Chapter 26

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"Luca please stop standing by the door, come draw with me." Harry called out to the toddler, attempting to get him to interact instead of pacing by the front door.

Zayn was supposed to come home today, and Harry hasn't been able to get ahold of him since last night so he couldn't even ballpark when Zayn would be there but Luca was anxious to see his papa and insisted that standing by the front door was the safest place to be because he wanted to be the first to give him hugs and kisses.

Luca pressed his face against the window beside the door, looking outside and waiting for a black vehicle because papa always comes home in a black suv. "No daddy, papa comin' home soon. I give him lots of kisses."

He walked into the hallway, silently leaning on the wall as he watched the toddler stare out the window. Harry was beginning to worry that Zayn wasn't coming today and possibly things had been pushed around, and he just hasn't had time to call or anything.

"What about a movie, we could watch Frozen together and when it's over maybe papa will be here." He suggested, knowing its Luca's favourite movie at the moment.

Luca shook his head, keeping his face pressed to the glass. "I stayin' here, you watch Frozen daddy."

Harry laughed, picking Luca up against his will and covered his worrisome face in countless kisses. "We'll sit on the couch and you can watch for papa through the window in the living room, I don't want you just standing at the door like a puppy." He kissed his furrowed brow, "Besides I don't want papa accidentally knocking you over when he comes in the door."

The toddler huffed, "Fine daddy, we watch Frozen."

"No need to be a sassy bum," Harry set him down on the couch and went to put in the disk.

Luca flopped onto his belly, arching back and looked at his bum. "No sassy on me bum?"

He laughed, picking him up and placed him on his lap. "Your mouth is what's sassy, mister."

"You have a sassy mouth." The toddler retorted, getting comfortable in his daddies lap and completely forgot about watching out the window because Harry had successfully distracted him enough.

Harry gently pinched Luca's lips together, "Shh, let's just watch the movie without your mouth."

The toddler made fussing noises in response, not being able to fully speak considering his lips were sealed. They sat peacefully watching the movie for nearly a half hour but Luca jumped up when he heard what sounded like a vehicle door slamming closed.

"What that?" He whispered, turning and looking out the window.

"I'm sure it's just -"

"Papa!" Luca squealed before Harry could even get his words out, jumping off the couch and took off running towards the front door. The toddler yanked the door open on his second attempt, running outside and latching onto Zayn's legs as he grabbed his suitcases from the back of the open vehicle.

"Hi, babe. You miss me?" He laughed, carefully setting down the bags without bumping the toddler in the process.

Luca bounced, squeezing Zayn's legs as tight as he could with his little arms and then started kissing every inch of him.

"Up, I want up." He fussed with his arms up in the air, annoyed Zayn wasn't moving fast enough and jumped upwards when he finally did pick him up.

"Woah, babe." Zayn laughed, realizing Luca was latched so tightly to his torso that he didn't even need to support his weight with his arm around him. "I'm here, I won't leave for awhile."

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