Chapter 16

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You've spent most of your days and weeks in the hospital before you could get out, you still had to fix your posture; you were given some theraphy on it.

Sure you felt lonely not being able to see Kazutora, but Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, Baji, Mitsuya and Pah Chin would take turns to visit you whenever they have free time.

Your parents contacted you and ask how you were, you had to lie about your injury but at the same time you told them that you broke up with Kazutora.

Your parents didn't really question a lot so they assumed everything was going fine. Since your father trusted Mikey too. He holds no grudges against Kazutora, but that's just because you didn't tell the truth.

You stared out at the window, the clock indicates that it was lunchtime. Usually the nurse would come in and check on you, but since Mikey and the others always visits you...the nurse understood that they always bring bento for you.

"Y/N!!" Chifuyu jumped infront of you, blocking your view. You smiled at him, sure they made you happy but still you felt very empty.

"Chifuyu~" you greeted back. "Please don't give her spicy food." the nurse told. Surely, you knew they always brought delicious food and ate it together with you.

You remembered the letter you wrote, you hadn't handed it over to Draken or Mikey. Since they are visiting you, you thought that it's the best time to ask them.

"Guys.." you slowly voiced out. "What is it?" Draken asked. You sighed before continuing, you took the letter out and gave it to Draken.

"I know you guys might get mad when I mention his name, but can you pass the letter to him?" you asked. Mikey sighed then ruffled your hair, "Sure." he replied. You looked up at him, eyes sparkling to him. "Really?" you asked. Mikey scratched the back of his head, "Yeah. I can see that you're really lifeless without him." he said.

"Come on, it'll be over soon!" Baji said. You laughed at Baji, wondering whether he meant your emptiness is gonna be over soon or, Kazutora's life in prison.

You sighed in relief, "I just wanna get out of here!" you exclaimed. Your back didn't hurt as much, but your posture still needed improvement.

Mikey, Draken, Baji and Chifuyu exchanged glances. Baji gave you a smile, you knew what it meant.

"You're not thinking of— no way." you told them. They nodded their heads. "Your back doesn't hurt anymore right?" Baji asked.

You tried to stretch and twisted your body left and right, no signs of pain. Surley it left a scar behind but all you wanted was to walk around and feel the fresh air.

"No, no escaping!" you said. Baji pouted, "Aw, I thought you wanted to get out of here." he said.

"I mean like, get out in a good way." you said. Mikey smirked, "I'm sure it's fine." he said and removed the IV that's injected in your hand.

You gasp at him, "Mikey!" you whisper-shouted as you looked at the door. Mikey chuckled, "Relax, let's run away." he said.

"You guys are crazy." you said. Chifuyu helped you to get out of bed by holding both of your hands, Baji was looking out the door while Draken packed your belongings.

Mikey stretched his body and breathed, "You ready? Just like what you used to do." Mikey winked at you.

"Alright, it's clear." Baji assured. Thank God for the insurance you have, surely you were worried about their crazy plan. I mean, you feel alright and could just leave but there were still some paperwork to sign before leaving the hospital.

"Are you sure about this?" you asked, as Mikey held your hand. He nodded his head, "Trust me."


There it is.

You froze at his words processing before snapping back to reality.

"Alright, run for it!" Baji said as all of you ran. Ah, you feel like a mental patient because you're still in your hospital gown. Should've changed but you had to hop along with their plan.

You hopped on Chifuyu's bike as he drove off while Baji, Mikey and Draken followed you guys from behind with the same speed.

You held onto Chifuyu tightly because well, you're in your hospital gown and you're sitting sideways.

All of you arrived at the abandoned shrine, well sure you remembered what Mitsuya told you. There was a restroom somewhere?? You decided to change into black jeans and a white baggy t-shirt that showed your collar bone. You topped it off by wearing your black converse.

You didn't like your red hair already, so you planned on dyeing it back to brown later on.

"Looking good Y/N." Mikey teased. You rolled your eyes at him, "You owe me a ride." you joked. He smiled, "Hop on." he patted the seat behind him.

"Alright, we'll catch up to you guys later." Draken said as they left. So, you and Mikey took a ride around town.

"Mikey you smell like a baby." you said, sniffing his hair since you're hugging him from behind. "Y/N—" he couldn't continue what he was saying.

You accidentally kissed his neck when he did a sudden brake. He eventually stopped at the roadside and brought you to an alley.

"Y/N, you're making me crazy." he breathed, blushing hard. So he does have a thing for you.

"Mikey...?" you called out, brushing his hair off from his face. He grabbed your wrist, "I'm sorry for this, Y/N." he said then smashed his lips on yours.

Your heart was beating so fast, heat crept up to your cheeks obviously blushing.

You closed your eyes and kissed him back, slowly wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him closer. "I love you, Y/N." he confessed.

Instant guilt took over you, but you broken up with Kazutora so you thought that it was completely fine kissing your ex's friend?

Come to think of it, Kazutora did kiss you but just kissed your cheeks and forehead which was sweet but never really shared your first kiss with Kazutora.

Your mind went blank as Mikey ran his fingers through your hair. "You're driving me crazy." he breathed, pulling away from the kiss.

"Is this okay?" you asked. Mikey smirked, "Clear your mind off for awhile." he said then kissed your forehead.

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