Chapter 1

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<side note>
Hello, in this fanfiction/story, it will start from the past to the present time hence, we will experience Kazutora's character development. Enjoy~
You have always disliked the lifestyle your parents had— it's not that you aren't grateful for everything that's provided by your parents. It's just that they're.....showing off too much.

You sighed at their behaviors, their tendency to take photos and tell the whole damn world that they're the richest couple here.

Your maid served you breakfast before going to school, you politely thanked your maid for serving you.

Somehow your parents had a different mindset and attitude. You were the complete opposite of them, you were rather kind, quiet and humble; oh not forgetting you are very well-mannered.

Once you were done eating, you didn't bother saying anything to your parents and just left for school.

"Miss Y/N, aren't you coming into the car?" one of your parents' driver asked. You shook your head sideways and gestured your hand refusing politely. "No, Mr Miyagi. It's alright. School is just nearby." you said and walked.

You saw a boy, who had long hair with yellow streaks of highlights that mixed along with his black hair. He also had a tattoo on his neck. "Hm? But he's wearing a school uniform." you thought out loud.

You shrugged your shoulders and didn't want to bother anyone, besides, it's none of your business to ask him anyway.

As soon as you arrived at school, you sat down in your seat and settled down. Your bestfriend comes up to you all giddy, "Y/N!!" she happily greeted you.

You smiled at her, "Any news since you're all hyped up early morning?" you asked her as you took out your book. "Ah, should I ask Akkun out?" she asked to you. You froze for a moment, hmm, Akkun? Isn't he Takemichi's friend?

But [insert bestfriend name] is just being her so you respect whatever decision she does. "Hmm, well, there's no harm asking him out. It also breaks the stereotype." you answered cheering her up. She nodded and hugged you, "You're the best Y/N!" she said and went back to her seat.

First period of class was History, surely it was boring for everyone in the class but you just get along with it and jotted down some notes on your notebook for revision. You glanced over to look at your bestfriend, apparently she's dozing off in class.

You let out a small giggle upon looking at her like that.

After History class, you had English class. The boys in class weren't fond of this subject, but because of the new teacher they were somehow 'focused' in class. Hopefully, they do learn something instead of looking somewhere else.

"Can anyone explain what this English phrase means?" the teacher asked as she underlined the phrase 'out of the blue'.

No one wants to volunteer.

"Hmmm, Y/N?" the teacher called out your name. You stood up from your seat, "It means 'suddenly'." you answered. The teacher acknowledged your answer and thanked you for that since nobody wants to answer her.

After hours of class, the bell rang as it indicates your recess time. Your bestfriend wanted to meet Akkun, well, she wanted to confess her love towards him so you let her be.

As you were walking down the stairs, some girl bumped into you causing you to fall and bump into the boy with yellow streaks in his hair.

You instantly got up and bowed him, apologizing to him. "Hey, no worries. I'm alright." he said. You look up to him and met those sandy eyes, you also noticed his beauty mark underneath his eye.

You were mesmerised by his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked you. You snapped back to reality.

You nodded, "Ah, yeah. I'm fine." you said and dusted your skirt but only to realise you did scratch your knees.

The boy looked at your knees, "Oh, you better get that treated." he said pointing. You nodded at him, "Yeah. I guess I'll be going then." you told him.

"Oh right, I'm Kazutora Hanemiya." he said, pulling out his hand from his pocket. You greeted and shaked his hand, felt awkward though.

"I'm Y/N." you reply. He smiled, "Hmm.. Y/N? Aren't you a ri—" you covered his mouth before he could continue saying anything.

Oh right, you noticed his shoes— he is your senior. You put your hands behind your back and blushed red.

"Ah, I get it." he teased. "I won't tell." he added smiling at you. You smiled at him, "Well, I gotta go. Bye bye Y/N!" he said and ran off.

You went to the school's infirmary and got yourself treated. You missed your lunch but you didn't care less.

Once school was over, your bestfriend couldn't stop talking about Akkun's response. You laughed at her, well looks like your bestfriend has successfully won a boy's heart.

The two of you stopped by at a store to buy some snacks. You then again bumped into Kazutora. "Oh? It's you." he said as he stuffed something into his pocket.

Is he stealing? My, my. You thought.

"See ya around Y/N!" he said dashing out unnoticed by the cashier.

You sighed at his behavior. Once you got what you wanted, you also paid for Kazutora. "Oh...the boy, I'm paying for him." you told the lady. The lady nodded, it looks like this happened for several times now?

You and your bestfriend parted ways going home, she lives on the other side of the neighboring area. You bid her goodbye and walked your way back home.

You were already thinking of Kazutora.

"Silly me," you monologued to yourself.

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