Chapter 21

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As planned by Kazutora, yes, both of you went to your loft's rooftop and ate dinner while watching the sunset. It was honestly a mesmerising view since both of you now work in the city.

You're probably thinking that the food he bought was chosen or recommended by Chifuyu, but either way you can't just assume.

"It's been awhile going to the rooftops, the last time was when we were teenagers." he said, opening up a conversation.

"Yeah, I miss being carefree." you answered. You felt Kazutora hold your hand, gently squeezing them, "Kazu, sweetheart, if you're going to apologise again—" you got cut off by Kazutora, "I was going to but I won't. I'll shut up." he said and laughed.

You shook your head sideways, seeing how his hair grew much longer and it kinda suits him. You played with his hair and noticed him blushed. "Your hair is so...I don't know how to say it." you said, still playing with the strands of his hair.

"Should I cut it?" he asked. You frowned, "No, no!" you exclaimed. Kazutora smiled and pulled you, causing both of you to fall on your backs. You're on top of him, you blushed.

Soon it became dark, but the rooftop had some little light from each corner of it and also the hanging led lights which made it look like a romantic thing.

Kazutora placed his hand on your cheek, caressing them with his thumb. "So..beautiful." he complimented. You giggled at his remark. "The sky or me?" you joked. Kazutora rolled his eyes at your silly jokes, "You, silly." he said pinching the bridge of your nose playfully then placed a kiss on your forehead.

You loved every moment spent with him, the ups and downs with him. What has happened in the past, stays in the past. What mattered to you most was cherishing everything what both of you are doing at the moment.

Feeling mischievous and sneaky, you tickled your boyfriend. You and Kazutora laughed, "Oh? Bold of you now, kitten." he stated between his laughters. Kitten? You blushed at the nickname he gave and stopped tickling him, "Ha! Got you." he continued to shower you with tickles.

You laughed uncontrollably until you teared up, "O-Okay, okay, I give in." you said as you clinged on his shoulder. You breathed, "Can't beat me in that." he said and winked at you.

"Oh? Stepping up the game are we?" you asked, challenging him. He laughed, "You know you can't beat me." he proudly said. You lightly scoffed at him, "Yes I can." you replied.

Kazutora stared at you, "Hm? How so?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Inbed." you blurted. Kazutora smirked when you tried to run away, he grabbed your hand making you sit on his lap. "Say it again." Kazutora teased.

You blushed red, "You heard it already." you told him. He nuzzled your neck, "Naughty girl." he said.

To your surprise, he wasn't the type that would force you to do something—unless you tell him to. It's the other way around. Oh your boyfriend Kazutora is still the shy boy he is.

"I love you." you said to him, still in his arms hugging you. "I love you too." he replied. "Can we stay like this forever?" you asked. He laughed, "For a moment yes," he joked. You turn to him and stuck your tongue out at his remark.

"Honestly, if we could, yes." he answered, cupping your cheeks squishing them. Kazutora laughed at you, "So cute." he said. "Hey!" you whined. "Alright, let's clean up and leave." he said.

So the two of you threw the remaining containers and paperbags from the take out food. Before leaving, you wanted to take a new photo of the two of you.

"Hold on," you said, holding Kazutora's hand. He stopped and turn to look at the camera, making it look like a candid photo but it turned out just fine. The led lights made the photo cute.

You were satisfied at the polaroid photo, Kazutora accompanied you to your loft. "Good night—" you cut him off by pulling him inside you loft and closed the door.

He was surprised with you, but then smiled ruffling your hair. "What are you doing, my love?" he asked. You looked down, blushing, "Move in with me. I know you're staying with Chifuyu." you said.

Kazutora chuckled, "I mean, we're adults now so..." he trailed off. Yes, he is right about that. But you're also nervous because you never slept with anyone before.

Things were moving fast for you, but honestly you're just scared of being alone— "If you don't like it, I won't force." you said. Kazutora sighed at you, patting your head; "I'll talk with Chifuyu about it, it's late so I'll stay." he said.

He sat on the couch while you went to take a shower. Once you were done, you said good night to him.

Kazutora really respected your boundaries, he decided to sleep on the couch. While you're in bed, you tossed and turn trying to sleep but you couldn't.

You wore your robe and tip toed to see Kazutora sleeping. You traced your fingers from his nose to his lips. He moved a bit, slowly opening his eyes to see you.

"Y/N...what's wrong?" he asked half-awake, his voice made you blush. You're internally screaming. "I-I can't sleep." you whined. He chuckled, "What do you want me to do about it?" he asked, you held his hand as he caress your hand with his thumb.

You didn't reply, you were waiting for Kazutora to take the hint. "I'll tuck you to bed." he said and lazily got up.

"But I'm not a baby," you reply. He smiled, "My baby." he said. He stopped walking and turned to you, "Hm...? I'll sleep with you." he said after reading your face.

Surely, you aren't the innocent Y/N anymore. You're turning 30 soon and your parents are asking you to settle down with Kazutora. (well, that's what they thought since you didn't really tell them what happened throughout the years)

Kazutora removed his jacket and slept beside you, an arm on your waist pulling you close to him. "Good night Y/N, love." he said and slowly drifting off to sleep. You turn to face him, bodies close to each other.

You too, slowly drifted off to sleep with your significant other.
Some interesting facts:
If you want to relieve stress, consider sleeping next to someone. When you are sleeping next to someone you care about, your body releases oxytocin that calms you and helps you manage stress. The person you love will be there for you to hug you, help you solve a problem, make you laugh, or just hug you to sleep.
Note: get a girl that can multi-task, jk, im in my online class while finishing this chapter. 👀😏

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