Chapter 18

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Current playlist : 🎧群青 - YOASOBI🎧
{Timeskip>Adult Y/N}

You graduated from university and got your scroll. It's been a long journey and finally settled down working in the hospital.

How long has it been when you decided to go on your own path? Surely you missed everyone. Wondering how Mikey, Chifuyu, Baji and the rest are doing.

Now you're working as a psychiatrist in some hospital. "Y/N, you have a patient coming up later." your colleague reminded you.

You nodded as you quickly skimmed through the list, confirming your schedule before heading to your office. You were in the pantry to rest and sipped some of your coffee. You decided to transfer it into your tumblr cup.

Standing up and rushing out from the pantry so you could catch up with the next patient, you bumped into someone.

You coffee spilled on your coat, "Oh goodness. I'm so sorry." the man apologized. You didn't even look up to him, "It's alright, no biggie. I was in a hurry." you reply and excused yourself.

You sat down and sighed in relief, you wiped off the coffee stain but it already stained anyway; you hung your coat facing the window where the sunlight is.

You heard the door swung open, "Hi welcome I'm-" you couldn't finish greeting as soon as you turned around, in disbelief seeing him.

His eyes widened, it felt like something hit both of you when your eyes met each other. You covered your mouth upon seeing him, then slowly approaching him.

Yes, it was him. His hair grew longer probably shoulder length-you instantly knew it was him because of his beauty mark. His sandy eyes met yours.

"K-Kazutora?" you stuttered, slowly placing your hand on his cheek where his beauty mark was. He softly smiled, brushing his cheeks on your palm. "I'm back." he answered.

His voice, you missed him a lot; you longed for him.

"Is it really you?" you asked. He nodded his head, you slowly trailed your hands down on his neck and yes, the tattoo is forever there. It is him. It really is.

"I'm sorry." he said, lowering his head. He didn't touch you, hold your hand nor even hug you. He felt so guilty after what he did.

You cupped his cheeks, just like what you used to do to him back in those days. You stared into his eyes, you slowly shook your head sideways.

Of course, you started tearing up. Yes, it may look unprofessional right now but no one sees what the two of you are doing.

"No, no...stop blaming yourself." you cried. Your heart broke seeing him like this. He grew taller and sure, he still has the same body physique but more well built.

You pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry too." you added, hugging him tight. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around you.

It felt so warm and fuzzy. His hugs were the best.

He brushed your hair gently, snuggling his head to your neck. You cried but giggled a bit before pulling away from the hug.

"What are you doing here?" you asked. Kazutora stratched the back of his head letting out an awkward chuckle. "Ehe..." he murmured.

No way, he is your patient?

"Are you sure you're in the right room?" you asked, quickly taking a look at the list. There wasn't his name on the list.

Was he new?

"I was told to come here? Straight out from prison and here...for therapy. I guess." he explained.

You sighed but then smiled at him. "I will be your listener, but you still need to make up with me." you joked. Kazutora blushed looking away, you noticed his style changed. Very...casual yet smart.

" your letter and...still keep them." he said, blushing hard. You were touched, he was still loyal to you no matter what you said to him 15 years ago.

"I have always loved you, even if you hated me for the things I've done which was unforgiveable." he said looking you in the eyes.

Yes, he meant it. He wasn't lying. "No, sweetheart-" you froze at what you called him. It was as if it slipped right out from your lips.

Kazutora blushed, you smiled. "I longed for you." you said to him. He smiled and ruffled your hair gently so your hair wouldn't be messy, besides, you're a psychiatrist and still in work.

"Me too," he answered. You were pretty sure he didn't need this kind of therapy or healing.

"You don't need my advice." you said. He raised an eyebrow, "Why?" he asked. You smiled, " don't need to." you said.

"So, I can go..?" he asked awkwardly. "Yes," you answered. Before he reached out the door, he turned back to you, "When does your shift end? Or...when is your offday?" he asked out of the blue.

"Hmm, I work the whole day offday would be coincidentally tomorrow." you said. Kazutora smiled, "I'll make it up to you tomorrow." he said and left.

So, love does find its way back. Yeah, you did hold hands with Mikey and kissed him but, nothing compares to seeing Kazutora again.

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