Chapter 8

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This is it, you thought; you wore something identical with Ayane (the girl), your parents couldn't send you off because they had 'business' to deal with.

How you wish your parents hadn't turn into selfish beings, everything was perfectly fine until you turned 10. Were they expecting you to become the next inheritor in line? But you never liked the idea of wasting money on unnecessary shit.

Your parents had everything and yet they still felt empty. That's what you see of them. Were they not happy to have you? Because you're a girl and not a boy? Surely every inheritor is a boy--you didnt want to think of anything so you instantly went off to the airport to meet with Ayane.

While your parents couldn't send you off, they still had witnesses; they have their secretary. You sat beside Ayane before checking in your luggage. "Such an eyesore." you said to her. "The secretary?" she recalled.

You nodded and somehow noticed Rin and Ran from afar. "Alright, I'm going to the toilet and you're gonna go." you said to Ayane. Since there were many people in the airport, you took the opportunity to blend into the crowd.

Ayane went to "check-in" her luggage, once your parents' secretary left upon seeing 'you' checking in for boarding, he walked out of the airport and to the car as he drove off.

You called the school that you're supposed to be transferred and informed that you refused to attend it. You had to bribe them into this plan.

But still, you know your parents had a lot of network partners across the world. Just look at how rich they are. You groaned. Surely, they'll call someone and ask if I've arrived or shit like that.

"Ah fuck, I forgot they have a lot of people with them." you blurted while in the car with Rin and Ran along with Ayane.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Ayane asked. "Have you ever looked into what your parents are up to?" Ran asked. Right, you never really cared or looked into their career.

"They're information are disclosed. Ever since I was a kid, there would be always meetings in the house." you said trying to recall your memories. You heard Rin chuckle, "Oh you're so innocent Y/N," he said and handed you over the laptop.

Your parents information was shown on the screen. You closed your mouth as soon as you saw what they were actually working as. Mafia? For real? And yet your mother has the audacity to say Kazutora is a delinquent?

"Prestigious, I see." Ran said while focusing on the road as he was driving. You slumped into the seat and try to process everything. "Surprised are we?" Rin teased. You just never really expected this. "To think that we are under you," Rin joked.

"What do you mean?" you asked, confused. Ayane giggled, "Oh silly Y/N, do you know there are a lot of gangs here?" she asked.

Wait but what's the difference between Mafias and uh...the normal gangs? You can't really tell apart.

But now you're living alone and avoided going out as much as possible so you don't get caught by anyone on the street.

Only then this had you wondering, if Rin and Ran knows Kazutora....why are they not telling you anything? Is it because you didn't ask where he was?

With all the savings you had, you tried to live somewhere safe and discreet from everyone. And yes, you did found a small loft.

You stared at the last message you sent to Kazutora, you sighed as you settled down in your loft. So your parents are mafias, basically in a crime unit....while gangs are just street gangsters. You assumed.

There's still so much to process, all these while thinking your parents had business—but to think that they actually kill people if they don't pay up.

Indeed you are so innocent. You recalled what Rin thought of you, "Innocent but not dumb." he said. Was that a compliment or a sarcasm? You had no idea too.

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