Chapter 4

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Playlist > Die For You — The Weekend

As planned, Kazutora picked you up in the morning and dropped you at school. "Aren't you going to school?" you asked. He looked away before he could answer you.

"Maybe later. I have some things to take care of." he said. You gave him his helmet back. He stared at you for a moment, it's as if cupid has just found the perfect mortal to match with another mortal.

You heard some mumurs from other students, you caught Kazutora staring at you— you waved your hand to his face. "Kazutora?" you called his name. No reply.

You cleared your throat, "Hanemiya-kun." you called out. He shook his head, coming back to reality. He blushed at you, "Huh?" you laughed. "I'm going. Bye bye~" you said to him and walked but he stopped you, grabbing your hand.

"Hold on, what did you call me?" he asked, blinking. You smiled, "Hanemiya-kun." you said. He blushed and quickly let go of your hand as he wore his helmet, only showing his eyes, he waved goodbye at you.

You saw your bestfriend holding hands with Akkun. Sure, you were jealous. But you slowly noticed that your friendship became distant.

Also, you're starting to feel everything—generally speaking that before this, you felt nothing. You know nothing.

After you bumped into Kazutora, it's like you opened up to yourself so you wouldn't get fooled by anyone.

Students were murmuring around you, your bestfriend came straight up to you and slapped you. You were shocked. Thinking what the hell did you ever do to her?

"Don't touch my boyfriend." she sneered. You scoffed, "When did I ever touch your boyfriend?" you asked. She looked away without saying a word.

You looked at Takemitchi and Akkun, who was from afar, they knew something. You felt something was off, as if you got framed. Or, she just wanted attention from everyone?

You weren't really the one to pick a fight so you let this slide off before you can really explode and had enough of everything.

In class, you distracted yourself by studying and writing notes down. It wasn't that long until you manage to get back on your feet and continued to ace another test.

Because of frustration along with your confusion, studying became a distresser for you; or so it seems. But what made you really feel at ease was just being alone.

There was a rumor going on the Takuya which is Takemichi's friend, will be fighting against another student from other school? You couldn't really recalled, but you overheard that Akkun wouldn't let Takuya go on with the fight.

Ah, it's no use listening to them anyway. Throughout the whole day in school, you and your bestfriend didn't talk to each other.

You had cram school but you're just not in mood so you told your teacher you couldn't attend today's class.

You saw your bestfriend clinging onto Akkun, but Akkun wasn't really in mood because he's worried about his friend. So you caught the couple argue. You rolled your eyes in annoyance and walked out the school area. Kazutora waved his hand already wearing his gang jacket.

"Hm? Did something happen?" he asked you, placing his chin on his hand as he stated at you. The golden hour shone on your face which made Kazutora admire your beauty.

But he instantly realize your left cheek was red. Not blushing but he knew you got slapped.

"Who slapped you?" he asked, holding both of your hands. You froze, surprised to his protective side. "It's nothing, she probably framed me or something." you blurted.

Somehow you kinda got scared when you saw how Kazutora reacted to it. The two of you stopped by at the convenience store, Kazutora well, 'bought' a small ice pack and placed it on your left cheek. You sat on his motorbike as he treated you.

"Geez you really l—" Kazutora threw the ice pack at his friend before he could say anything. "The fuck Kazu," he cussed at Kazutora. Kazutora smirked, "Shut up and get going." he said to his friend.

His friend rolled his eyes at him and rode off along with his bike.

"Kazutora, did you really buy that?" you asked, referring to the ice pack. Kazutora let out an awkward chuckle, you rolled your eyes at him and then pinched his cheeks.

"Don't do that." you said and cupped his cheeks. You felt funny looking at his face when you cupped his cheeks, he looks like a baby. You laughed at him, he pouted at you. "Ha-ha not funny Y/N," he sarcastically said.

You laughed even more almost falling off his bike, but Kazutora caught you wrapping an arm behind your back avoiding you from falling off.

Now the two of you were blushing at each other. "S-Stop laughing." Kazutora said to you and cleared his throat. You regained your balance back and fixed your posture. You looked away blushing.

It's like mixed signals. Sometimes you felt like you two were a great match, but also sometimes you can't really tell what's on his mind.

For sure, you really gotta know about him more.

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