luca hummed as Zayn closed his door and went to open his own door. "How was home?"

"Boring without my little bug running around." He cooed, "You excited to go back to London for a bit?"

He nodded enthusiastically as Zayn pulled away from the school, "I can see Neil!"

"Yes but you'll also be going back to your old daycare too, that way you can play with your friends." Harry added, wanting Luca to understand he wasn't going to be spending every second of the day with Niall.

He deflated some as he dramatically sighed, "Okay but I see Neil first, okay daddy? Okay?"

"Yes," he agreed.


(authors note: sooo Harry and Luca are going to temporarily move to London with Zayn so they aren't going back and forth during breaks in between rehearsals, and Luca is just happy he gets to see Niall more often.

Do you think it was smart for Harry to leave Brighton with Luca and go to London with Zayn, or should he of just stayed?

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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