Chapter 25

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Kazutora had been working a lot lately, so Chifuyu gave him a day off so Kazutora could go on with his plan in proposing you.

Kazutora took you out to the park where both of you oftenly spent time together everytime after school. Which also means, both of you are back in your small town; the place is peaceful, Kazutora was nervous.

Of course you could see him being nervous, so you held his hand because he looked worried. "What's wrong?" you asked. Kazutora smiled at you and shook his head sideways, "Nothing." he replied.

While you were looking at the little kids playing together, Kazutora took the ring out  of his pocket and got down on one knee infront of you.

He cleared his throat, "Y/N, love," he called out. You turned your attention to him, surprised he is down on one knee. The elderly passing by and sitting were looking at both of you, they think it's cute that he was proposing to you.

Kazutora held your hand, "Will you marry me?" he asked. You got emotional and teary, you nodded at him, "Yes, yes!" you answered. Kazutora put the ring on you and then stood up, you jumped to hug him.

Kazutora hugged you tightly, "I love you." you said and kissed him. Kazutora smiled in between the kiss, "I love you more." he replied.

So with that, the two of you got married and had a small party with just both of your families and closest friends, including Toman.

Yes, you wished Mikey was here to see you. But to see what he has become...


You are married to Kazutora for 2 years, and only now you're expecting your bundle of joy. Emma and Hina were always there for you when it comes to 'motherly' stuff, obviously the two of them are mothers already so they're helping you out what you need to do and know.

Yes, your mother too helped you—you were nervous becoming a mother. Your tummy was quite big already, you thought that it was about to burst.

Kazutora always greeted you and the baby inside your tummy. "Your home," you said smiling. Kazutora kissed your forehead and rubbed your tummy, squatting down a bit to kiss your tummy. "How's my love with her baby?" Kazutora asked.

You laughed at his remark, "Oh, we're doing fine. I feel like I'm about to burst." you joked. Kazutora massaged your shoulders, "Well, rest some more." he assured.

Oh maybe you shouldn't have joked because your water really broke in the middle of the night. Of course Kazutora panicked, but he managed to bring you to the hospital before things got messy.

"Keep pushing," the doctor said to you. You were holding Kazutora's hand, he looked worried. With all your might and the unbearable pain, you gave your all to push and finally heard a cry.

You glanced a bit and saw the doctor holding your baby, they cleaned her up and wrapped her with a blanket.

The nurse handed your baby to you, you held your baby in your arms while you got a look at Kazutora being emotional at the moment.

The resemblance of your daughter, she has Kazutora's eyes—it really looked like him. "Oh my, a mini you but it's a girl." you said to Kazutora and laughed. Kazutora chuckled, "Hello, princess." Kazutora greeted his daughter, gently kissed her cheek making your daughter coo a little.

"Do you wanna name her?" you asked Kazutora. Kazutora stared at you, then smiled, "Kaori." he said. "Kaori..." you whispered to your daughter.

As a mother and a parent to Kaori, you were thankful that Kaori got to see you and Kazutora as she grew up.


Kaori is now 5 years old, which means, you and Kazutora are kind of a young parent to her. But it's fine, Kaori is really happy having both of her parents around.

"Mm, mama I feel lonely." Kaori said to you, you bit your lower lip. "Hmm, what do you want Mama to do?" you asked smiling. Kaori smiled back, "I want a brother or...a sister!" she exclaimed.

You sighed silently making sure she wouldn't hear you. Kazutora awkwardly chuckle at his daughter's 'wish'. "Come here princess." Kazutora called. Kaori ran to him and got carried, "Hmm, you want a sibling?" Kazutora asked. Kaori nodded, "Pleaseee?" she asked, pouting her lips.

Well, it's been awhile not making love with your husband but that doesn't mean it's easy to conceive another child!

You decided to call Emma to come over with Draken. They came over and bought some food with drinks.

Emma too had a kid, he is a year older and looks very much like Draken but he had Emma's hair color. "Y/N!" Emma greeted hugging you. You giggled, behind you saw Draken and his son. "Hi aunty Y/N," he greeted. You ruffled his hair, "Go on, Kaori is inside." you said.

He peeked from the door frame, Kaori was hiding behind Kazutora's leg. "C'mon don't be shy," Draken said to his son.

His son pouted, "I-I'm not shy!" he exclaimed and stomped his way in as he grabbed Kaori's hand. "Let's play!" he said. Kaori smiled and nodded.

You and Emma prepared lunch along with he food she brought, as for Kazutora and Draken they were talking to each other as they looked after the kids.

On Mikey's side, he always had his men looking out to you and reporting everything. "Y/N has a daughter named Kaori." Sanzu reported to Mikey. Mikey smirked, "How old is the daughter?" he asked. "5 years old, Draken and Emma was there too at their house." Sanzu explained.

Mikey sighed, "Leave them out of this, I only want Y/N."
Note: thats the ending for this story! timeskips here and there...quite boring but, let's see what happens if Mikey finds out about this👀

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