Chapter 19

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Current playlist: 🎧This Side of Paradise — Coyote Theory🎧

As promised by Kazutora, he wanted to make it up to you. So you decided to wait for him to pick you up at your place.

You few changes to your loft, it's spacious and you kept it at minimalist style. Your doorbell rang, you peeked through the hole seeing Kazutora outside.

You opened the door, he tied his hair into a messy bun as there are strands of his hair on the sides making them look like curtain bangs.

Kazutora's eyes widened at you, you look to where his eyes were looking. Oh, it was the necklace he gave. Yes, you remember forcefully pulling it off but you regret doing that.

You eventually got it fixed and continued to wear the necklace. Kazutora started tearing up, you softened at his reaction. "I'm so sorry." he constantly apologized for everything he's done.

"No, sweetheart, baby." you cooed, holding his hands. He buried his head in your chest, the tall man you know as Kazutora, hugging you outside your loft.

You cupped his cheek, bringing his face up to you. "Stop apologizing, it was never your fault to begin with." you said to him. Wiping off his tears using your thumb.

He sniffed then cleared his throat, "W-Will you go out with me, Y/N love?" he asked. You blushed and nodded at him. "Yes, hold on let me take my purse and phone." you said running back in taking your stuff.

Kazutora looked around in your loft. He noticed the photo of you and him during those golden days. "Let's go," you told him, clinging onto his arm. He smiled and nodded.

The two of you took a walk in the park, it was breezy yet relaxing. There weren't many people since it was a weekday, but still, you were glad you got to spend some time with Kazutora.

"How have you been doing?" you asked, breaking the silence between the two of you. Fingers intertwined together as both of you walked side by side with the leaves falling because of the breeze.

"I'm fine, I'm working with Chifuyu." Kazutora said. You stopped walking, "Chifuyu?" you recalled. Kazutora nodded. "A year before I got out, Chifuyu told me to work with him." he said. You smiled at Kazutora, "Where and what?" you asked.

Kazutora caressed your cheek, "Pet shop." he answered. Oh? So Chifuyu really opened up a pet shop. "Can we stop by?" you asked. Kazutora chuckled, "Of course." he said.

Kazutora still rides on his bike, he has a new bike. Thankfully you wore jeans and not skirt. You hopped on behind, wrapping your arms around Kazutora after putting the helmet on.

"Brings so much memories." you said. Kazutora stayed silent before answering you, "Yeah..."

Once both of you arrived at the pet shop, Kazutora stopped and parked at the roadside. You were nervous meeting Chifuyu. It's been so long.

Kazutora opened the door for you as he let you go in first. You entered the pet shop and Kazutora followed you closely behind. "Hey Chi," Kazutora greeted him.

"Oh? I thought you were on a date w—" Chifuyu froze when he turned around seeing you. He dropped the pet collar that he was going to hang for sale.

"It's me," you shyly greeted and waved. Chifuyu blinked, "Y/N?" he asked then pinched your cheeks. You winced a bit, "Ow, hey!" you whined. Chifuyu smiled widely, "Y/N!!" he exclaimed and gave a little jump.

"Oh—you two are...?" Chifuyu gestured his finger pointing at you then back at Kazutora. You knew what he meant. You nodded your head.

"Ah, love wins." he said smiling. There was a cat on the counter, you assumed it was Chifuyu's. "Oh, good boy." you cooed while petting the black cat.

The cat meowed and purred at you, rubbing its face against you. Kazutora and Chifuyu were talking to each other.

You accidentally overheard their conversation. "C'mon, it's easy. Just call her all the sweet names." Chifuyu said, smacking on Kazutora's arm.

"Geez you make it sound easy." Kazutora replied nonchalantly. Chifuyu rolled his eyes, "Why not just, do what you always have been doing." Chifuyu suggested.

You slowly went behind Kazutora, "Boo!" that made Kazutora jump a little. "God, Y/N love." he blurted. Chifuyu snapped his fingers, "Aha!" he proudly said.

You laughed, "Sweetheart." Kazutora pouted at you. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry." you apologized.

Kazutora and you excused yourselves then bid goodbye to Chifuyu so he could carry on with his work.

"Are you hungry?" Kazutora asked. You hummed, "Yes~" you replied. Kazutora laughed a bit. "Come on," he said holding your hand as both of you ran towards the cafe.

Maybe Kazutora has saved up a lot after he got out, and has been working with Chifuyu for awhile now. He treated you food and spent the day with you.

He placed his chin on his hand, tilting his head slightly down and admired at your beauty. You munched on your food, not noticing Kazutora looking at you.

He let out a laugh, wiping the crumbs on your lips; "Y/N, love, would you like to start over?" he asked in a serious tone.

You put the cutlery down and cleared your throat, "Yes," you answered. He smiled, "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

You laughed at him, nodding, "Yes, yes Kazutora Hanemiya." you replied. He leaned in closer to you, foreheads pressed against each other.

Surely, you two were in public but there was a divider blocking so, Kazutora took the chance to kiss you.

Kissing you softly, you felt butterflies and it felt so passionate. Kazutora placed his hand on your neck pulling you in closer, the kiss between the two of you got hot.

Feeling euphoric from it, both of you pulled away and catched some air to breathe. Eyes meeting each other, "I love you, Y/N." he breathed then gave you another kiss on the lips.

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