Chapter 15

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My playlist while typing this story>
🎧Happier Than Ever — Billie Eilish🎧

Waking up in the hospital bed, eyes slowly opening and seeing all the higher ups of the Toman members around your bed. Is this because Mikey was scared that your parents found out that you actually almost got killed?

Baji and Chifuyu were the first ones to jump from the couch and rushed to your side, "Y/N!" both of them exclaimed in sync. You smiled at them.

"Fuck, we thought we were gonna lose you." Chifuyu said. Are they all cry babies? You wondered. "I'm so sorry." Baji apologized. You got confused, "Huh? Why are you apologizing?" you asked.

They all lowered their heads. Mikey flicked your forehead playfully, "Stop dragging yourself into our fights." Mikey told you, holding your hand. It felt weird, because you see him as a friend, a companion who loved playing around with you.

"I'll kill him if I had to," Draken blurted. Your eyes widened, and your heart raced; you got worried all of a sudden. You knew Kazutora never intended to hurt you.

He's just as lost and broken as you are. The other half of the piece was you, who completed himself.

You tried to get out of the hospital bed but your lower part of your back hurts. "O-Ouch!" you winced. Mikey placed both of his hands on your shoulder, making you lean and stay still on bed.

"Where's Kazutora?" you asked. Mikey frowned when you mentioned his name. "Why? Why are you still looking for him?" Mikey asked.

"I...I know, he would never do that even if he did, something must've triggered him and I interfered adding more fuel to the fire." you stated. Mikey clenched his fists, "Even after you almost got killed by him?" he asked.

You furrowed your eyebrows and frowned, "I believe he wanted to attempt and kill Baji, I interfered to stop." you explained. Mikey raised his eyebrows, "How did you know that he was planning on killing Baji?" Mikey asked.

You shrugged your shoulders, "Just a strong feeling I have." you replied. Mikey looked away pouting, "But you didn't have to risk yourself.." he murmured but you heard him. "And let Baji die?" you answered. Mikey blushed, "Of course not!" he spat.

You laughed at his reaction, "So you prefer me dying?" you joked. Mikey groaned at your statements, "Ugh, Y/N!" he whined. You wanted to laugh but your back hurts so you giggled at him.

"C'mon, let her rest." Draken said to them. Mikey waved his hand off, "Fine, fine. Let's go." he said and stood up.

Chifuyu ruffled your hair while Baji smiled at you, "Get well soon Y/N." Chifuyu said. Mitsuya placed the bento on your side bed and waved off before he left.

You saw a piece of paper and pen on the side bed, probably some notes that patients want to leave. So you took the opportunity to write a letter to Kazutora, of course, you know after the attempted murder he; the police restrained him and put him in prison.

You breathed and tried to clear your mind before proceeding to write your letter to Kazutora.

Yes, you did say you hate him. But those are lies. You loved him. You loved him a lot that you'd risk yourself to stop the conflict by interfering their fights.

But seeing how Kazutora is in prison, Mikey and Draken wanted to kill him, you thought to yourself that it's better to just give some space to each other and stop the relationship for awhile.

You didn't really want to force since well, he is in prison...

Besides, love will always find its way back whenever you're ready.
Note: Ah, this was short. I'll update soon again, I need to finish my assignments. 😴

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