Chapter 3

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Note: All pictures are from Pinterest.

You and Kazutora already exchanged numbers few days ago, so it was easy enough for you to tell him where you live.

The hardest part was escaping from your room and out of the house. You basically live in a mansion and you had guards all over the place.

You hated it so much.

As you were about to leave your room, your phone buzzed. You look to see and saw a message from Kazutora.

Kazutora :) [2.05 a.m]
Y/N chan, jump.

You looked out at your window, seeing him on his motorbike. He came with his friends.

You reply to his text.

You [2.10 a.m]
Are you crazy?

Kazutora [2.11 a.m]
Trust me.

Thank goodness you wore black jeans and a tank top with a leather jacket. You also wore your favorite boots. You opened your window and jumped as Kazutora caught you, well you fell on top of him as he fell on his back.

With much assurance and affirmation from him, he held you tightly before helping you up.

Also, lucky you had a maid that was really good at keeping secrets and was actually supportive of you. You signal her to close the window of your room. Your maid bowed in acknowledgement as she understood what you meant.

You hopped onto Kazutora's motorbike as he helped you with your helmet, "You're something." Kazutora said while adjusting the strap of your helmet. Your face was so close to him. You could only stare at him.

"Nice outfit by the way," he complimented as the engine of the motorbike roared. You held onto him from behind, arms wrapped around his waist.

"Are you sure about this?" you blurted at him, what a dumb question. "Relax, Y/N. Let me take you somewhere." he said. You glanced over behind to look and there was a whole gang.

You were amazed by Kazutora, well, you don't know anything about his gang. No thoughts because you weren't the type to butt into someone's business.

Kazutora stopped by the road side, you look behind and none of his friends or gang was following. "Where did they go?" you asked as you removed your helmet. Kazutora smiled, "Don't worry. They went somewhere else." he said and grabbed your wrist, both of you ran upstairs and made your way to the rooftop.

You breathed at the night view of the city. Words could not describe how beautiful everything was from above.

You were squeezing Kazutora's hand which made you realize that both of you were holding hands.

You pulled your hand away and blushed hard. Kazutora laughed, "Do you like it?" he asked. "I love it." you replied, immersed with the night view.

"Hmm, now do you wanna talk?" he asked. Right, now you felt like talking. "Oh, back in school?" you asked back.

Funny how both of you are just teenagers, supposed to be sleeping in for school tomorrow but here you are on the rooftop together.

Kazutora shook his head sideways, he probably thinks you're silly. He flicked your forehead playfully again, "Yes, silly." he said, sitting down next to you as both of you watched the view.

"It's just that my bestfriend... I don't know. Maybe it's just me." you said. "Oh, [bestfriend's name]?" Kazutora recalled.

"Yeah, I somehow feel that she's just bestfriends with me because of money?" you sighed. Kazutora smiled, "Does she have any other friends? Other than you?" Kazutora asked.

Well, ever since she got into a relationship with Akkun, you two were still bestfriends but didn't hang around much. Maybe you're just being a baby, but does your bestfriend know that Akkun is involved with underground fights?

You knew because you often pass by the abandoned shrine, seeing students filling up the place; it became a place to fight or rumble with other students.

Again, you weren't sure how to react to that. Probably because you just think it as, "oh boys will be boys".

Sure you caught Akkun and his friends, Takuya, Takemichi and the others.

"I don't know, honestly." you reply to Kazutora. Kazutora stood up, stretching his arms before helping you up.

"Well, I don't know how girls' friendship work but hey, I'm here." he assured, patting himself on the chest as he smiled.

You couldn't help but laugh at him, oh it's been so long since you had a good laugh. You're always caught up with pressure from your parents.

"Oh? What was that laugh, that was really a genuine one." Kazutora said. Somehow you're still so mesmerized with Kazutora's eyes whenever you stare at them.

You cleared your throat, "Don't tell anyone I laugh like that." you said in a threatening way. Kazutora smirked, "Hmm? Y/N chan threatening me?" he said, growling before attacking you with tickles.

You couldn't stop laughing when you were attacked with tickles by Kazutora. Both of you accidentally fell on the ground, Kazutora on top of you.

"A-Alright, stop. Ah, it tickles!" you said in between your laughter. Little do you know, Kazutora admired how you were always being yourself.

He loved how you are so genuine, he also loved your quietness but sometimes he wished you could've opened up to him more.

He stopped tickling you. The door of the rooftop burst open, a tall guy with his hair slicked back appeared. He had a blonde streak in the middle(?)

Realizing how Kazutora is on top of you made you blushed and cover your face. "Kazutora, it's time—" you heard the guy speak.

"Oh, okay." Kazutora replied. He pulled your hand away from covering your own face, "Let me send her home." Kazutora said as he glanced his friend.

"Whatever, be quick." he said in a demanding tone. Kazutora nodded and helped you up. Time sure flies fast when you enjoy with the person you like.

"Sorry about Hanma," Kazutora apologized as he drove you home on the way back. You clinged onto him, "Oh, it's fine." you said.

Though honestly you wish you could spend all night with Kazutora.

Great now you're thinking of a way back into the house. As soon as you reached home, before you hopped off the bike, Kazutora stopped you by grabbing your wrist.

"Goodnight." he said, looking away. Was he blushing? You swore you saw him blush. "You mean, good morning." you joked. He laughed at you and ruffled your hair. "Do you wanna go to school together?" he asked. You bit your lower lip, "Sure." you replied and sneaked your way back into your room.

It's weird how you don't feel sleepy after all that. Again, you really wished to be stuck in the moment with Kazutora.

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