Chapter 10

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You went for a shower and dried yourself up before wearing your black bodycon dress that showed your curves.

Ayane came to your loft and helped you with your makeup. "Yatta! You're done." she happily exclaimed and spun you to so you could see yourself in the mirror.

You couldn't even recognize yourself, it was a massive makeover and change. "But I don't know how to drink." you said to Ayane.

She hummed, "It's fine! I'm sure you'll handle it well." she said. You were quite nervous as both of you went to the club.

All eyes were on the two of you, Ayane was waving at some guys. You on the other hand felt so insecure and just not used to all of this.

You noticed a guy who had an undercut with hair as white as snow, his eyes were lilac-purple watching you as you walked into the club with Ayane.

You walked close near to Ayane, "Ayane, I'm not used to this." you whispered to her as the music was blasting. The two of you sat down, Ayane faced the bartender, "The usuals please, oh and make that two." she said then faced to me. "Look at me Y/N, you're fucking gorgeous." she assured.

You pouted at her, "Mm, just stay here okay? I'm gonna find Rin and Ran." she said and left you alone sitting.

The bartender served you the drinks that Ayane asked for. It's not that you're not used to the smell of alcohol and stuff, but you never tasted any drop of alcohol.

"May I?" the guy with the white hair greeted you before sitting down. Actually, he was asking whether he could sit down on Ayane's spot.

"Uh, I...sure." you said stammering a bit. Nervous. He smiled, his earrings caught your attention. Is he from another gang? You sipped your drink a bit and let the taste of alcohol go down your throat.

You couldn't really explain or tell how the alcohol tasted like, it felt hot when it went down your throat although it's served coldly.

"You know a pretty girl like you shouldn't be sitting alone here." he advice you. You were looking around for Ayane. "Do you trust me?" he asked.

You instantly faced him, he sounded like Kazutora when he said those words. It made him remind of Kazutora. "What?" you asked him back.

"I'm Izana." he said and smiled at you. "Y/N," you replied short. "Come with me," he said as he grabbed your hand. "But, I'm waiting for—" "I bet she's way too engrossed with the brothers." he said, leading you the way.

He brought you to the VIP room of the club, there you saw Ayane with the brothers. She was sitting on Rin while her legs on Ran's lap. "Y/N!~" she ran and hugged you, she was already reeking of alcohol.

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone, but hey at least Izana got you ~~" she said and walked off towards Rin and Ran.

You sat beside Ran as Izana took a seat beside you, which makes you sitting in between them. "Relax," Izana assured as he got you a drink.

"I don't know how—" Izana cut you off, bringing your face closer to him using his index finger. "Be a good girl and drink." he said smiling.

That sent chills down your spine. You could tell something was off. You drank the drink he offered in a shot. Oh God how you wished someone came to save your ass here.

The atmosphere became wild, even Izana tried to touch you and you had to go along with it. You were scared of him.

"Excuse me for awhile, I'm going to the toilet." you said and removed his hand from your thigh. You stood up and instantly made your way to the door, leaving the club.

Luckily you only had 1 or 3 shots, you were surprised at yourself for being able to be sober.

You arrived at your loft, locking the doors and leaned against the door. You sighed. You weren't sure what to feel about Izana after touching your body.

You wrapped your arms around yourself, hugging yourself and began to breakdown. You wanted Kazutora, you really missed him. But will he recognise you?

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