Chapter 12

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Playlist: Feeling Good — Michael Bublé

You started following Kazutora around along with the other members. Somehow you disliked Hanma a lot, he annoys you so much.

Riding on Kazutora's bike as you watched them beat some lucky victim up, you yawned causing them to look at you.

"What?" Hanma asked, looking at you. "Nothing." you said and gestured your hand to carry on their fight. "Don't be so cocky Y/N, were you judging me?" he asked.

You straighten up and glared at him, you hopped off Kazu's bike and walked over. Without hesitation you kicked the victim's face causing them to fall on the side. "Oh, he's unconscious." Baji said.

"You dare to interfere a boys' fight?" you heard Hanma say. Surely, you did change but not much. You're still the sweet and innocent Y/N in Kazutora's eyes.

You smiled at Hanma, "You're taking too long. I'm sleepy." you said. "Why'd you bring her along?" Hanma asked Kazutora. "She said she was bored." he replied.

"What else can you do?" Hanma asked. You took out your gun. Unlocking the safety pin upon hearing a click sound, you could shoot anyone any moment now.

"Where the hell did you get a gun?" Baji asked. You shrugged, "It's mine." you answered short and kept it back. "Whatever. Let's leave." Hanma said as everyone scattered around to leave on their ride.

"Are you sure you're Y/N?" Kazu asked. You laughed, "I'm still me." you say to him. The two of you went back to the abandoned arcade, since they have a meeting about fighting against Toman.

Baji was from Toman, but he left and joined Valhalla. You always wondered whether Kazutora originally was from this gang, or maybe...he was from another gang?

"Y/N, stay home today." Kazutora said, cupping your cheeks and pinching them playfully. "Why?" you asked. Kazutora sighed and shook his head, "Just stay?" he said.

You nodded at him, he hugged you and kissed your forehead. You smiled at him. He smiled back at you, "That's my girl." he said.

When they left heading to the junkyard, you decided to sneak up on them. You felt like something is going to happen. And that something is not about the big fight.

Slowly watching them from afar, you heard Kazutora saying something about his gang to the Toman gang.

Your eyes spotted Ayane there and another girl, you also saw the brothers; Rin and Ran.

What the hell? You thought.

You made your way in, hiding as you watched the fight start. The two gang beating each other up.

From what you overheard, Valhalla started the conflict and one of the representatives from Toman states that they have one condition; if they win, they will take Baji back—you learnt that Baji is Toman's 1st division captain.

As the fight went on, you got dragged and thrown into the middle of the fight. Some of them stopped fighting. You saw Kazutora trying to hit another person using a metal pipe. His eyes widened when he saw you.

"Well, well, if it isn't Y/N?" Ayane sarcastically say causing people to look at you. You stood up, "Did you forget who took care of you?" she asked, going in circles around you.

Ayane grabbed a fistful of your hair, pulling it causing you to look back at her. "Let me go." you say. "It's not nice leaving us." she said, pushing you as you fell on your knees.

"Even after Izana—" you were triggered and threw a punch at her. She looked at you in disbelief, her nose started bleeding. "Guess your leader doesn't understand the word boundaries huh?" you mocked throwing another punch.

Ayane dodged you and kicked you in the stomach, you scoffed. "You bitch, should've drugged you when we could!" she yelled as she punched you.

"Interesting." you heard Rin said to you. "You're lucky you're in Valhalla." he teased smirking. "What do you mean?" Kazutora asked, still holding the metal pipe with him.

"Oh? I see you didn't tell your boyfriend about it." Rin said smiling. "You see, we helped her with her escape plan from going abroad. Oh, she's really loyal to you Kazutora. She really is. She waited for you to come back from juvenile. You're lucky Izana hasn't done anything yet." Rin explained.

You got really mad and tackled Ayane, you placed your hands on her neck; trying to choke her. The fight continued as you tried to kill her.

"Triggered much?" she asked, choking and suffocating by your grip on her neck. "Fuck you!" you spat. Ayane slapped your hands, struggling to breathe. You felt someone pull you from behind, causing you to fall back.

It was Chifuyu, "Stop it Y/N, snap out of it!" he said to you as he held your hands. Kazutora kicked his back, "Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend." he snapped.

You stared at your hands, it had blood and wounds from fighting with Ayane. You didn't know how to react to it, you were always slow when it comes to things like this.

"I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU FUCKER." the blonde hair boy yelled punching Kazutora. You gasped, "Kazutora!" you shouted. "Get off him!" you said to the boy.

He stared at you, your eyes met. His eyes were lifeless. The boy eventually turned to you and choked you with his hands, you were barely breathing.

He's god damn strong, "MIKEY SNAP OUT OF IT. SHE'S A GIRL!!!" Chifuyu yelled as he quickly dragged Mikey away from you. You coughed and tried to catch your breath.

"Y/N stop interfering!" Baji shouted at you as he was fighting with another person. You saw Kazutora being beaten up by Mikey.

Somehow, you got dragged away; quickly looking it was Rin and Ran. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!" you yelled squirming. "KAZUTORA!" you shouted, causing him to look at you. "Y/N!!" he shouted back, instantly dropping the metal pipe.
Note: yes, im going to switch up the story—I'm not going to let anyone die. 😩

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