Chapter 20

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Current playlist: 🎧Lay it Down—Steelix (Nu Funk)🎧

"Soul mates will always end up together. No matter how much love got lost, no matter how much distance there was; You lose each other, to find each other again. That's what it's like when someone is meant for you...if they leave, they will return and stay forever."

You read the quote on your laptop while waiting for your next patient. The door knocked, "Come in," you answered, eyes still glued to the quote. Reading it all oven again.

"Someone sent this for you Dr." one of the janitor said as he gently placed the sunflower and a bar of chocolate on your table. There was a little yellow note on it.

"May I know who?" you asked. "I don't know ma'am, they were sent at the reception. I was told to send it to you." he explained. You nodded and smiled as he left your office and closed the door behind him.

You took the sunflower and placed it in a mason jar and filled it with water. As for the bar of chocolate, it was somehow your favorite flavor—the one that has jelly beans in it. Curious, you opened the little yellow note attached on the chocolate bar.

"I want you to know something, but I don't know how to tell it. So I'll let the first three words of this explain it." — K.H.

The little note made you smile and feel all giddy, of course looking at the initials K.H obviously tells you that it's from Kazutora.

You decided to give him a call, "Did you get it?" he asked on the other end of the phone call. You let out a laugh, "Of course, so...old school yet charming." you compliment him.

Kazutora chuckled, "Well, I'm not good with words but, do you wanna go out to eat after work?" he asked. You flipped your book, scanning through your agendas, "Sure," you replied short. You bit your lower lip, "Mm, can it be a rooftop date?" you added.

Kazutora was silent for a moment, "Funny how you can read my mind." he joked. Oh? How surprising. It's as if both of you are able to read each other's mind without even saying anything.

"Alright, I'll see you later." you said. "I love you, take care in work...though it is a safe place. But anyway, yeah, i love you and...see ya later too." Kazutora said and hung up.

You put your phone aside as your patient coincidentally arrived right after you finished talking to Kazutora on the phone.

You receive a lot of patients daily, hearing them rant out their problems, what they're facing...all people need is a good listener. Sometimes things get out of your professionalism because you tend to follow your emotions and really help your patient out.

But truth is, you're just as tired as them too; you're listening and saving them, but who is there to save you?

Your thoughts immediately thought of Kazutora, yes. Being in a relationship means both of you are there for each other, to fix each other up, loving one another and understanding them.

Obviously, communication is really important and to think that you were once someone who couldn't speak up her thoughts finally became a psychiatrist and helping others.

In Kazutora's place, he's always thinking of you. Constantly glancing at his watch and nervously tapping his fingers on the counter as Chifuyu took care of the pets that were up for adoption in the pet shop.

"Geez dude, relax." Chifuyu said to Kazutora. Kazutora groaned, placing his head on the counter, "What am I gonna do? I'm a hopeless romantic." Kazutora replied to Chifuyu.

Chifuyu shook his head sideways, causing Kazutora to think whether Chifuyu is either tired of his shit or telling him that everything is going to be okay. "You do know Y/N loves you just the way you are..?" Chifuyu said, sounding it more like a question to Kazutora.

"Huh?" Kazutora didn't understand what Chifuyu meant. "Wake up Kazu, she fucking loves you. She's giving you her whole world because in her eyes, you deserve all of her. Despite what you've done in the past." Chifuyu explained.

Kazutora sighed, "I'm so worried that if I marry her and what if some gang member kidnaps her or—" Kazutora was panicking, Chifuyu slapped his hand. "For fucks sake, we got your back. There's no way someone would do that to Y/N. Besides, we all left and went to pursue our dreams." Chifuyu stated.

Well, that does make sense which cause Kazutora to let out an awkward chuckle. Poor boy only wanted to fix his relationship with you .

But for sure, like what Chifuyu has said before, you love Kazutora a lot; even if it means risking your life on it.
Note: Sorry if this chapter is boring, I'm feeling under the weather today. Oh and, let's say that I finish this fanfic, do you want the part 2 of it? Like Y/N and Kazutora are married and has children, etc... Cant tell full details or I'll spoil the suspense of it 😜

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