Chapter 22: Part 1

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2 special chapters for our beloved home boy, Kazutora Hanemiya. ❤️

Current playlist: 🎧Jatuh Cinta — IAmNeeta🎧

A day before Kazu's birthday, today is 15th September; you decided to surprise him by throwing a birthday party and who knows, reuniting them all? Thinking through it, you hadn't seen or heard of Mikey ever since.

You're at work but you're multi-tasking at the moment, fortunately you had no appointments with any of your patient today; all you had to do today was paperwork and some meetings.

Little did you know...your life is in great danger—surely, you aren't aware enough of your surroundings. Mikey had sent Sanzu to watch over you.

Everything you did, where you work, where you live...Sanzu had been spying over you for few months under Mikey's order.

Distracted with your phone upon replying to both Chifuyu and Baji in the group chat, Sanzu always had eyes everywhere. Don't get started at the brothers working with Sanzu—they're an unstoppable trio.

They aren't doing anything to you, yet.

They're just waiting for Mikey's order.

A sudden thought out of the blue, you decided to ask about Mikey towards Baji. Since Baji did say that the whole founding members are his treasures.

"Mmm, I don't know Y/N. Why do you ask?" Baji asked on the other end of the phone. You sighed, of course, you noticed someone was always eyeing on you but you didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"It's just that...I feel like, someone's always eyeing on me." you reply. Baji laughed, "Are you sure that wouldn't be your boyfriend?" he answered. You groaned, oh Baji, he's still the same.

"Well, yes but no! It's more like, I don't feel safe." you explained. Baji chuckled, "To be safe, bring pepper spray or...well, you still kick some ass right?" Baji asked.

You rolled your eyes at his answer. "Baji!" you exclaimed at his response. He laughed, "Alright, alright. I'm sorry. But I'm serious, pepper spray helps." he said.

You couldn't help but laugh at Baji, "Fine, I'll buy one. Gotta go. Bye Baji!" you said and hung up.

Feeling anxious, you got up and went to the reception to check the visiting list, looking out for any suspicious name or such.

"Is there anything we could help?" the nurses asked as they stopped by. You politely waved your hand, "Oh, no. I'm just worried about some matters." you reply.

Just then some tall guy passed by, as if it was on felt something was really off. You instantly turn to look at the guy.

You managed to catch a glimpse of his pink mullet hair and wore very classy outfit. Not forgetting he had a scar at the ends of his lips. You brushed it off and hurriedly went back to your office and tried to finish up your paperwork.

You lied to your senior, informing them that you're feeling unwell and unable to attend the meeting at 2pm.

Once you submitted the paperwork and handed them over to the nurses, you packed up and locked your office.

Someone was really following you.

Out of your awareness, you had a panic attack. Fortunately, you manage to drive through and stop outside Chifuyu's pet shop.

You crawled, falling out from your car—Chifuyu noticed you from inside quickly calling Kazutora to get you.

You breathing was unstable, you were scared and tried to really gasp for air. Kazutora pulled you into a hug, stroking your back to calm you down. You ended up breaking down in tears.

"Shh, look at me. Look at me, Y/N love." Kazutora gently cupped your face once you calmed down, you had hiccups from your breakdown.

"I'm scared." you told him. Kazutora looked around to see whether anyone was following you, he sensed something was off too.

"Alright, let's go inside for awhile." he said, helping you up and closed the door of your car and locking it.

Once you got inside, you sat down as Chifuyu gave you a bottle of water. You're still shaking, which is embarrassing for both Chifuyu and Kazutora to see you like this.

You're a psychiatrist yourself but ended up having unnoticed panic attacks.

"I can't do this anymore." you sighed. Chifuyu was leaning at the doorway to their small pantry, Kazutora was sitting in front of you. "Look at me, calm down. Tell us what happened once you're ready." he said.

Your love language is definitely words of affirmation—that's just the way it is.

"Deep breaths." he said while caressing your hands with his thumbs. You somehow managed to calm down, "Someone has been following me for awhile." you told Kazutora and Chifuyu.

"Did you manage to see how they look like?" Chifuyu asked. "When did it started?" Kazutora asked. "Some guy who had pink mullet hair, I think it's been going on for few months. I thought it was just my feeling, but it was real." you replied to both of their questions.

Looking at Chifuyu, he somehow 'knows' this person. "Hmm, any more clues?" Chifuyu asked. You tried to remember, "He had scars at ends of his lips." and that changed Chifuyu's expression.

"What's wrong?" Kazutora asked. Chifuyu grabbed Kazutora, the two of them went inside the pantry—you couldn't really listen to what they were talking about.

"Huh? The fuck?" you heard Kazutora raising his voice, followed by Chifuyu hushing him. "Look, he used to be Toman's vice-captain for the 5th division." Chifuyu said.

He's not from a gang organization, is he? You thought to yourself.

To think that you're finally done anything related to gang activities, here you are hoping nothing happens to you.

Whoever is trying to reach out to you, it's causing you to shut people out.

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