Chapter 13

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Luca was completely wiped after his party, once they had said goodbye to everyone Harry carried the buzzing toddler to the vehicle but twenty minutes later he was knocked out cold in his car seat.

When they arrived home Harry quickly unloaded to vehicle first, then quietly carried Luca into the flat and switched him out of his clothes, changing him into pajamas and tucked him into bed. He didn't want to risk waking him up to use the bathroom so he slipped a pull-up on him just in case the toddler had an accident.

"Bollocks," he cursed as he stumbled over his feet going down the stairs to grab his chiming phone from the kitchen, "Hello?"

"It's Zayn, do you have time to talk now or should I call back later?"

Harry pushed a hand through his hair, huffing out a breath because he had completely forgot about Zayn wanting to talk and he was honestly just ready to crawl into bed. "We can talk now I guess."

"Right so I want to tell you the truth, everything." He took a breath, knowing this was going to be a lot to confess at once.

"If I even think for a second that you're lying, I'm hanging up and we're done. No more calling, no apologizing, no seeing Luca. No nothing and I'm serious, this lying bullshit ends now." Harry spoke sternly, confident in his words and knew he needed to stand behind them if they were ever going to move forward.

"I get it, this is my absolute last chance to make everything right between us." He sighed, knowing Harry was officially at the end of his rope. "The truth is, I told my parents I was gay after you told me you were pregnant. My mum cried for days and my dad wouldn't look at me, he still gives me disgusted looks when he sees me with a Perrie because he knows it isn't real. I'm a fake.

Perrie doesn't know about you but she knows about Luca, she saw pictures of him on my phone and she saw his art. Then remember that day with the "photographers" outside Luca's daycare, that was Perrie fault. She tracked Luca down and paid them to get pictures to use against me, she thinks you're Luca's nanny or something. She thinks I've got a child with some other woman but I've kept her hidden and got her held up somewhere out of the publics eye.

I haven't bothered correcting her because I'm trying to keep you safe, I know you don't like the fame part of my life and I don't want you to be forced into the lifestyle when I know it's something you don't want. Same with Luca, which is why our engagement was pushed to next month. She's threatening to go to the media with the photos, which there's no doubt that Luca is mine since he's identical to me so I couldn't even try to play it off as false accusation.

Harry I'm so fucking sorry I did this, I should've been honest from the start. I've loved you since the day I met you and I love our son, but I mean Liam and Niall don't even know about either of you so I've created this massive web of lies and now I'm tangled."

Harry had sat down on the kitchen floor, resting his head back against the cupboard as he silently listened. Building up his own courage to ask Zayn what he's been wondering for the last few years, "Why didn't you come to the hospital when I went into labour, you swore you'd be there and you weren't. Why?"

"I knew that I wasn't going to be around for the baby so I thought it would be easier that way. You know, cut our ties and stuff." He confessed, feeling like a complete twat for ever having that mindset.

Harry sniffled, wiping his eyes. "You're such a prick Zayn, how could you even think that was okay? I was by myself, I was scared shitless and all I wanted was you but you weren't there."

"I know and I'm sorry, I can't apologize enough for that. I'd do everything differently if I could go back."

"That doesn't excuse what you did, you abandoned me and you abandoned your child before you even gave him a chance. You fucking left and I hate you for it, I do. I hate you Zayn," Harry started crying, releasing pent up and suppressed emotions the more he spoke. "But I can't stop myself from loving you, you were my first and my only. I loved you when no one else did and this is how you treat me, what kind of bullshit is that? I literally gave you everything."

"Yeah I know but I didn't ask for any of that, it just happened Harry and I'm sorry for the way I handled things."

Harry shook his head, "No because all you did was take and take and take. You took everything and left me to pick up the shards you left behind, those shards being my fucking heart you twat."

"What am I supposed to say?" Zayn begged, not knowing exactly what Harry wanted from him at this point. "I can't apologize anymore than I already have, do you want me to say that I'm a fuck up? I mean I already know I am because I fucked up the one good thing in my life, my potential family with you."

He closed his eyes, holding back the next wave of tears and huffed out a frustrated breath. "Say that you're a massive twat and I'll consider forgiving you because I want to move past this. I need to rebuild everything with you so Luca can feel safe around you because he won't accept you easily this time, you broke the image of you that he created in his mind and you need to fix that."

"I Zayn Malik am the biggest twat in the universe but please give me one last chance to be there for you and for our son because I do love the both of you and I'm willing to expose my lies to the world to prove that I want my family." Zayn's words didn't falter once, further making his point that he was dead serious about everything he was saying.

Harry couldn't help but crack a smile because finally hearing Zayn say those words was like a weight off his shoulders, "Thank you."

"So does that mean we're good or at least better now?" He hesitantly asked, unsure if he was jumping the gun with his assumption.

"Yes, I can let go of everything negative that's happened between us."

"Do you think tomorrow I could come pick you and Luca up, maybe go celebrate Luca's birthday again? But privately like just the three of us."

Harry rested his elbows on his propped up knees, pushing a hand through his hair. "Possibly, yeah. I'll ask Luca in the morning and text you because I won't force him if he doesn't want to see you just yet."

"Okay," he paused a second. "Can you tell him I'm sorry?"

"No. You need to do that Zayn. You made the mistake, not me." Harry got up off the kitchen floor, leaning back against the counter.

Zayn cleared his throat, "Text me tomorrow then yeah, I want everything to be okay. Especially with Luca."

"Bye Zayn," he murmured.

"Bye." Zayn ended the call, knowing Harry wouldn't hanging up first this time.

He knew this was going to take some fixing and some major damage control once the media and fans find out about but everything would be completely worth it in the end, mostly the part where he gets to be with his family.


(authors note: thank fuck, Zarry are hopefully going in a more positive direction now. And thankfully Harry finally expressed his suppressed feelings towards Zayn and their past together.

Did you expect Zayn to actually tell the truth and how do you think Luca's going to react to everything?

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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