Chapter 23

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Zayn stayed at the house long enough to take Luca to preschool, Harry was silent and evasive and the whole time. Afterwards Harry made up the excuse that he was spending the morning with his sister Gemma, leaving Zayn alone to entertain himself until noon when Luca was done with preschool.

Zayn headed straight to the tattoo parlor, avoiding paparazzi that had followed the three of them to Luca's school and ducked in through the back entrance.

"Zayn mate, it's been ages. How ya' been?" The heavily tattooed bloke questioned as soon as he spotted Zayn walking through the back.

He smiled, "Good, yeah; you?"

"Ahh," he shrugged it off, already setting up the ink gun with an array of colours laid out on the short metal stand.

Zayn took a seat, shrugging off his sweatshirt and rolled up his t-shirt sleeve, exposing the awful cartoon version of Perrie he drunkly decided to get tattoo'd onto his body. "So I'm thinking you could cover this, yeah." He pointed to the dark tattoo on his upper arm, Zayn's one and only tattoo on his entire body.

He nodded, checking the gun to make sure the needle was placed properly and secure. "Mhm, any ideas or are we just going for it?"

"I've got one of my sons paintings, I want that to cover the whole area. You know, start a sleeve." Zayn explained, showing him the photo on his phone and smiled widely as he further explained exactly how he wanted it to look on his arm. Adding a couple small details.

He nodded along to everything, pulling out a marker and free handedly drew over the tattoo on Zayn's arm. "There, how's that?"

Zayn got up and looked in the mirror, rough examining the sketch on his arm. "Sick, do you think it's possible to hide his name in there somewhere? I mean, media will already be hounding because of covering the tattoo and I don't want my son being thrown into the spotlight." He sighed, "He's only four and doesn't really know or understand what I do for a living."

"No, yeah. I can manage that. The design seems simple enough, have a seat." He agreed, knowing this would be easily pulled off because Zayn had a rather decent sized space for him to cover and work with so the possibilities were seemingly endless when it came to the design.

Zayn sat down, getting comfortable and thought about what else he could do to show Harry and the media that he was absolutely serious and dedicated to working on repairing his family and making up for past mistakes.


"Papa!" Luca squealed excitedly when he spotted Zayn waiting for him outside of his classroom door.

Zayn inwardly hissed in pain when he squatted down and Luca jumped into his arms, squeezing him and the fresh tattoo covering ninety percent of his upper arm.

"Hi babe, how was your class today?" He smiled, kissing the toddlers cheek and ignored the probing eyes of everyone else around them. "Did you do anything fun today?"

Luca nodded, pulling the drawing into view and smiled proudly. "Me, daddy 'n you papa." He showed him the family drawing, above each drawing was a word that represented each family member. Harry's said curly, Luca's was bug and Zayn's was airplane.

"Why does mine say, airplane?" Zayn questioned, placing another kiss on the toddlers temple and stood up with him in his arms.

Luca shrugged, holding the drawing and hang on with an arm around Zayn's neck. "Daddy say'd you go on them lots, it why I no see you."

He tried not to frown, but it's upsetting as a parent to know that your young child automatically assumes you aren't around. "Oh, well it's a lovely drawing babe. I like daddies crazy hair." Zayn commented, nodding towards the mess of dark green curls on Harry's head.

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