Chapter 20

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"What the hell do you mean she's bloody pregnant! Zayn, you of all people should know to be careful!" Harry shouted into the phone, completely shocked and stunned by the words that had just left Zayn's mouth because they were the last thing he ever expected him to say.

He cringed, "I know, I messed up; again. But I really don't think it's mine and I'm not saying that to be a knob because if it's mine, it's mine, but I swear we haven't slept together in almost six months. It's impossible."

"Well have you talked to her?" Harry was pacing around the living room, not having to worry about the level of his voice because sadly Luca was in Brighton with Gemma and he was back home in London.

He'd been looking at places in Brighton over the last few days because he's quickly realizing that not having Luca around on a daily basis was a lot harder to handle than expected, especially since he hasn't parted with Luca since he was born.

"No, I've been busy up until now and I thought I should tell you before you heard it from someone else. The damn interviewer yesterday dropped the bomb on me and it felt like I was kicked in the chest." He explained, wanting Harry to at least take in account that he had absolutely no intentions of ever hiding this sudden pregnancy news because no doubt the media will spin it that way.

Which was expected considering his exposed track recored with lying.

Harry had calmed down some, taking a seat on the couch and huffed out a breath. "I suppose I should be happy you actually told me yourself though so thank you. I'm just mad because even though I wasn't showing it much, I was starting to fully trust you again. But now this makes me want to take a couple steps back."

"Please don't, I've been trying so hard and I don't want to go backwards with you. I can handle this without it affecting you or Luca." He begged, wanting to keep their progress in tact.

Harry sighed, "Okay but as soon as I hear about this at work or something, I'm calling you and that's it. You need to get the truth out of her and then tell everyone what's really happening because I'm not going to be made a fool."

"I will, I promise." He swore, "But is Luca there, can I talk to him for a bit?"

Harry hadn't exactly explained the situation to Zayn yet but I guess now was the time, "He's with my sister, I can give you her number and then you can talk to him."

"I gave you money Harry, more than enough. Use that to at least stay in a hotel if you're not comfortable moving yet but I personally want you there with Luca, Gemma is capable but she isn't you. Luca needs at least one of us." He explained, still clueless as to why Harry wouldn't just move to Brighton with the money he gave him.

"I have a job Zayn, I've told you this countless times. My position won't be open until halfway through next month, that's when I'll move. Luca is just fine with my sister, I call him twice a day and I drive down on Friday night and stay until late Sunday night." He wasn't going to mention how much he's missing his son because then Zayn would be correct in his accusations.

Zayn pinched the bridge of his nose, "I just don't understand why this is so difficult, it's really not that difficult considering I've practically laid everything out. You just need to pick one of the places the realtor showed you, there's multiple options."

"I'm not used to having help, okay. You know I hate accepting handouts or admitting I need help with things, finding a home is no different. I want to do it on my own and with my own money." He explained, finally coming out with the truth.

"I know but we've already had this talk, just accept my money and do what's best for Luca. I mean you keep saying you want to do what's best for him."

Harry made a displeased sound into the phone, "Excuse me but you have no idea what's best for Luca, you've only just started being a parent so you have absolutely no right to be telling me what a child needs."

"I know enough to know that a child needs their parents," he snapped back.

"Maybe you should've thought of that when you I was in labour and you rejected my calls, that was the moment you decided not to be a parent so don't even start with me." Harry seethed into the phone, "I'm a good parent, I raised him on my own and made sure he got what he needed. You didn't."

Zayn stayed silent a few seconds, knowing he crossed a line and wasn't exactly sure how to get back on the good side of things. "Harry I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything bad I ever did to you. You know I still love you, I just go about showing it wrong." He sighed, "I'm grateful you did take care of Luca and I'm lucky you let me into his life but now that I am involved, I can't help but what to control some things and making sure you're both together is one of those things. I have the means to support you both, I just need for you to fully accept my offer and I promise I'll take care of you."

"I don't want to depend on you Zayn, that's not fair."

"Fuck what's fair, I want to support you. Let me do something for you." Zayn added before Harry could say anything more, knowing he'd only add to his list of protests.

Harry groaned, "Fine, if you'll shut up about it. I'll use some money to get this place I've been considering, I miss my baby more than anything and I hate not seeing him."

"Good, go for it." He encouraged.

"Alright, well I should go then. I'll talk to you in a few days, once I'm more organized with things but I'll text you Gemma's number so you can at least talk with Luca."

"Thanks, and Harry?"


"I don't just miss Luca, I miss you," he murmured.

Harry smiled to himself, "I sort of miss you too," he paused. "Goodbye Zayn."


(authors note: even though everything is seemingly against them, Zarry is starting to get their shit together. Sorry for no Luca in this chapter, I know it made me sad too but this was more of a filler chapter.

Do you think Harry is actually going to let Zayn support them this time or will he go back on his word, and where do you think Zarry are headed as a couple?

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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